Add fields and query manually to existing single group layout - oracle

I already have a group called G_1 in my report and the entire fieldset required for the report are present in G_1.
Now, I have a new requirement which needs data from different tables and hence I created a new query using "Data wizard" and a group called G_2 was created as well.
I don't want to affect the layout of the existing report(every field is in a single repeat frame) and wanted to add my new fields as well
I added fields and mapped the data, but then I got error saying "field references column below its group frequency"
So I have to bring the column under the existing group G_1 without using report wizard.
Any leads would be of big help!

If I understood what you are saying, that won't work.
If you created a new query, it has its group (G_2) and fields selected within that query have to belong to G_2 group. In Paper Layout, by default, every query has the outer frame (M_2), it contains a repeating frame (R_2) and fields have to be part of those frames.
If you set flex off and confine off (so that you could drag fields here and there, even out of its boundaries (frames) and actually do that - drag a field to, say, R_1 frame (which is part of M_1 which belongs to query 1), you'll get that error.
So, what to do?
If possible, the simplest option would be to adjust query Q_1 and add those new fields in there. If not, you'll have those two queries.
One option is to put query 2 objects (frames, fields) below the ones that belong to query 1 (so that they are unrelated). Another is to stretch query 1 frames "down" and make space for query 2 objects. Then you'd draw a M_2 frame (paint it white so that you can easily see what's going on). Within M_2, draw a repeating frame R_2 and paint it yellow. It has to be contained in M_2. Now, create the first field within the R_2 repeating frame. Check the Object Navigator - everything has to be in its place. If it is not, you'll have to move objects backwards (or forward).
Run the report - if it works OK, fine - go on to the next field, and so forth. Test frequently. Once you're done, make it prettier - move everything to its right place, remove painting and - that's it.
On the other hand: as there's only one frame you currently have (I don't know how many fields there are and how complex the layout is), if you are an unexperienced Reports user, your best option is to delete current layout and let the Wizard do the job. It'll certainly ruin everything you've done so far, but it has its advantages - all objects will be on their proper places. Might be time consuming, but adjusting fields and headings and stuff could be simpler and easier.
Unfortunately, there's no easy way to do it. Takes time to gain experience, but - if you have it - go for it. How will you learn how to do it if you actually don't do it?
Best of luck!


PowerQuery (in PowerBI) weird caching issue

For the past couple of days, I have been trying to overcome a weird issue within Power Query in Power BI Desktop.
I have two tables, one is called the "Mappings" table, and the purpose of this table is to give me a column called "FMReference" after a bunch of transformations.
Mappings Screenshot
I have my main table called "Entry", which DOESN'T HAVE FMReference, and thus, needs to be merged with the Mappings table. To make the merge simpler, I have created a simple column on both tables named "CombinedForMerge". Entry Screenshot
After the setup for the columns are complete, I proceed to create a Left Outer Merge with the Entry and Mappings tables, using the columns I have just made. Left Outer Merge Screenshot
As you can see on the screenshot, the FMReference column says A4.28, which is what I am expecting on my results. However, once I expand that merge to give me the FMReference, I am getting a different value, A3.2! Wrong Value Screenshot
Power BI clearly cached the wrong value on PowerQuery, as I have filtered the Mappings table to JUST one row, to get JUST the one value. Filtered Mappings Screenshot
I have tried clearing the cache from the Power BI Options, but this didn't change anything.
I've also tried rebuilding the Power BI report from a clean, new PBIX, just copying the transformations up to this point, but I am still getting the same issue.
I've tried copying the results of the Mappings table onto a static table, and used it for the merge instead. This worked, which clearly means it is something to do caching on the data transformations on Power BI.
I've refreshed the Preview, as well as Refreshed ALL a few times, but it still returns the wrong result.
I would appreciate any help at this point, the data is very sensitive so I cannot share a lot, but I am happy to give more details if needed.
Thanks in advance!
I ran into similar inexplicably odd behavior when using fuzzy merge, set for an exact match. I wound up swapping the tables and using a Right Outer merge instead. For some reason, that worked. I have no idea what caused the problem or why the Right Outer merge approach worked though. It was quite odd.
So what I'm saying is: Instead of starting your merge from XXXXEntry and matching to XXXXMappings with a Left Outer merge, you might try starting from XXXXMappings and matching to XXXXEntry with a Right Outer merge.
One way to do that, if you still want the merge in the same place in the same query, is to just edit your existing query's code in the formula bar. To do that, click on the Applied Step that is associated with the merge, most likely called Merged Queries; then in the formula bar, swap the references to the tables and change JoinKind.LeftOuter to JoinKind.RightOuter. (One table reference will likely be the name of the Applied Step before your Merged Queries step, instead of XXXXEntry. For me, in the before and after examples that follow, it was #"Changed Type".)
= Table.NestedJoin(#"Changed Type", {"CombinedForMerge"}, XXXXMappings, {"CombinedForMerge"}, "Changed Type", JoinKind.LeftOuter)
= Table.NestedJoin(XXXXMappings, {"CombinedForMerge"}, #"Changed Type", {"CombinedForMerge"}, "XXXXMappings", JoinKind.RightOuter)
Good luck.

SSRS Static fields in groups

Good afternoon!
I have created a report with the wizard to create a matrix that is grouped and has drill down rows. I have added filters to the rows and columns and it works great! I then copied that matrix and modified the filters, so I had two matrixes.
But what I really wanted was those two rows in the same matrix, just in different row groups. So I added another group, using the adjacent below option, and then added all the child groupings. However, when I run the report it shows the values for the first row of the drill down data.
When I look at the groupings I can see the one I did manually has a 'Static' field in each row grouping but the ones that the wizard did (with the red ?), they don't have that "extra" row:
What do I need to change or how do I need to add my groups so that I don't get that "static" row and not show the data? I have the visibility set to 'Hidden' and the toggle set up for the prior grouping set data.
Assuming a few things....
the data comes from a single dataset
You are differentiating between Property and Violent crimes by filtering on a column, I'll call it IncidentGroup for the sake of illustration..
I've understood your question ! :)
Get to the point where you had just a single tablix filtered to show 'Property crime'.
Now remove or edit that filter so it shows all the data you need in the report.
Finally, right click on your Matrix1_IncidentCategory row and add a parent group, choose IncidentGroup (or whatever the column is actually called) and check the box to add a group header.
That should be it, there is no need for a second tablix.
Without knowing how you are filtering currently it's hard to give a complete answer but this should get you close, if not all the way there.
If this doesn't work for whatever reason, please post sample data from your dataset output and your current filters.

OBIEE remove dimension value based on measure result

One of my dimension contains the different divisions of the company. I have one division which doesn't exist anymore but I want to keep this to check the results of previous years and months.
How do I dynamically eliminate this value of the dimension when it doesn't have a measure anymore?
First I was thinking that adding a filter where the measure should be > 0 or 'not null' but this doesn't seem to do the trick. The dimension keeps showing up.
To go a bit into more details on Robin's question which is the most pertinent one:
Do you try to remove the "obsolete" dimension member from dimension-only queries - like prompts for example?
This is crucial to know as forcing a normally dimension-only query over a fact and thus continuously forcing the inclusion of the fact table for all queries potentially has quite a performance impact.
a) ">0" and "is not null are two completely different things and if used in a cavalier fashion can also yield absolutely wrong results. What if the measure is at a negative value? That would make it "disappear" as well for you. What if there simply is no measure yet but the dimension member is implicitly actually valid just not filled yet? That would also make it disappear for you.
b) How can you know the point of view a user is standing at? For an analysis run for last year this will be perfectly valid to show?
c) What about time-variant comparisons? What about rolling calculations?
d) What about the point-in-time of the dimension rather than the fact? --v
e) What about cross-org analysis like "What do our numbers look like when we apply last year's org vs this year's vs a planned new one which is already loaded into the data source?
While I understand the idea behind your question you should not forget that we're talking analytics here and always face changing dimensions and attributes so your request which seems valid from a human point of view for that one, specific use case is - for the solution as a whole - to be considered wisely.
Although I'm not clear on what you mean by "eliminate this value of the dimension", I think you may be looking for the pivot measure function, called FILTER(Fact USING (Insert your filter here)).
I am assuming that when aggregating using a measure, your problem is that you are unable to exclude the Division that does not exist anymore, and as a result, your measures/aggregations are incorrect.
In this case, you should use the pivot measure as I indicate above.
Your column formula would look like this:
FILTER(Measure1 USING ("SubjectArea1"."Division" <> 'DivisionName'))
Follow these steps to implement this function:
Edit the column formula of your measure.
Highlight the formula of the column and click the Filter... button at the bottom of the Column Formula text box. An Insert Filter window will appear.
Select the Division column from the Subject Areas pane. (Either double-click it, or select it then click the OK button).
You will see a New Filter window. Change the Operator to is not equal to / is not in.
Select your Division that you want to exclude.
Click OK to close the New Filter window.
Click OK again to close the Insert Filter window.
Click OK again to close the Edit Column Formula window.
If your syntax is correct, you will see no errors.

Tableau calculated-field filter on pie-chart doesn't work

Based on previous question, I had to create calculated value for Location, and use that as quick filter, i.e.
Location Filter:
LOOKUP(ATTR([Location (Loc)]),0)
Workbook is on Public Tableau
For hovering over points in a map, the calculated field works, but when I create pie chart, it doesn't work.
For instance, if I select All, this is the result
And if I select a business from Location Filter, this is what I get
How to troubleshoot?
Additional Info
However, if I use regular Location filter, then it works, i.e
There are two separate issues to address here:
LOOKUP(ATTR([Location (Loc)]),0) is a sneaky way of filtering the data in the view while still maintaining all of the locations in the partition (by disguising the field as a table calculation, the filtered partition is created before this table calculation is ever executed). Because you've used it here, you still have every location in the partition, even when you filter them out with the quick filter. Because they're still in the partition, when you calculate the percent of total, those other locations will be included in that total, even if they're not displayed in the view.
I don't see a reason for you to keep all of the locations in your partition in this case, so I'd just replace that filter with [Location].
It looks like you've dragged [Location] into your mark as a dimension. As a result, it's broken up the pie slices into smaller chunks, one per location. If you add a dimension to your data, then Tableau will have to group by that dimension when calculating the aggregations.
If you want the Location to appear in the tooltip of your pie chart, you'll have to either add it as an attribute (in which case you'll have to deal with the "*" when you have more than one location in the partition), or you'll just have to deal with the slices being broken up further.

Telerik Report omitting data

After performing a product evaluation by one of the managers other can change the scoring for certain categories. This changes in scoring are stored in the database for reference.
The structure of the evaluation is like this:
- Category
- Scoring point
an evaluation can have many categories which all can have many scoring points.
My problem is the following:
If I change a scoring point a few times all is entered in the database but in the reports i am only seeing the first scoring point. The rest of them with the same name are left blank but are using space just as it would if all were visible. The stored procedure that is delivering the data is working fine. It bring all data to the report which then displayes it wrong.
=Fields.CategoryName is working fine... every category name is displayed correctly
=Fields.ScoringPointName is not working... it displayes only the first and leavese all the rest blank... if for example a scoring point name is Product robustnes it would display only the first change of scoring but wouldnt display the rest
Any ideas???
Found out what the problem was. Maybe it will be helpful for other people
I was showing the data in a group header section with grouping =Fields.DefinitionText. Thus it will only repeat if the Fields.DefinitionText is distinct. About the empty space it's caused by the detail section that repeats for every data record. Thus if I want to display all of the data records I have to move the group header section textboxes to the report's detail section.
Here and Here are some usefull things about reporting.
