Shell Commands Using ( on Makefile - makefile

I'm preparing some latex files and decided to make some makefile to help me to compile and clean de latex files. So I created the following makefile
all: compile clean
pdflatex $(aula).tex
rm -rf !(makefile|$(aula).tex|$(aula).pdf) -v
But when I execute "make" I get the following mistake
rm -rf !(makefile|listaProb.tex|listaProb.pdf) -v
/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
makefile:8: recipe for target 'clean' failed
make: *** [clean] Error 2
But the command
rm -rf !(makefile|listaProb.tex|listaProb.pdf) -v
works fine on the terminal.
What is wrong? I can't find any mistake :/..
Ps. I use this way to remove the files because I want to delete all but the specified files. It needs the command
shopt -s extglob
before use it. If anyone knows how to do it without use extglob, it would be nice.

The problem is recipe commands are passed to /bin/sh which cannot process that syntax. You can change your Makefile to say:
bash -O extglob -c "rm -rf !(makefile|$(aula).tex|$(aula).pdf) -v"
To force this command to be run in bash with extglob on.
Or define SHELL variable for your make e.g. by running:
make SHELL="/bin/bash -O extglob" clean
Or adding:
SHELL := /bin/bash -O extglob
To your make file. The former option only affects shell invocation of that one command, the latter will apply to all your recipes (commands).


How to loop against directories

I am trying to build a generic task that will execute other task. What I need it to do is to loop against directories and use each dir name executing other task for it.
This is what I have:
for BIN in `ls cmd`; do
#$(MAKE) --no-print-directory BIN=$(BIN) $*
But I get this error, could anyone explain to me how can I make it work
➜ make all-build
for BIN in `ls cmd`; do
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
make: *** [all-build] Error 2
this is how the complete flow of my makefile looks like:
for BIN in `ls cmd`; do \
#$(MAKE) --no-print-directory BIN=$BIN $*; \
#$(MAKE) --no-print-directory BIN=$* build
docker build --no-cache --build-arg BIN=$(BIN) -t $(BIN) .
Each line of a make-recipe is executed in a distinct invocation of the shell.
Your recipe fails with a shell-syntax error because this line:
for BIN in `ls cmd`; do
is not a valid shell command. Nor is the third line:
To have all three lines executed in a single shell you must join them
into a single shell command with make's line-continuation character \:
for BIN in `ls cmd`; do \
#$(MAKE) --no-print-directory BIN=$$BIN $*; \
Note also BIN=$$BIN, not $(BIN). BIN is a shell variable here, not a make variable: $$ escapes $-expansion by make, to preserve the shell-expansion $BIN.
Using ls to drive the loop in Make is an antipattern even in shell script (you want for f in cmd/* if I'm guessing correctly) but doubly so in a Makefile. A proper design would be to let make know what the dependencies are, and take it from there.
all-%: %: $(patsubst cmd/%,%,$(wildcard cmd/*))
$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -$(MAKEFLAGS) BIN=$< $*

`2>/dev/null` does not work inside a Makefile

I tried to suppress an error from rm command by writing
clean: $(wildcard *.mod)
-rm $^ 2>/dev/null
I ran:
$ make clean
rm 2>/dev/null
make: [clean] Error 64 (ignored)
I still had gotten an error.
Anyway, when I tried
$ rm [some non-existent files] 2>/dev/null
on the bash shell, it just works fine.
How can I use 2>/dev/null inside a makefile?
2>dev/null will redirect the error output so you don't see it, it will not prevent the shell to raise the error level. And the - sign in front of your shell command will tell GNU make to continue even if the error level is raised but it will not either prevent the shell to raise it.
What you want is the shell not to raise the error level and this can be done like this :
Unix (credits to this answer)
-rm $^ 2>/dev/null ; true
-rm $^ 2>NUL || true
or if you don't have rm on Windows
-del /F /Q $^ 2>NUL || true
The message make: [clean] Error 64 (ignored) is being printed by make after it sees that your shell command has failed.
It will therefore not be affected by any redirection that you use in the recipe.
Two fixes:
Use the -f rm flag. rm -f never returns an error.
(Well, hardly ever anyway, and if it does you probably want to know about it!)
Stop the shell command returning an error: simply append || : to the command.
Say what? Well if the rm succeeds your job is done and make is happy. OTOH if rm fails, the shell runs the second command in the or.
: is a shell built-in that always succeeds, and is much preferable to true IMHO.
The first of these is best in this case,
though the second is a general, if somewhat less efficient, pattern.
.PHONY: clean
clean: ; rm -rf *.mod

Chisel installation error

While following the tutorial on the Chisel official website for installation, I came to the point where I should test if the installation was done correctly. Doing so yields this error:
set -e -o pipefail; "sbt" -Dsbt.log.noformat=true -DchiselVersion="2.+" "run Parity --genHarness --compile --test --backend c --vcd --targetDir /home/me/chisel-tutorial/generated/examples " | tee /home/me/chisel-tutorial/generated/examples/Parity.out
/bin/bash: sbt: command not found
make: *** [/home/me/chisel-tutorial/generated/examples/Parity.out] Error 127
There is another question regarding the same problem here, where the suggestion to add SHELL=/bin/bash to the Makefile is made. That did not work for me. Another suggestion is to remove set -e -o pipefail: this suggestion actually works but is it OK to remove that option? what does it do?
I have installed sbt and added its path to the PATH variable.
$ which sbt
But still I am getting this error when running make Parity.out
set -e -o pipefail; "sbt" -Dsbt.log.noformat=true -DchiselVersion="2.+" "run Parity --genHarness --compile --test --backend c --vcd --targetDir /home/me/chisel-tutorial/generated/examples " | tee /home/me/chisel-tutorial/generated/examples/Parity.out
/bin/sh: 1: set: Illegal option -o pipefail
make: *** [/home/me/chisel-tutorial/generated/examples/Parity.out] Error 2
If I edit this part of the file
$(objdir)/ %.scala
set -e -o pipefail; "$(SBT)" $(SBT_FLAGS) "run $(notdir $(basename $<)) --backend dot --targetDir $(objdir) $(CHISEL_FLAGS)"
$(objdir)/%.out: %.scala
set -e -o pipefail; "$(SBT)" $(SBT_FLAGS) "run $(notdir $(basename $<)) --genHarness --compile --test --backend c --vcd --targetDir $(objdir) $(CHISEL_FLAGS)" | tee $#
By deleting the -o option in the set -e -o pipefail it works, I get the PASSED and [success] message after running $ make Parity.out. So what is going on?
It is working fine now after I added the SHELL=/bin/bash to the Makefile, so it was first a problem of not having sbt as Nathaniel pointed out then editing the Makefile to include SHELL=/bin/bash.
set -e -o pipefail is a way of making sure that the execution of the bash script both works as expected and that if there is a failure, it halts immediately (rather than at some later stage). Removing it might work - but if there is a failure it might get swallowed and hide the fact it's broken.
But I think your problem lies here, making the other question a bit of a red herring:
/bin/bash: sbt: command not found
Do you have sbt installed on your system? Run which sbt as the user that executes the script. For instance, on my system:
$ which sbt
If you don't have it on your system, nothing will be returned by running which.
The script clearly needs access to sbt and is failing when it doesn't find it. If you do have it on your system, then there is a mismatch between the user running the script and access to that file. You'll need to post more information about how you're executing the script: in that case it is likely you'll have to update your PATH variables to be able to find the sbt executable.
Given that, after fixing this, you still have a problem, you have to ensure that you're running in bash, and not another terminal type. The reason for this is that bash supports set -o pipefail but a lot of other terminals don't. We suspect this might be the case because of the error messages:
/bin/sh: 1: set: Illegal option -o pipefail
Here we see that /bin/sh (the shell) is being invoked by the program. Use ls -l /bin/sh to determine if your /bin/sh is pointing to a particular shell. If it is not pointed to a bash shell, then you either need to repoint it (be careful! this is probably another question in it's own right), or need to specify to your Scala program to use a specific shell.

GNU Make: "dir not expected at this moment"

I have a makefile including the following lines:
#$(call make-repo)
define make-repo
for dir in $(C_SRCS_DIR); \
do \
mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)/$$dir; \
On the line with the commands for dir in $(C_SRCS_DIR); \ I get the following error message:
"dir not expected at this moment"
make: *** [buildrepo] Error 255
I am using GNU make.
Can anybody tell me what is going wrong?
Actually this for ... in ... ; do ... done statement is a Unix command not a GNU make command, therefore I guess you are using a Windows machine (or any other one). You have to find the equivalent for your system.
But GNU make has a foreach function which works like this :
$(foreach dir,$(C_SRCS_DIR),mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)/$(dir);)
Also note that in your very specific case (not related to GNU make but to Windows) you can create all the dirs without a for/foreach loop, just like this :
mkdir -p $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(C_SRCS_DIR))

Makefile remove files

For a schoolproject I try around with makefiles. First I create the files with
install: main.c
gcc -asve-temps main.c
#if test ! -d bin/; then mkdir bin; else : fi
mv a.out $(shell pwd)/bin/
chmod 555 ./bin/a.out
Now I want to clear the project:
#if test -d *.[osia]; then rm *.[osia] else : ; fi
#if test -d a.out then rm a.out; else: ; fi
Running make install works fine. Running make clear produces the error code:
/bin/sh: 1: test: main.i: unexpected operator
and does not remove the requested files. I want to delete all the *.o *.s *.i and *.a files by running the make clear target using the pattern given above avoiding the error cannot remove ... : no such file or directory
test expects a single argument; when you pass it a glob, it's getting a bunch of them. Something like find will work in this case:
find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.[osia]' -delete
Or, why check if the file exists at all?
rm -f *.[osia]
Couple of other notes: if you don't have an else clause in your if statement, don't include it. Read up on the test command; you certainly don't want to be using -d if you're looking for files. And, you can use the variable $PWD in place of running a subshell to get it.
