Installing laravel on server - laravel

I am installing laravel on server via putty. I linked public with public_html. Files were located inside laravel folder above public_html. After installation its showing "Internal Server Error"
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Usually when using cPanel it will usually require your index.php to have the permissions 644 otherwise you'll get a 500 error.
You can change this in cPanel by doing the following:
Login to your cPanel (if not already there)
Click File Manager.
Click the name of the file for which you would like to change the
Select the Change Permissions link at the top right of the page.
Select the permissions you would like to set for the file
Owner - Read and write
Group - Read
World - Read
Click Change Permissions.
Alternatively, if you have ssh access you could run the following command on the server:
chmod 644 path/to/index.php


Directory Listing Denied - FileZilla

I have a website template that I uploaded to my ftp server using FileZilla. However when I visit the domain I get the error:
Directory Listing Denied
This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.
in the console it displays a 403 forbidden error. After researching I recognize that the default web page inside the root directory is not set. All my attempts to set the default page have failed. Here is what I tried:
1) Logged into ftp server with FileZilla. Clicked File > Site Manager > Advanced and set the root directory. The root directory contains a file that says index.html
2) Created a .htaccess file in the root that contains the text "DirectoryIndex index.html"
Solutions involving IIS are welcomed as well.
Any advice on how I can get this fixed?
Unfortunately I did not have permissions to access the actual server files so I contacted the hosting company.
They resolved my issue I believe using the approach #alvits recommended, however they have not returned my request to confirm how they solved it.
Thanks for the support

"Unable to write to the configuration file." Error with Magento Connect Manager

After migrating my Apache server from Ubuntu 14.04 to CentOS 7, I started experiencing these permission errors.
On the Magento Connect Manager login page, I'm hit with an error message and unable to login:
Unable to write to the configuration file.
The error remained even after I set the permission for every file and folder to 0777.
I then deleted the .cfg files in the "downloader" folder. Now the error message has become:
Settings has not been loaded. Used default settings Config file does not exists please save Settings Unable to write to the configuration file.
After login/logout, restarting the Apache server and even the entire host, the error remained. The error logs did not record anything at all.
On Debian 8.6 with Magento- the chown following command:
chown www-data:www-data var/brute-force.ini
enable right to write and unlock the access to Magento Connect Manager
SELinux was preventing Apache from writing to the directory.
I used the following command to enable it:
chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/html -R

Hosting with OpenShift RedHat get 500 errors when access the website

I have this website. The problem I have is
The page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this
I develop this website using Laravel 5.1. So what I have to do to fix this error.
Although you can usually check logs to see why you are getting a 500 error, it would appear that this is due to insufficient permissions - which need to be set on the storage and bootstrap/cache folders (as per the docs).
The folders both need to be writeable by your web server, so whilst 777 permissions will definitely work 775 should be fine (and more secure).
Doing this via a command line can be done with the following command (run it with sudo if you need to elevate to root permissions) chomd 777 -R storage bootstrap/cache or chomd 775 -R storage bootstrap/cache.
Doing this via an FTP client is doable, generally speaking you can just right click on the folder and choosing to edit permissions from there.
In some instances, vendor may need to be done too - from my experiences anyway.
These folders are all inside the root project directory for your Laravel application.
Excerpt from bottom of error log:
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE)
This would indicate that the PHP version you are running is not >= 5.5.9 (one of the Laravel requirements).
This is confirmed in the screenshot shown of the OpenShift configuration. The version of PHP needs to be updated for Laravel to work - this wasn't just a permission issue.

public_html folder invisible

I have a website which I copied to this location. The public_html folder was also uploaded with the other folders but it is not showing up. Please guide me. Thanks.
As you are using DreamHost web hosting you wont have any control over ssh and chmod , chown commands. I think dreamhost wont use cPanel for shared hosting, they have their own control panel, so there is nothing you can do, Ask dreamHost support to reinitialize your public_html directory. Surely they will do that. I searched on dreamhost forum and found these link-
Currently in your case i saw that there is no issue related to public_html (technically "Document Root" ) directory coz as your is pointing to correct directory , and your documentRoot is parent of that directory, So if your documentRoot was wrong then there were no chance to access that that url, currently your domain is opening a correct index.html file which indicates that your documentRoot is there.
Create a index.html or home.html file there manually (from their web based file manager) and see if it is working or not, if it works then there is some issue with your uploading.
Your hosting provider seems to be
Please check out this thread, according to which public_html seems to be a special case on dreamhost:
and/or this:
Getting a 'Not Found' error on my website?
Hope it helps!
Make sure that the public_html folder has execute permissions
chmod a+x public_html
That will allow execute permissions for everybody.
Perhaps it's possible that server (apache?) hides folders named public_html? Also check that group others have read and execute permissions for that folder.
In folder /path/to/second/ run
chmod ugo+rx .
chmod -R ugo+rx public_html
to set folder visible.
cpanel may handle the "public_html" folder in a unique way. Try uploading to a folder like: /home/yourusername/public_html/second/files/ instead of /home/yourusername/public_html/second/public_html/
If you are wanting to create a new distinct website at you don't need a second "public_html" folder. Just put them in the /home/yourusername/public_html/second directory.
If you are using a linux or OS X server, you may need to change the permissions on the folder.
Did you checked if the folder is hidden attribute?
If you execute ls -a in terminal, you will know about it's existence. If it is present then please try giving it read & execute permission (using chmod 555 command). Give write permission if you are planning to write something or take feedback from users (using chmod 777).
I tried some of this options above but unfortunately none worked. Instead I discovered that in CPanel you have a "Preferences" tab and in that tab you have a "User Manager" function. You can there edit the ftp user that you created before in CPanel. On the "User Manager" funcion you can find the "Home Directory" configuration. On that home directory you just choose the "public_html". When you configure the user in the ftp account on your ftp platform, it goes directly to the path you defined in CPanel.

Magento Connect Manager Setting Error

Need an urgent solution about magento Error....
Am getting an error message in Magento version at Magento Connect Manager ... I couldn't install magento extensions ...
The error msg shows as :
Warning: Your Magento folder does not have sufficient write permissions.
If you wish to proceed downloading Magento packages online, please set all Magento folders to have writable permission for the web server user (example: apache) or set up FTP Connection on the Magento Connect Manager Settings tab.
Whereas, I have changed the file permission from our end to 777
The locations are :
Also, i have uploaded Magento files and folder directly into the root directory .. so, there is no Magento folder existed in the root directory..
Please give some soln ..
make sure your web root directory (ie /var/www/public_html/) is actually read and write by apache so having it be the owner and set your permissions to 755 or 775. I bet you don't have a folder/file in the root that Magento Connect it trying to create but cant because the web root permissions are wrong not your magento file permissions themselves (that was my problem at least) ... and yes you shouldn't be 777 everything that is bad.
