Magento Connect Manager Setting Error - magento

Need an urgent solution about magento Error....
Am getting an error message in Magento version at Magento Connect Manager ... I couldn't install magento extensions ...
The error msg shows as :
Warning: Your Magento folder does not have sufficient write permissions.
If you wish to proceed downloading Magento packages online, please set all Magento folders to have writable permission for the web server user (example: apache) or set up FTP Connection on the Magento Connect Manager Settings tab.
Whereas, I have changed the file permission from our end to 777
The locations are :
Also, i have uploaded Magento files and folder directly into the root directory .. so, there is no Magento folder existed in the root directory..
Please give some soln ..

make sure your web root directory (ie /var/www/public_html/) is actually read and write by apache so having it be the owner and set your permissions to 755 or 775. I bet you don't have a folder/file in the root that Magento Connect it trying to create but cant because the web root permissions are wrong not your magento file permissions themselves (that was my problem at least) ... and yes you shouldn't be 777 everything that is bad.


How to upload Magento patch to root directory?

I am not a developer.
Today when I login admin panel, a message pop up telling me to download/upload Magento CE Patches SUPEE-5344 and SUPEE-1533
And I found this tutorial Magento CE Patches tutorial But I don't know what path to upload the .SH files. I know they provided an Example, /var/www/html/magento.but I don't have this www file should I create one?
Since I don't know what to do so I uploaded on cgi-bin folder. And I am not sure is working or not.
Please help me with this.
Best Regards
The patches should be uploaded and executed from Magento root directory. If you have Magento installed, the directory should exist already. This is the typical content of this directory:
$ ls -1
Upload it to the root of your magento installation. If your not confident with ssh i would ask a web developer to do this work for you, as potentially you could break everything.

Magento critical security patches - How to apply

Today when i logged into my magento store admin, it shown a new critical message like
Critical Reminder: Download and install Magento security patches. Download now.
Then i download SUPEE-5344 and SUPEE-1533 from
Please tell me how can i apply these patch files to my magento store.
Thank You!
Applying SUPEE-5344 and SUPEE-1533 Magento patches via FTP/sFTP or FileManager / File Upload without SSH
Refer Link:
You can test whether Magento is safe from vulnerable for security point of view see link: and enter your URL.
You should have a look at the official documentation on applying patches
But in short.
Download the patch from the Magento site,
Transfer the patch to you Magento installation root directory,
Call sh and you should see the message Patch was applied/reverted successfully.,
You may need to revert permissions after the process and also make sure you download the right patch for the version of Magento you have in place.
for SSL use putty client software and use it to access SSL.
Go to your website hosted directory and type the
above command and yout patch get applied/reverted successfully.
Steps To Run Security Patche File in magento.
1 First download security error patche file from magento community .
2 Download files move it into root folder in magento.
3 Create a php file in root directory of magento for run patche files.
4 Rename Security patches files according to you.
Final Step Open Php file and add these function in php
// define the name of download security patch file name .
First download .sh patch files and move to your document root (magento root folder). Then connect to ssh and go to your document root folder.
run this command.
A message such as the following displays to confirm the patch installed successfully:
Patch was applied/reverted successfully.
Delete cache and session.
rm -rf var/cache var/session
Now you may need to reassign ownership again. Based on your group name command. Generally there are two groups www-data or apache. If you have www-data then run this command
chown -R www-data .
For apache use this.
chown -R apache

500 - Internal Server Error while installing magento Index.php/install/wizard/installDb/

After setting database details while installation and submitted. Then it loaded for sometime and got this error 500 - Internal Server Error while installing in Index.php/install/wizard/installDb/
I check in database there are 250 tables added. Why this error coming? both 1.7 & 1.9 I installed almost 10 times but getting same error. Please Help.
This error might be caused because you have not set the correct permissions for the Magento folders. To solve this go to File Manager and then change the file permission of index.php file from 664 to 644. Also change the permissions of downloader/index.php file to 644 as well otherwise when you will try to access System > Magento Connect >Magento Connect Manager (after Magento installation) by logging to Magento admin, you will get 500 Internal Server Error.
You can also try this tool, it’s a Magento cleanup utility. It will set the correct permissions for your complete Magento installation:
Download it
Unzip magento-cleanup.php to the root directory of your Magento installation
Browse to

facing error when installing magento on go daddy

hosting magento with godaddy getting error
I have changed my .htacces and php5.ini file ...
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator and inform them of the time the error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
I will thankful to you.
I just finished a magento installation on a godaddy virtualhost and ran up with the same problem.
The fix was to do the following:
In godaddy host administration panel adjust the php version to match that of your magento installation(in my case magento CE -community edition), I've changed it to 5.4.
Then on your .htaccess file of your magento's base directory change the rewrite base directive to point to the relative path like this:
RewriteBase /
On this same file, add at the end of it the following:
RewriteRule ^index.php/(.*)$ [L]
Add the following directives to the php5.ini file at the root of your godaddy's virtualhost(if it doesn't exist create one with the same exact name specified):
[sourcecode language="php"]
register_globals = on
allow_url_fopen = on
cgi.fix_pathinfo =1
And that's it(don't forget to save all file changes and close the files used.
For a full explanation and more detailed steps go to the following article.
The article
Check if your server configuration is compatible for Magento installation first:
Click here for Server Compatibility check
Also make sure the file permissio are correctly given.
Change the folder permission of below folder to 777
Change the file permission of below files to 644
index.php (main index file in magento root folder)
downloader/index.php ( otherwise if you will try to access System > Magento Connect >Magento Connect Manager (after magento installation) by logging to magento admin, you will get 500 Internal Server Error.)
Click here to know the file permission settings.

How to enable my Joomla extension?

When logged in as Administrator and trying to install a Joomla extension it fails giving this error message
Unable to create destination
At another Joomla site it works, and one difference is where it works Joomla is setup with default English and where it fails setup is in Swedish. Can you recommend how to troubleshoot and proceed? I tried with 2 different extensions and both work on the English joomla and not the Swedish.
Probably you have to check the rwx (Read-Write-Execute) permissions (should be 644 or 755) for allowing the extension's folder to be created.
You have to change the owner of the folders/files to the user of the Apache server using the "chown" command.
If the Apache user is httpd, run this command in your Joomla folder
chown -R httpd *
I already get this problem and this solution worked for me.
Also check the path to the /tmp folder in your configuration.php file.
