Xamarin forms - lottie animations - animation

I'm a beginner with Lottie, and I have a basic question:
I have a band which provides my app information about the heart rate of the user in the BPM unit.
I had downloaded from lottiefiles.com a JSON file of heart animation which shows exactly what I want - number BPM.
My problem is that I don't know how to set dynamically values in the animation whenever I get a new BPM value from the band.
Unfortunately, I didn't found how to do so after searching on the internet.
I suspect that maybe the function animationView.SetValue can help, but I don't sure exactly how.
Any help will be appreciated!!


create a simple (and visible!) UI slider in Unity 5

![enter image description here][1]please I need some help, this should apparently be something very simple and basic to do, but maybe I'm missing something.
I'm quite newbie to Unity3d, I had no much problem with creating a somewhat flashy 2.D scene (I mean 2D with different layers in Z level), scripts, etc. But I'm having trouble to create a "UI Slider" object: when I create it, it just shows nothing on screen. How can I make it visible? I just need to create a very simple, plain slider whose value can be controlled at runtime by means of a script.
Well.. since you give nothing to go on, I suggest that you take a look at a tutorial for the UI:
If you have troubles after this tutorial, come back with an example of your problem to make people more willing to sacrifice their time in helping you.
Hope this is somewhat useful
Take a look at the Unity3D docs here.
It should have what you are looking for.

Add an image to MKMapView (SWIFT)

I'm trying to add an image to MKMapView using SWIFT and I have ZERO coding experience. Could someone provide me with ALL the sample code necessary to do this? If there are any placeholder words (like overlay.yourimage.mapView) could you put the place where I need to add my information IN CAPS? I can't even tell the parts where I'm supposed to add my own information.
I appreciate any responses, I'm a first time poster.
Welcome to Stack Overflow.
The short answer is no.
This is not a site where people write your code for you. It's a site where you come when you have specific problems with code you've written and need help.
Be warned that MKMapView is a pretty complex framework. If you have zero programming experience it is way, way, WAAAAAAY over your head. You need to start with "Hello World" type stuff and work your way up.
Starting your programming career with trying to customize a map view is like going down a black diamond ski trail the first time you put skis on. You will fail dramatically, and won't be ready for black diamond trails (advanced APIs like map kit) until you do a lot of groundwork.
You can probably find sample code online that deals with adding an image to a map view, but it's not going to make much sense to you at this point, just like a ski instructor explaining how to get through a difficult mogul field won't make much sense to a beginning skier.

Creating custom GPS maps for WP7

So basically I am trying to create a custom GPS map for my WP7 application. I did find a great website with step by step instructions.
But in this example they used a program called OziExplorer. I tried to get this program and now i have 3versions of it. which are(I don't know which to use):
oziexplorer 3d
oziexplorer ce
oziexplorer pc
What i figured was that oziexplorer can only be used for windows pocket pc meaning winmo6.5 so i dont know if this is compatible with WP7.
I did find another website where an actual wp7 app has been released that allows a user to take a picture of a map and calibrate it with 2 points of location and the image can then be used as a gps map.
If anyone could possibly point me in the right direction as to how to begin creating a custom map to use in a wp7 app I would be ever so grateful. The map is supposed to be a map of a park.
Thanks in advance for everyones help and sorry if i sound like a noob..its just google has finally failed me..
One approach I've seen for making map tiles is to use Microsoft MapCruncher - see http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/redmond/projects/mapcruncher/ and http://www.bdcc.co.uk/GoogleCrunch/Crunch.htm - this enables you to build custom tiles for an overlay.
This blog - http://dotnetbyexample.blogspot.com/2010/10/showing-open-source-maps-on-windows.html - tells you how to show custom tiles within the Bing Maps Silverlight viewer.
I would guess (don't know) that OziExplorer tiles could be used in this way - you just need to find a way to map the tile co-ordinates to a custom tile layer.
Another option for you is to use OpenStreetMap data:
You can use CloudMade's services - www.cloudmade.com - to produce map tiles with customised look-and-feel.
You can produce your own tiles using MapNik - but (as I'm sure you are already aware) the processing and storage size needed for map tiles is large

how to create animation of sparkling effect for iphone using cocos2d or Quartz core

I am creating one application in that i want to give background effect like there are number of starts and something like we are in universe and some starts are getting lighted for few seconds then some other starts etc.
I got one open gles animation of Explosion , but I want that kind of effect using quartz core or Cocos2d so that I can implement other things easily.
if any one do have any idea or any sample for the sample please suggest me.
Thanks in advance
If I understand you question correctly (that is not quite clear) you can use some particle effect to simulate most of the "cosmic" lighting, starts, comets even galaxy.
Please have a look at http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/archives/926 , it is particle tutorial

Animation tools

I realize this is not strictly programming related, but hopefully you will let me get away with it.
My group is trying to put together a very short (2 minutes or so) "film" about a new feature to our product. The feature is trying to solve a particular problem a lot of our customers have. We do not want to go with live action for displaying the description of the problem we are trying to solve because we feel that the production value of anything we could come up with would be incredibly low and turn off our viewers. So we would like to make an animation (basically floating clip-art that is animated moving from place to place) while we have someone narrate the problem description.
While flash seems to be a good solution I have some problems with it:
I need to capture this in a movie format like avi
It needs to be captured in 1080p, 720p and regular TV def.
Does anyone have a suggestion for a piece of software that can get me where I need to go?
Free is good, but I think I could get my boss to lay down some scratch for this.
For just some basic here-is-the-screen-this-is-a-slide kinda thing you could use Windows MovieMaker, free and standard.
And here you have some tips on how to create your own screen-captured-AVI file for input.
