Makefile remove files - bash

For a schoolproject I try around with makefiles. First I create the files with
install: main.c
gcc -asve-temps main.c
#if test ! -d bin/; then mkdir bin; else : fi
mv a.out $(shell pwd)/bin/
chmod 555 ./bin/a.out
Now I want to clear the project:
#if test -d *.[osia]; then rm *.[osia] else : ; fi
#if test -d a.out then rm a.out; else: ; fi
Running make install works fine. Running make clear produces the error code:
/bin/sh: 1: test: main.i: unexpected operator
and does not remove the requested files. I want to delete all the *.o *.s *.i and *.a files by running the make clear target using the pattern given above avoiding the error cannot remove ... : no such file or directory

test expects a single argument; when you pass it a glob, it's getting a bunch of them. Something like find will work in this case:
find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.[osia]' -delete
Or, why check if the file exists at all?
rm -f *.[osia]
Couple of other notes: if you don't have an else clause in your if statement, don't include it. Read up on the test command; you certainly don't want to be using -d if you're looking for files. And, you can use the variable $PWD in place of running a subshell to get it.


`2>/dev/null` does not work inside a Makefile

I tried to suppress an error from rm command by writing
clean: $(wildcard *.mod)
-rm $^ 2>/dev/null
I ran:
$ make clean
rm 2>/dev/null
make: [clean] Error 64 (ignored)
I still had gotten an error.
Anyway, when I tried
$ rm [some non-existent files] 2>/dev/null
on the bash shell, it just works fine.
How can I use 2>/dev/null inside a makefile?
2>dev/null will redirect the error output so you don't see it, it will not prevent the shell to raise the error level. And the - sign in front of your shell command will tell GNU make to continue even if the error level is raised but it will not either prevent the shell to raise it.
What you want is the shell not to raise the error level and this can be done like this :
Unix (credits to this answer)
-rm $^ 2>/dev/null ; true
-rm $^ 2>NUL || true
or if you don't have rm on Windows
-del /F /Q $^ 2>NUL || true
The message make: [clean] Error 64 (ignored) is being printed by make after it sees that your shell command has failed.
It will therefore not be affected by any redirection that you use in the recipe.
Two fixes:
Use the -f rm flag. rm -f never returns an error.
(Well, hardly ever anyway, and if it does you probably want to know about it!)
Stop the shell command returning an error: simply append || : to the command.
Say what? Well if the rm succeeds your job is done and make is happy. OTOH if rm fails, the shell runs the second command in the or.
: is a shell built-in that always succeeds, and is much preferable to true IMHO.
The first of these is best in this case,
though the second is a general, if somewhat less efficient, pattern.
.PHONY: clean
clean: ; rm -rf *.mod

GNU Make: "dir not expected at this moment"

I have a makefile including the following lines:
#$(call make-repo)
define make-repo
for dir in $(C_SRCS_DIR); \
do \
mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)/$$dir; \
On the line with the commands for dir in $(C_SRCS_DIR); \ I get the following error message:
"dir not expected at this moment"
make: *** [buildrepo] Error 255
I am using GNU make.
Can anybody tell me what is going wrong?
Actually this for ... in ... ; do ... done statement is a Unix command not a GNU make command, therefore I guess you are using a Windows machine (or any other one). You have to find the equivalent for your system.
But GNU make has a foreach function which works like this :
$(foreach dir,$(C_SRCS_DIR),mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)/$(dir);)
Also note that in your very specific case (not related to GNU make but to Windows) you can create all the dirs without a for/foreach loop, just like this :
mkdir -p $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(C_SRCS_DIR))

Checking if file exists before removing it in makefile

I have a makefile within a C++ project (compiler: C++11). How can you check to see if a particular file exists before removing it with a makefile command?
Here is the code:
bin: charstack.h error.h
g++ -Wall -std=c++11 main.cpp charstack.cpp error.cpp -o bin
rm bin.exe
# This statement removes auto generated backups on my system.
rm charstack.h~ charstack.cpp~ main.cpp~ makefile~ error.h~ error.cpp~
How would I have the makefile check to see whether the auto generated .~ backup files exist before attempting to remove them when the user passes
make cl
in the command line? The goal here is to avoid outputting these errors to the terminal upon running "make cl":
rm: cannot remove `charstack.h~': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `charstack.cpp~': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `main.cpp~': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `error.h~': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `error.cpp~': No such file or directory
make: *** [cl] Error 1
Honestly, that's an XY problem, it is not due neither to the fact that the project is a C++ one nor that it uses the spec C++11.
Because of that, the title of the question is a bit misleading, as well as its tags.
Anyway, you can use the option -f. From the man page of rm:
ignore nonexistent files and arguments, never prompt
So, it's enough to use the following line:
rm -f charstack.h~ charstack.cpp~ main.cpp~ makefile~ error.h~ error.cpp~
Actually, it doesn't check if those files exist, but also it doesn't complain if they don't exist.
Even though this question has been answered, I attach a different solution that works for both files AND directories (because rm -rf DIRNAME is not silent anymore)
Here is a rule for removing a directory in variable ${OUTDIR} only if the directory exists. The example is easily adjusted for files:
if [ -d "${OUTDIR}" ]; then \
rm -r ${OUTDIR}; \
fi \
Note that the key observation is that you have to write the usual bash if-then-esle as if it where on a single line (i.e. using \ before a newline, and with a ; after each command). The example can be easily adapted to different (non-bash) shells.

Modifying file extensions using Makefiles

I'm new to Makefiles and I want to modify the extension of a set of files. The following command works on the shell:
for file in path/*.ext1; do j=`echo $file | cut -d . -f 1`;j=$j".ext2";echo mv $file $j; done
However, I'm not sure how to run this in a Makefile. I tried running
$(shell for file in path/*.ext1; do j=`echo $file | cut -d . -f 1`;j=$j".ext2";echo mv $file $j; done)
But this never did what I needed it to do. What do I need to do to make this work on the Makefile? How do I call it in a section?
The immediate answer to your question is that the $ character is special to make: it introduces a make variable. If you want to pass a $ to the shell, you'll have to write two of them: $$.
So, your shell function invocation would have to be written as:
$(shell for file in path/*.ext1; do j=`echo $$file | cut -d . -f 1`;j=$$j".ext2";echo mv $$file $$j; done)
However, this is almost certainly not a good way to do what you want. You don't really describe clearly what you want to do, however. If you just want to have a target in a makefile that can be invoked to make this change, you can use:
for file in path/*.ext1; do \
j=`echo $$file | cut -d . -f 1`; \
j=$$j".ext2"; \
echo mv $$file $$j; \
Or, taking advantage of some useful shell shortcuts, you could just run:
for file in path/*.ext1; do \
echo mv $$file $${file%.*}.ext2; \
Now if you run make fixext it will perform those steps.
But, a much more make-like way to do it would be to write a single rule that knows how to rename one file, then use prerequisites to have them all renamed:
TARGETS = $(patsubst %.ext1,%.ext2,$(wildcard path/*.ext1))
fixext: $(TARGETS)
%.ext2 : %.ext1
mv $< $#
Now you can even run make -j5 and do 5 of the move commands in parallel...
you can also add rename blocks at the top of your file eg to change a suffix
output := $(
but this won't work inside a make command as far as I can see
output := $(
$ make check
output := walkthrough.mp4
make: output: No such file or directory
make: *** [check] Error 1

How to ignore mv error?

I'm making a Makefile that moves an output file (foo.o) to a different directory (baz).
The output file moves as desired to the directory. However since make won't recompile the output file if I type make again, mv gets an error when it tries to move the non-existent empty file to the directory baz.
So this is what I have defined in my rule make all after all compilation:
-test -e "foo.o" || mv -f foo.o ../baz
Unfortunately, I'm still getting errors.
Errors in Recipes (from TFM)
To ignore errors in a recipe line, write a - at the beginning of the
line's text (after the initial tab).
So the target would be something like:
-mv foo.o ../baz
I notice nobody has actually answered the original question itself yet, specifically how to ignore errors (all the answers are currently concerned with only calling the command if it won't cause an error).
To actually ignore errors, you can simply do:
mv -f foo.o ../baz 2>/dev/null; true
This will redirect stderr output to null, and follow the command with true (which always returns 0, causing make to believe the command succeeded regardless of what actually happened), allowing program flow to continue.
+#[ -d $(dir $#) ] || mkdir -p $(dir $#)
is what I use to silently create a folder if it does not exist. For your problem something like this should work
-#[ -e "foo.o" ] && mv -f foo.o ../baz
-test -e "foo.o" || if [ -f foo.o ]; then mv -f foo.o ../baz; fi;
That should work
Something like
test -e "foo.o" && mv -f foo.o ../baz
should work: the operator should be && instead of ||.
You can experiment with this by trying these commands:
test -e testfile && echo "going to move the file"
test -e testfile || echo "going to move the file"
I faced the same problem and as I am generating files, they always have different time. Workaround is set the same time to the files: touch -d '1 June 2018 11:02' file. In that case, gzip generates the same output and same md5sum. In my scenario, I don't need the time for the files.
