Upgraded React Native and now getting glog/logging.h file not found - xcode

I've upgraded React Native from 0.52 to 0.59 I'm aware this is a massive jump but I thought might as well go for it, and now getting glog/logging.h file not found.
I'm also aware that there are similar questions on here. But I've literally tried everything out there and I just can't seem to get this issue fixed.
Here's one of the things that I've tried:
cd node_modules/react-native/scripts && ./ios-install-third-party.sh && cd ../../../
cd node_modules/react-native/third-party/glog-0.3.4/ && ../../scripts/ios-configure-glog.sh && cd ../../../../
Anyone would think this would solve it right? I've left no stone unterned and it just doesn't want to go away. Fun!

Found a reference to the XCode app name having spaces here:
I also found that as I was using multiple versions, I had "XCode 10.1.app". When I changed it to XCode.app (and run something like sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app to update the XCode path), my app built without this problem or any of the others I'd experienced to date with glog.


I have a Podfile in the project, but No `Podfile' found in the project directory

recently I bought new macbook 16(intel, catalina)
I have started new project, I cannot install pods in my xcode project.
I successfully installed cocoapods and pod init.
but I cannot run command pod install.
This is what I get when I type command
ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts RbConfig::CONFIG["rubyhdrdir"]'
Please help if you have similar experience or good guess.
Thank you.
I had the same message about no 'Podfile'. I've solved this by moving my project to different directory with simple path. The previous one was too complicated - with backspaces, foreign language characters, with special characters.I think, the installer didn't like something about that.

Completely uninstall Xcode and all settings

I am trying to completely uninstall Xcode. However I followed the post How to Completely Uninstall Xcode and Clear All Settings
After following the instructions, I ran find for xcode string in my entire system and found the following locations.
Can I remove the below or should not I?
/System/Library/Automator/Build Xcode Project.action
/System/Library/Automator/Build Xcode Project.action/Contents/MacOS/Build Xcode Project
refer this link and do something like this using terminal n your mac,
sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
Its working and easy to do.

Xcode build error for react-native

maybe the same question here
, I follow official website tutorial workflow and try to build AwesomeProject, but even I choose different version, problem still exist
I can't describe clearly and directly screenshot below
certainly I installed react-native by following official guide step
$ npm install -g react-native-cli
$ react-native init AwesomeProject
could anybody help me out of this error, thx ..
Find out where react-native is installed, using which react-native, then change the reference to react-native, within the script called by Xcode, to /full/path/to/react-native.
Harder way: Modify the $PATH that Xcode uses so it looks in the new path. I wouldn't do this as it's hassle and appears to change with every version of OSX. I think it's done by editing /etc/paths and restarting; not sure though.

Anyone get the MacPorts' Mercurial package to work with MercurialEclipse plugin?

I'm trying to get the Mercurial Eclipse plugin to use my MacPorts version of Mercurial (since I need to access a repo that's using the new dotencode format), but I can't get the Mercurial preference page under "Team" to save the changes. It will recognize "/opt/local/bin" as a valid directory for the "hg" executable, but when exiting the workspace the changes don't appear to be saved properly, since the next time I launch Eclipse, the old "/usr/local/bin" is back there again.
Has anyone else had problems with this? "/opt/local/bin/hg" is a symlink to "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin/hg" on my system, but that file also contains a shebang ("#!") with the same path (duh!). Is that known to cause any problems on anyone else's machine?
Edit: Symlinking /usr/local/bin/hg to /opt/local/bin/hg works, but this doesn't fix the cause of the problem.
There are no errors being logged in the Eclipse Error Log view, other than "abort: requirement 'dotencode' not supported!" on startup. I.e. no errors on validating the settings or when saving the workspace.
Do you have another version of hg in /usr/local/bin? If not or if you no longer need it, you might be able to work around the issue by making a symlink:
sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/hg /usr/local/bin/hg
sudo chmod -h g+rx,o+rx /usr/local/bin/hg

Uninstall MacRuby

Does anyone know how to uninstall MacRuby? I was using RubyCocoa then decided to try out MacRuby, after installing MacRuby, RubyCocoa has stopped working. So I would like to remove MacRuby, but I cannot find any documentation on how to uninstall it.
The given answers won't remove everything. You'll still have XCode templates, examples and a few other dangling sym links: to rb_nibtool and the macruby man page.
To clean this up you need the .pkg file used to install MacRuby in the first place. This gives you a list of all files installed which you can delete. I did this:
$ xar -xf macruby_nightly.pkg
$ lsbom macrubynightly.pkg/Bom # not a typo, the above archive contains this folder
It would be nice if there were a better way to do this...
There is an easier way to list files in an installed package:
$ pkgutil --pkgs # list IDs of all installed packages
$ pkgutil --pkgs |grep -i ruby # get all related to ruby
$ pkgutil --files com.apple.macruby.macruby.MacRuby-0.pkg # show all files for MacRuby-0.8
If you delete the files, be sure to remove the receipt, as well (/Library/Receipts):
$ sudo pkgutil --forget com.apple.macruby.macruby.MacRuby-0.pkg
If you don't remove the receipt, you could have trouble reinstalling later (usually only for previous versions of the same package).
You can also delete all the files using pkgutil:
$ sudo pkgutil --unlink com.apple.macruby.macruby.MacRuby-0.pkg
The docs are not great (for me, at least) and I was a little scared to try it - it looked like it wanted to be overly-aggressive in deleting/unlinking things it didn't "own" (e.g., it tried to unlink /usr).
In the end, I made sure that Time Machine was working and ran the command. It deletes all the files and leaves behind all the empty directories. That's dumb, but safe enough. I'm sure someone has written a script to wrap all this up into a single safe operation, but I just cleaned up by hand.
Also, '--unlink' does not imply '--forget', so you also still need to run that after.
Dj2 is right, to uninstall MacRuby:
$ rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/MacRuby.framework
$ rm /usr/local/bin/mac*
$ rm /usr/local/bin/hotcocoa
However, MacRuby and RubyCocoa can live side by side in perfect harmony ;)
I believe everything for MacRuby is installed into /Library/Frameworks/MacRuby.framework. While I haven't tried it myself, removing that directory should remove MacRuby from the system.
MacRuby shouldn't interact with RubyCocoa in such a way as to cause it to stop working. It maybe the case that something else on your system changed at about the same time as the MacRuby install.
This is from Matt Aimonetti's "MacRuby: The Definitive Guide" (O'Reilly):
"MacRuby does not come with an uninstaller. If you want to remove MacRuby from your computer, delete the MacRuby binary files, which use the mac prefix and are located in /usr/local/bin/. Then remove MacRuby itself: /Library/Frameworks/MacRuby.framework."
There is a gist to do the whole uninstall: https://gist.github.com/Watson1978/1927952 and it works very nicely!
