NativeScript+Angular UnitTesting - nativescript

I am new to Native Script with Angular. I need help for writing Unit Tests for Angular components by mocking a service with Karma and Jasmine.
I have followed the Native Script Unit Testing docs ( to integrate the Unit Test environment but not much details available how to write test.
Please suggest me how to write or give some repo links of NS + ng Unit Testing.

The examples from nativescript-angular repo might help you write your unit test cases.


Finding Code coverage for Spring boot application by running Functional automation test execution (not unit tests)

Generally we find code coverage with unit tests using Jacoco and unit test cases however My Dev manager asking if we can use the existing functional automation tests to find the code coverage of the spring boot application. My functional tests using testng/restassured and stored in a separate code repo, not with in development source code repo.
Please suggest how can be this done if it is really possible. Appreciate if anyone can guide and share links for reference.

Jasmines is a JavaScript test API or test runner?

I have a confusion with Jasmine. This is API or runner?
If it's API, i will use to write automatic test code.
If it's test runner, what kind of test application can be deployed?
Sorry if i miss any information!

Is there a Web-UI out there for creating test's using htmlunit?

I want to be able to create the test's inside the Web-UI instead of writing them in code. Also i want to automate the tests and have extensive reporting.
I am restricted to htmlunit because the websites i am testing are testable with htmlunit.
You can define the test steps in other ways, see WebDriver recorder, WebTest and Wetator.
There is Spring MVC Test HtmlUnit also.

Mavenising WebSphere/BPM tests and running via JUnit

We have a number of Unit Tests written using IID for the modules we've developed. We want them to run on our CI server
We use Maven for build sand JUnit to run the tests. Is there a way to mavenise BPM tests and run them via JUnit. If no then how could we implement a build and deploy to our CI server?
Actually, you can. Have a look at .
The solution you are looking for called IBM Business Process Manager Testing Asset.
There is one clue - you have to contact IBM Software Services for WebSphere to get it.

Other ways of MVC 3 testing

I am currently testing MVC 3 Controller and views using HTML and notepad. Is there other ways to do testing if you cannot modify the code? Like for example creating a seperate project to do testing?
Assuming that you have the capacity to create a test project or two which can tap into the web application, you essentially have to basic tools at your disposal:
Unit tests
Coded UI tests
Unit tests are used to test specific components of your application. If your application has a nice architecture which takes dependency injection into account, there is very little in MVC that you cannot unit test to some extent. The advantage of unit tests is that they help find the source of bugs in your code (as they are small, targeted tests) and that they help prevent regressions when refactoring or adding new functionality.
Coded UI tests are used to test user-facing features in your application and serve as integration tests which allow you to test the entire application stack, including the user interface. They are recorded just like you would record a macro in MS Office.
Both of these can be done nonintrusively. You'll need access to the original solution (or at least the DLLs and a hosted version of the website at the very least.
For more information on unit tests:
For more information on Coded UI tests:
