I want to make my continuous integration system understand when a JMeter test has failed.
I am thinking of using the stdout logs for that.
Is there a way to check inside a BeanShell PostProcessor if there are failing assertions?
Then I can log a GUID or something like that to signify that the test has failed.
Also, any idea how to log to stdout and not only inside the log file? JMeter logs some info to stdout but I am not sure if a log.error("code") will go there.
If there is any easier way, feel free to share.
According to JMeter Test Elements execution order Post-Processors are being called before Assertions so you need Listener which is the last element
Starting from JMeter 3.1 it's recommended to use JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting
Assuming all above you need to add JSR223 Listener with the following code:
prev.getAssertionResults().each { assertionResult ->
if (assertionResult.isFailure()) {
println('Assertion failed')
I am using a JMeter Beanshell Sampler to preload a properties file:
'''FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File("${PROPERTIES_FILE}"));
However, on the first run some of the values are not set? When I run again it sets all the values.
JMeter First Run - Response code:
'''Response message:javax.jms.JMSException: Could not connect to broker URL:tcp://:61616?keepAlive=true.'''
The IP Address was not set within the properties file.
Any help would be appreciated
I think JMS test elements are being initialized before any Sampler is executed (including the Beanshell Sampler)
So I would recommend:
Removing your Beanshell Sampler completely
Passing the .properties file via -q command-line argument like:
jmeter -q /path/to/your/file.properties -t testplan.jmx ....
Also be informed that according to JMeter Best Practices you should be using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting so going forward consider using Groovy, more information: Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It
I created JMeter Test and under first "HTTP Request" I created a Beanshell listner script which works fine when using GUI but 8 out of 10 times the script totally get ignored in non-GUI mode.
I am also running these test in Gitlab CI using Docker Image "justb4/jmeter:latest" and Beanshell script also get ignored there. I don't know whats wrong there it is working fine with GUI
There is no such thing as "get ignored" in JMeter world, it either passes or fails, in case of failure you should see the relevant message(s) in the jmeter.log file
Also be aware that you should not be using Beanshell at all, starting from JMeter 3.1 you should be using JSR223 Listener and Groovy language for scripting, one of Beanshell's disadvantages is that it's being interpreted each time while Groovy scripts can be compiled and cached providing the most optimal performance. See Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It article for more details.
Also be informed that we cannot efficiently help without seeing your code and the aforementioned jmeter.log file.
I have a Beanshell Listener which has a certain code written to fetch some metrics during the execution of the script. I want this listener to be appended to every other new Jmeter script automatically when a user creates a script in Jmeter. Is this possible?
A user opens a new Jmeter script and by default, the Beanshell listener created earlier having the code should automatically be there in the script for the thread group rather than adding a new Beanshell listener and copy-pasting the code to this newly appended listener. Is this scenario possible? TIA.
Jmeter Version - 4.0
You can take a look into JMeter Templates and come up with your own Template having whatever Test Elements you want and encourage colleagues to use your template for creating the tests.
Be aware that starting from JMeter 3.1 it is strongly recommended to switch to JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language so it is a good time to consider migration.
You don't need to copy paste code, Just put the file name which contains the script in file name field (can use Browse)
Script file A file containing the BeanShell script to run. The file name is stored in the script variable FileName
Notice that you better move to JSR223 Listener according to JMeter's best practice:
Since JMeter 3.1, we advise switching from BeanShell to JSR223 Test Elements
im running 3 JMX's from main JMX , i run them using JSR223 Sampler
which executing them VIA beanshell script . they are running one by one.
my question can i get the results of the running JMX in the "View Results Tree"?
in real time while the JMX executing from command line?
Running external JMeter scripts from "main" script using JSR223 Test elements is not the best option, consider using Include Controller or Module Controller instead.
Beanshell scripting is not the best option, consider using Groovy instead
Running JMeter tests in GUI mode is not the best option, consider executing your test in command-line non-GUI mode instead.
Using View Results Tree listener in particular (and listeners in general) is not the best option as they don't add any value but consume valuable resources. If you need real-time results consider connecting JMeter with Grafana.
How to exclude the debug sample from the summary report?
I tried removing but for some reason it does not work the process below, so is there a way to exclude from the results?
Debug Sampler just used to print variables for debugging
Debug PostProcessor creates a subSample with the details of the previous Sampler properties, JMeter variables, properties and/or System Properties.
You can print variable(s) using JSR223 Pre/Post Processor using
If you need debugging only in specific GUI testing you can also add Debug Sampler under If Condition which will not work unless you manually set it to true.
You can use Filter Results Tool JMeter Plugin like:
FilterResults.bat --input-file your_existing_file.jtl --output-file result_without_debug_samplers.jtl --exclude-labels "Debug Sampler"
The above command line will parse existing results file and remove any Debug Sampler instances from it.
Filter Results Tool plugin can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager
Upon installation you will find FilterResults.bat and FilterResults.sh scripts under JMeter's "bin" folder