How to show the results in real time in result tree controler when running jmx in command line - jmeter

im running 3 JMX's from main JMX , i run them using JSR223 Sampler
which executing them VIA beanshell script . they are running one by one.
my question can i get the results of the running JMX in the "View Results Tree"?
in real time while the JMX executing from command line?

Running external JMeter scripts from "main" script using JSR223 Test elements is not the best option, consider using Include Controller or Module Controller instead.
Beanshell scripting is not the best option, consider using Groovy instead
Running JMeter tests in GUI mode is not the best option, consider executing your test in command-line non-GUI mode instead.
Using View Results Tree listener in particular (and listeners in general) is not the best option as they don't add any value but consume valuable resources. If you need real-time results consider connecting JMeter with Grafana.


how to get throughput of samples while running jmeter in non-GUI mode?

How to get the throughput of the samples while running jmeter in non-GUI mode?
In cmd only Avg,Min,Max,Err,Time elapsed is displayed?
Actually you have the throughput when you run your JMeter test in command-line non-GUI mode:
You can get a little bit more information if you run your JMeter test using Taurus tool as the wrapper:
or much more information if you run Taurus with -report command-line argument, it will kick off your default browser and bring up real-time results in a fancy web interface:
Check out Navigating your First Steps Using Taurus article for more details if needed
And last but not the least you can add a Backend Listener and point it to your InfluxDB installation, once done you will be able to use Grafana to view current test execution results in the real time:
by default if you're running your JMX file using cmd you will throughput in the cmd itself or if you want to see some more information you can use Taurus tool as well check this for more

JMeter Beanshell listner script sometimes get ignore in non-GUI mode

I created JMeter Test and under first "HTTP Request" I created a Beanshell listner script which works fine when using GUI but 8 out of 10 times the script totally get ignored in non-GUI mode.
I am also running these test in Gitlab CI using Docker Image "justb4/jmeter:latest" and Beanshell script also get ignored there. I don't know whats wrong there it is working fine with GUI
There is no such thing as "get ignored" in JMeter world, it either passes or fails, in case of failure you should see the relevant message(s) in the jmeter.log file
Also be aware that you should not be using Beanshell at all, starting from JMeter 3.1 you should be using JSR223 Listener and Groovy language for scripting, one of Beanshell's disadvantages is that it's being interpreted each time while Groovy scripts can be compiled and cached providing the most optimal performance. See Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It article for more details.
Also be informed that we cannot efficiently help without seeing your code and the aforementioned jmeter.log file.

how to run tests as per respective suite in jmeter

I have created some testcases in Jmeter.
Now I want to run them separately example smoke testcases only.
Is there any way in Jmeter so I can run my JMeter project for a particular group/collection/suite only.
Is Jmeter provide any annotation or containers mechanism from where I can achieve same.
I have written my cases in Jmeter in below assertions
JSR223 Assertion
Response Code
Response Text
Any workaround will be helpful and appreciated in advance
The right way to module your JMeter scripts is to save small script in different JMXs and combined them by calling each or inside a bigger JMX file which uses Include Controller to execute different JMX files
The include controller is designed to use an external JMX file. To use it, create a Test Fragment underneath the Test Plan and add any desired samplers, controllers etc. below it. Then save the Test Plan. The file is now ready to be included as part of other Test Plans.
Inside JMX you can also use Module Controller to reduce code duplication
The Module Controller provides a mechanism for substituting test plan fragments into the current test plan at run-time.
If you want to execute specific test I suggest send specific properties and check the property inside an If Controller .
for example call with property jmeter -JexcludeTest1=true ...
And add an If Controller before test 1:
"${__P(excludeTest1)}" == "true"
The easiest way is using Taurus tool as a wrapper for your JMeter script, it has Modifications for Existing Scripts feature where you can define which test elements you want to enable/disable during test execution.
script: tests/jmx/dummy.jmx
disable: # Names of the tree elements to disable
- Thread Group 1
enable: # Names of the tree elements to enable
- Thread Group 2
See Navigating your First Steps Using Taurus to get started.
Another option is putting requests you would like to enable/disable on demand under If Controllers so you could set "run/not run" condition dynamically.

Graph Results via Non GUI mode in JMeter

Is there any possibilities to get my below mentioned Graph Results in JMeter test, which is executed in non GUI mode. I can extract its values using csv, but we need to run the test in non GUI mode to get dashboard results also. Any possibilities for this ?
Given you run your JMeter test in command-line non-GUI mode like:
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l results.jtl
Once test is finished you should be able to open JMeter GUI, add Graph Results listener, locate results.jtl file using "Browse" button and you will see the chart.
Also there is an option to generate some charts in unattended manner using Command-Line Graph Plotting Tool available via JMeter Plugins project, see Automatically generating nice graphs at end of your Load Test with Apache JMeter and JMeter-Plugins guide for details.
I am trying to write web app based on Django to work with test results, do an online monitoring, etc. (kinda dashboard) for load tests which runned in Jmeter console mode (incl. distributive testing).
Maybe you will want to participate in development or so :):

JMeter getting hanging in GUI mode

I'm having problem with jmeter while running the test plan. Suddenly my Jmeter starts hanging and appears as a black screen in GUI mode. I was running recording controller with multiple thread groups (4 thread groups). Each thread group with 25 users.
I'm using Jmeter 2.11 (current version). I'm not sure whether it is due to overload or some other reason.
Don't ever use GUI mode for load test. Run JMeter in command-line non-GUI mode as follows
jmeter -n -t /path/to/your/testplan.jmx -l /path/to/testresults.jtl
Also if you have any listeners in your test plan - disable or remove them as well. After test execution you should be able to open testresults.jtl file with the listener of your choice and analyze results, but don't use them during load test.
Make sure that you following Performance Checklist and other recommendations from JMeter Performance and Tuning Tips guide
You have run out of JMeter/JVM memory. You can increase in with environment variables, command line options when you start jmeter, or change some values in
This page describes how to start jmeter with more memory.
One easy way is to set the environment variable before running jmeter:
set JVM_ARGS="-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m"
This will allow your tests to run longer before running out of memory, but if you store results in memory (for instance using View Results Tree listener), you will still run out eventually. For long running tests, or accurate measurement of short running tests, it is better to run in non-GUI mode, and save results to file, instead of memory.
Graphs can still be generated after the run from the saved results using jmeter utilities.
