Jasmines is a JavaScript test API or test runner? - jasmine

I have a confusion with Jasmine. This is API or runner?
If it's API, i will use to write automatic test code.
If it's test runner, what kind of test application can be deployed?
Sorry if i miss any information!


Finding Code coverage for Spring boot application by running Functional automation test execution (not unit tests)

Generally we find code coverage with unit tests using Jacoco and unit test cases however My Dev manager asking if we can use the existing functional automation tests to find the code coverage of the spring boot application. My functional tests using testng/restassured and stored in a separate code repo, not with in development source code repo.
Please suggest how can be this done if it is really possible. Appreciate if anyone can guide and share links for reference.

NativeScript+Angular UnitTesting

I am new to Native Script with Angular. I need help for writing Unit Tests for Angular components by mocking a service with Karma and Jasmine.
I have followed the Native Script Unit Testing docs (https://docs.nativescript.org/tooling/testing) to integrate the Unit Test environment but not much details available how to write test.
Please suggest me how to write or give some repo links of NS + ng Unit Testing.
The examples from nativescript-angular repo might help you write your unit test cases.

Unit tests for Parse Cloud Code?

I have an application which uses Cloud Code as backend. Is there any way to write unit tests for Parse Cloud Code?
Try this:How to use unit tests with parse cloud code
You can write various set of cloud functions to perform the tests you want to run. You can then call them via the REST API or execute them in a scheduled background Job.

Is there a Web-UI out there for creating test's using htmlunit?

I want to be able to create the test's inside the Web-UI instead of writing them in code. Also i want to automate the tests and have extensive reporting.
I am restricted to htmlunit because the websites i am testing are testable with htmlunit.
You can define the test steps in other ways, see WebDriver recorder, WebTest and Wetator.
There is Spring MVC Test HtmlUnit also.

Using Gatling as an integration test tool

Currently I have a small suite of integration tests running against my web-server which makes a request and asserts some assumptions on what the responses should be. These are written in Ruby generating http requests.
I've been looking at Gatling as a stress testing tool but I'm wondering if it could also be used for an integration tests as well. This way all the endpoint requests could be reused across the the stress tests and the integration tests.
I'm probably losing something here from not having the BDD of RSpec but gaining not having to create the same tests twice.
Does anyone have any experience of using gatling in this way?
You can use the Assertion API and set up acceptance criteria.
However, Gatling isn't a browser and won't run/test your Javascript, so this approach is only realistic when dealing with server side content, such as testing REST APIs. Here's an example.
