JMeter Beanshell listner script sometimes get ignore in non-GUI mode - jmeter

I created JMeter Test and under first "HTTP Request" I created a Beanshell listner script which works fine when using GUI but 8 out of 10 times the script totally get ignored in non-GUI mode.
I am also running these test in Gitlab CI using Docker Image "justb4/jmeter:latest" and Beanshell script also get ignored there. I don't know whats wrong there it is working fine with GUI

There is no such thing as "get ignored" in JMeter world, it either passes or fails, in case of failure you should see the relevant message(s) in the jmeter.log file
Also be aware that you should not be using Beanshell at all, starting from JMeter 3.1 you should be using JSR223 Listener and Groovy language for scripting, one of Beanshell's disadvantages is that it's being interpreted each time while Groovy scripts can be compiled and cached providing the most optimal performance. See Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It article for more details.
Also be informed that we cannot efficiently help without seeing your code and the aforementioned jmeter.log file.


Load Test - Jmeter PreProcessor

I have a preprocessor that creates random uuid and random string as below
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
String testId1=UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String testId2=RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(10);
the test plan is created as below
The post anomaly uses the above ids in the payload. The first time when the script is run the testId1 and testId2 in the request is coming as ${testId1} and ${testId2}
when I run this test for few samples in GUI i see these variables are generated. I run this test in distributed mode and I found from one server the testId1 and testId2 are generated but not from other.(Non GUI mode) what would be the issue here?
If there is "the issue" on the "other server" you will find the reason in jmeter-server.log file on that server. Normally JMeter prints sufficient amount of troubleshooting information to its log file, it's extremely useful especially when a JSR223 PreProcessor fails somewhere somehow.
Log verbosity can be increased for either particular components of for the whole JMeter application, see How to Configure JMeter Logging article for more details.
Remember that you should avoid scripting and stick to JMeter's built-in test elements where possible, in your case you can generate both variables using __UUID() and __RandomString() functions

JMeter Non gui mode doesnot show stats for the script, but it does work for rest other scripts

While running the script in non-gui mode for jmeter tests, test gets completed but it does shows min: 0, max: 0...
JMeter 5.4 is installed without any 3rd party plugin.
java version "1.8.0_261"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_261-b12)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.261-b12, mixed mode)
Please help
It means that none of Samplers were executed and the reasons could be in:
The number of threads in Thread Group is 0
The test contains CSV Data Set Config and the .csv file is not there
The test relies on a JMeter Plugin which is not installed
The reason should be in jmeter.log file, check it and I believe you will find either the cause or at least a clue there.
Also be aware that according to 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure article you should always be using the latest version of JMeter so consider upgrading to JMeter 5.4.1 (or whatever is the latest stable version available at JMeter Downloads page) on next available opportunity
I guess you probably found the answer - but maybe this response will be useful to someone.
I've been battling a similar issue -> locally all was working fine (in GUI and non-GUI mode), but as soon as I tried to run the jmx on the server I could see it would start threads, all logs seemed normal (standard info logs within jmeter.log at start) but still no requests were actually made (confirmed by observing logs from the target server). I tried running trace logs but still nothing out of the ordinary - I could see proper HTTP config, threads were as if normal... But the generated jtl file only contained a header and no requests actually were made.
After some hair pulling I finally found my issue - I'm using variables for threads, rampup and loop which I invoke using ${__P(threads,)} syntax and when running the non-GUI load test I pass those with -J to the command line (f.ex. jmeter -Jthreads=50 ...)
I didn't pass the loop parameter since I figured it would just default to 1 (and that is also the impression I get when looking at the logs where I see all thread started ... entries) - turns out for some reason it will log, but won't execute anything actually till I pass a value for that loop.
So if you run a test plan and notice it only simulates doing something but you get no results in the target log file -> confirm you're setting ALL variables used for thread groups including those you suspect to default

JMeter won't write response data

I'm running tests with JMeter (master+10 slaves) on elasticasearch. I'm getting error 400 for some requests but they are a bit elusive:
When I run the requests manually with curl or pasting them on kibana's console, I don't get errors.
Every time I run the tests using jmeter, using the same requests and under the same conditions, I get a different number of errors.
So I was thinking of inspecting the response bodies from jmeter. But all the ways I've tried failed:
I've created a View Result Tree element and checked all boxes on the "configure" panel. When I run the script, it logs everything except response data
I've tried a BeanShell post processor to write all responses on a file. But it apparently is being 'ignored' when I run the script
Both these solutions work on my machine, but not on the server (which I don't have total control over). I'm passing on the command line to start jmeter.
What else could I try?
This is an optimization that JMeter makes for distributed testing related to the mode:
To avoid JMeter stripping the response data set in of servers snd controller:
As by default it is:
By default JMeter slaves don't send response data to the master, you can choose a different sample sender if you need more data.
Writing response data into a file using Beanshell should work in any case (however consider using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy for this), just make sure that:
your Beanshell PostProcessor is placed correctly according to JMeter Scoping Rules
there are no Beanshell-related messages in jmeter.log files
you will need to collect the log files from each slave manually after test run, they will not be generated on the master

JMeter exception after test completes

I am observing the following issue while running a JMeter script from non GUI command through Jenkins pipeline.
The JVM should have exited but did not.
The following non-daemon threads are still running (DestroyJavaVM is OK):
Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main], stackTrace:sun.misc.Unsafe#park
java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport#park at line:175
java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject#await at line:2039
java.awt.EventQueue#getNextEvent at line:554
java.awt.EventDispatchThread#pumpOneEventForFilters at line:187
java.awt.EventDispatchThread#pumpEventsForFilter at line:116
java.awt.EventDispatchThread#pumpEventsForHierarchy at line:105
java.awt.EventDispatchThread#pumpEvents at line:101
java.awt.EventDispatchThread#pumpEvents at line:93
java.awt.EventDispatchThread#run at line:82
Thread[AWT-Shutdown,5,system], stackTrace:java.lang.Object#wait
sun.awt.AWTAutoShutdown#run at line:314
java.lang.Thread#run at line:748
Thread[DestroyJavaVM,5,main], stackTrace:
java.awt stands for Abstract Window Toolkit, you should not be seeing this form of messages given you run JMeter in command-line non-GUI mode.
I can only think of a bug in JMeter like 64479 so if you have a HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder in your test plan - try removing it completely.
Other things to try:
set jmeterengine.force.system.exit=true property in file
make sure to follow recommendations from the 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure article so your JMeter instance will be properly configured for high loads as JMeter's default settings are suitable for tests development and debugging but not sufficient for more or less immense load

How to show the results in real time in result tree controler when running jmx in command line

im running 3 JMX's from main JMX , i run them using JSR223 Sampler
which executing them VIA beanshell script . they are running one by one.
my question can i get the results of the running JMX in the "View Results Tree"?
in real time while the JMX executing from command line?
Running external JMeter scripts from "main" script using JSR223 Test elements is not the best option, consider using Include Controller or Module Controller instead.
Beanshell scripting is not the best option, consider using Groovy instead
Running JMeter tests in GUI mode is not the best option, consider executing your test in command-line non-GUI mode instead.
Using View Results Tree listener in particular (and listeners in general) is not the best option as they don't add any value but consume valuable resources. If you need real-time results consider connecting JMeter with Grafana.
