Get image from URL - Power Apps - image

I'm building a simple app, which shows news from different websites, e.g.
My source is a database with news URLs.
Each article comes with an associated image. I do not have a URL of the image, only URL of news itself.
My question is, how can I get the associated image to appear in my Gallery? Is there a function I could use?
Here is an effect I'm trying to achieve:
Help please,
Ps. I know it is possible, as all rss readers (like Feedly) or even SharePoint news webpart easily pull image just from provided link.. but how?

Are you unable to copy the image path and manually input it into where you want it to go?


Liferay 7: Is it possible to get an image for from a linked site to a sitemap automatically?

Liferay 7.3.2.
I'm using a sitemap to create link boxes that link to other pages in the website. Links and names and all else is basic stuff, but I have no idea, if and how I could get images for the boxes.
Asset publisher would've been my first choice, as I've done similar stuff before with them, but I can't find a way to add pages to the publisher, so I'm not sure if it's viable here. Of course, I could create an asset publisher that would ask for a name, image and a link, but this should be automatic to avoid extra hassle.
Sitemap allows for automation, if you just map the page correctly, but getting the image would still be a problem.
Navigation menu I haven't really put much thought into, as there will be many pages with link boxes and would be really hard to control. The image would be a problem as well.
The optimal solution would be to get the image from the page the link takes the user to, but if that's impossible, I wonder if there's a way to give webpage an image, that could be shown here.
Got it working with a bit of looking around! This can help with same kind of problems others might be facing, so I'll gladly answer this myself!
From Admin panel, go to Settings and Additional Fields
Select Page and add a field to it. After filling the details, you should be able to see this field in the page settings for every page.
Go to page settings and fill out your info. In my case, I created a text field, that will be used for image URLs.
Finally, in your Application Display Template, you can find the field by writing:
${entry.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("Extra field")}, Extra Field being the name of your field. Remember to put conditional statements, if necessary!

custom gallery from user phone

I want to be able to show the user images from his phone gallery, and pick one or more, the images should be displayed in 2 or more columns according to the user choice.
I looked for some plugins, and didn't find one that solves that problem.
Is that possible using conventional Android/iOS functionality?
If not, I could build a custom gallery for the user, but the question is- how do I get all the gallery names (Video/Camera/Screenshots) etc.) and file paths?
Tried to look in nativescript-imagepicker, but it doesn't seem to give me that functionality. Any help would be appriciated
If you like to customise the layout then you got to build one from scratch. You would have to use the native apis, MediaStore on Android / PhotoKit on iOS to read available image list and wrap them on your own layout.

Uploading and referencing custom images in BigCommerce/Stencil

Recently started work on a BigCommerce project and on the homepage I want to have a theme area where normal site admin users can upload their own images based on holidays (Xmas, halloween etc) in the theme editor.
I know how to add in some custom elements in the theme editor using the Schema and Config files (headings, text, font colours etc), and how to reference them in the homepage. I'm also fine with referencing set images in the assets folder which aren't going to change, and manually coding references to them.
However I can't quite seem to work out how to add a custom image upload to the theme editor, or how to reference it in a page. Can't seem to find any answers in the Stencil documentation or usual Google searches etc either.
The Stencil Theme Editor currently only supports the file upload data type in the Optimized One-Page Checkout customization settings, but there are a couple of possible workarounds to allow the user to upload their custom background image and then reference it in Theme Editor settings:
One option would be to have the user upload their image to WebDAV, making sure that their image followed a naming convention that you specified. For example, the Halloween image could be required to have the file name halloween.png. You could map that value to a Theme Editor dropdown setting for Holiday Background>Halloween.
Another solution might be to have the user upload their image to WebDAV as mentioned above, but instead of a dropdown menu, you could have the user type their file's name into a text input setting in the Theme Editor. Keep in mind though that there's a 64 character limit for input values.
Hope this helps!
There are 4 ways to get images into the BigCommerce store.
You can:
Upload into the content folder through webdav. Then the images would be referenced like This does require a webdav connection and while everything does point you to using file managers like cyberduck, you can actually map a drive to a network resource to make this super easy. This mean you can create a z drive that is actually your bigcommerce content upload through webdav. It's pretty easy to set up and for customers to use. The drawback is that these files do not get put on a CDN so there's a little loss of performance.
Upload into the theme's images folders. This is complex and would require your client to figure out the stencil local dev connection and push versions up to their store. This would allow the images to be CDN'd but is super complex and your clients won't figure it out... It could also expose you to some long-term version control issues as they may be overwriting you or vice versa.
You can use the media manager to upload images. If you're referring to them in code, an easy trick is when your clients want to replace an image, to delete it and upload a new one with the exact same name... then the reference doesn't break. This is the easiest way to deal with site-wide issues from the client-side. Images are CDN'd this way as well.
You can consider using the marketing banner function for semi-temporary marketing messages. This is what it is made for, the images will be CDN'd and it's full GUI with no techy connections for your clients to figure out. This is perfect for banners that span a single page, but I don't think there is currently a side-wide setting for locations.

How to implement image upload support to a WYSIWYG html editor?

I am having trouble finding out a good way how to add image support to a WYSIWYG editor such as Stack Overflow is using. I understand it is HTML, and when adding an image, an <img> tag with the link to the image is going to be created and added to the body. However, what if I would like the users to be able to upload(ideally paste/D&D) images from the file system.
I noticed that Stack Overflow is using an imgur widget for that, so I suppose the image will be uploaded to imgur and then the imgur link is going to be used. However, my usage is internally in a company and some of the images are confidential, therefore they should not leave the intranet.
I appreciate any help I can get :) Thanks in advance.

About search engines: how do they take screenshots of web sites?

This may be a dumb question, but I really have no idea and I'm utterly curious! So please bear with me.
What I know is search engines just read HTML and words in a site. They usually ignore CSS or part of it. They arguably cannot read images. Do they?
If they really cannot or ignore to read those, then my question is how do they make screenshot, which is a page that is presented just the way as CSS makes it, and has images.
If they do not read CSS, images, and they also do not like human being to open it in his or her screen. How do they make the screenshot?
Are you referring to Google's new screenshot feature, or their old cache feature? Your question is talking about screenshots and doesn't mention the cache at all, but your comments on your question seem to imply that you're referring to the cache, not the screenshots.
In the case of the screenshots:
You are correct in that search engines usually only read the HTML and text on a website, because that's all they need. But that doesn't mean they can't.
When they want to take a screenshot of a site, they'll just do exactly what a normal browser does when a user visits the site. Download the website, the CSS, the images, and everything else, and render it with the rendering engine of a web browser, such as WebKit.
In the case of the cache:
The search engine usually just stores the HTML without/before parsing it. It sends the saved HTML to your browser, and your browser pulls all the other stuff in the page (images, etc) from the original website. The search engine isn't reading anything, it's just saving the page verbatim (well, with minor changes, namely URL rewriting), and giving it to your browser.
There are apps that takes screenshot of pages as if displayed in a chosen browser.
Browershot is an example of online service that does it.
Here are some links and projects of webpage thumbnail generator:
Build your own website thumbnail generator with Django (Python)
Zubrag Website Thumb Generator (PHP)
Maybe I'm not understanding your question, but...
You seem to be using "read an image" to mean load the data from the image to the search engine. This the search engine does do (including CSS). When people say search engines ignore images they mean it doesn't see them as meaningful searchable data. In other words if I make an image that has the word "Hello" on it you and I "read" it in the sense that we see and understand that the image contains a word. A search engine typically will not attempt to do this, the search engine will however "read" the image into its storage if it wants to have the ability to present that to a user at a later time.
Search engine don't use the CSS and image content for indexing but they can store them on their servers to make a cached version of the site.
In the case of google I think they store only text files, so HTML, CSS, maybe javascript but no images.
