Can't find our app in G Suite Marketplace search results - google-apps-marketplace

Our app isn't showing up in the G Suite Marketplace search results whenever we search for it by name or via terms we know are in its description.
The direct link to our app's marketplace listing still works but it isn't showing up in the search results at all.
I've checked the manifest file and everything seems to be in order when I compared it to the sample here:
Sidenote: I got in touch with Google Support via chat and even they couldn't point me to where exactly I should get help with this. Posting this here in hopes someone knows of a solution.

As I've read in this post, it appears the app is not allowed to be installed for non admin users so therefore the search results will not show the app. However, your app might take few minutes to several hours appear in search result. Check this Access Marketplace apps support page where it stated that "Most apps are available immediately after deployment. In some cases, there may be a delay of up to 24 hours before the application is displayed." Try to check on the next day and see if it works.


Apps in my google-play-console are not available in the search after 10K+ downloads

We have an account in the playstore that published more than 50 apps everything works fine but this December something an expectedly changed All our apps are not available in playstore search
I know new Apps aren’t usually come top of the app search but this App isn’t new and has already downloaded 10K+ but it's not showing in the search even if I scroll down to bottom
Most of our apps have more reviews and downloads but I don’t know what’s going on.
Any ideas, please?
after the new Google Play Console surely something updated automatically geolocation.
All our apps are unavailable for 21 countries containing Somalia and Djibouti (a country I live) is part of that unavailable list.
All I do is update the list of Countries/Regions in the production to make apps available to all users
Thank you #Lemon for your comment

Why do some reviews can't be viewed in Developer Console?

Recently, I received a 5-star rating for one of my android app but the problem is I can't view it / reply it in my developer console.
Replying on it, fetches me this message:
It happened with me some time back also when someone from Canada reviewed my Yoga app but Google filtered it. I researched this issue that time also but Google didn't responded well on it as to why this happens when you have enabled those countries.
Why does Google don't rank my apps Up if my app gets good ranking but it immediately pulls down my app if I get even one 1-star/2-star rankings. Why is google partial about it. I'm not happy with this. :(
Can anybody give a detailed explanation to this or what are some unexplored Developer Console hacks, that we still don't know?
It is because of their auto filter. Sometimes they will delete your review, then you can't view it in your console. It only happens with positive ratings (they assume that people won't fake negative reviews by default). You can try to edit your review or delete it then review again, then you can view it in your console :)

Android app doesn't show up in Google Play

I just published my first app days ago but I'm having troubles finding it with the search option. The app has its download page, it's compatible with my device but even if I search the exact name it doesn't show up in the search results. So is it just a matter of time, or I'm missing something?

Cannot submit app to the google app marketplace

I created an chrome web store entry here:
And filled out the form for submission for google app marketplace:
This was over 1.5 month ago. Since then, I have not had any word about my app rejection or seen it in the google app marketplace.
I'm not sure what the process for app review is. Does no word ever back mean your app is rejected?
Typically if you don't hear anything back from us that is a good thing! However, in your case, it appears that you have not set up your manifest file correctly. You have failed to include the DOMAIN_INSTALLABLE container. Take a look at the documentation at:
You'll find an example manifest file that you can model yours after.
Since the manifest file was never set up correctly, the application did not enter our review queue which is why you never heard anything about it.

Google Marketplace App Install Flow

When installing a Google Marketplace App, the flow usually ends with the admin in the app's settings on Google with the option to sign in now. Is there a way to end with the user actually using the app (i.e. not having to click the link to sign in to start using the app)? Could the user just be sent to the app on the optional setup without returning to the app settings page on Google without that causing other problems?
Some of the documentation says:
We strongly recommend that the administrator be directed through a short, linear series of actions and returned to Google quickly so additional users can start using the application.
I tried testing this out, but it seems like there's some lag between installing and the app showing up in the "more" drop down for Google (I tried installing another app and did end up on the final page but the app still didn't show up in another account. It's been a few hours and it still isn't there) so it's hard to tell if it's just slow or not actually installed on other users' accounts.
Sorry the last section was misleading. This is not a question about the link not showing up immediately.
The new experience for Google Apps Marketplace lets you land the user in the app instead of the admin console. There's now a popup for the app to request permissions and to agree to terms and then the user ends up in the app. One-step installation. Good work Google.
