Uninstall MacRuby - ruby

Does anyone know how to uninstall MacRuby? I was using RubyCocoa then decided to try out MacRuby, after installing MacRuby, RubyCocoa has stopped working. So I would like to remove MacRuby, but I cannot find any documentation on how to uninstall it.

The given answers won't remove everything. You'll still have XCode templates, examples and a few other dangling sym links: to rb_nibtool and the macruby man page.
To clean this up you need the .pkg file used to install MacRuby in the first place. This gives you a list of all files installed which you can delete. I did this:
$ xar -xf macruby_nightly.pkg
$ lsbom macrubynightly.pkg/Bom # not a typo, the above archive contains this folder
It would be nice if there were a better way to do this...

There is an easier way to list files in an installed package:
$ pkgutil --pkgs # list IDs of all installed packages
$ pkgutil --pkgs |grep -i ruby # get all related to ruby
$ pkgutil --files com.apple.macruby.macruby.MacRuby-0.pkg # show all files for MacRuby-0.8
If you delete the files, be sure to remove the receipt, as well (/Library/Receipts):
$ sudo pkgutil --forget com.apple.macruby.macruby.MacRuby-0.pkg
If you don't remove the receipt, you could have trouble reinstalling later (usually only for previous versions of the same package).
You can also delete all the files using pkgutil:
$ sudo pkgutil --unlink com.apple.macruby.macruby.MacRuby-0.pkg
The docs are not great (for me, at least) and I was a little scared to try it - it looked like it wanted to be overly-aggressive in deleting/unlinking things it didn't "own" (e.g., it tried to unlink /usr).
In the end, I made sure that Time Machine was working and ran the command. It deletes all the files and leaves behind all the empty directories. That's dumb, but safe enough. I'm sure someone has written a script to wrap all this up into a single safe operation, but I just cleaned up by hand.
Also, '--unlink' does not imply '--forget', so you also still need to run that after.

Dj2 is right, to uninstall MacRuby:
$ rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/MacRuby.framework
$ rm /usr/local/bin/mac*
$ rm /usr/local/bin/hotcocoa
However, MacRuby and RubyCocoa can live side by side in perfect harmony ;)

I believe everything for MacRuby is installed into /Library/Frameworks/MacRuby.framework. While I haven't tried it myself, removing that directory should remove MacRuby from the system.
MacRuby shouldn't interact with RubyCocoa in such a way as to cause it to stop working. It maybe the case that something else on your system changed at about the same time as the MacRuby install.

This is from Matt Aimonetti's "MacRuby: The Definitive Guide" (O'Reilly):
"MacRuby does not come with an uninstaller. If you want to remove MacRuby from your computer, delete the MacRuby binary files, which use the mac prefix and are located in /usr/local/bin/. Then remove MacRuby itself: /Library/Frameworks/MacRuby.framework."

There is a gist to do the whole uninstall: https://gist.github.com/Watson1978/1927952 and it works very nicely!


plutil: command not found

Ultimate Goal:
I'm trying to convert a binary plist file to an xml format so that I can put it in an array and grab values from it. What I'm finding via web search on this is that the command for Linux comes from libplist.
Problem: I ran "yum install libplist" and it told me libplist is already installed and latest version. I've read that if I enter the following command:
plutil -i /mypath/file.plist > /mypath/file.xml.plist
That this will help accomplish my ultimate goal. However, when I do this only a blank file called file.xml.plist is created. Further, with this command and any other command involving plutil, I get a "bash: plutil: command not found. . ." error. Is libplist seemingly not installed (even though it says it is) or why would I repeatedly get this error? Thanks for your help.
You can use yum to look for a package knowing the binary you want. For instance, if I want to install the package that provides plutil, I simply run this command:
$> yum provides plutil
Unfortunately, the result is No matches found... But you say you read that the libplist package provides this tool. Maybe it was renamed ? Let's use repoquery for this (if you don't have it, yum provides repoquery tells you that you need to install yum-utils).
$> repoquery --list libplist
And what I see is that a program called plistutil was installed with this package !
I've never used plutil, so I can't tell you for sure plistutil is the program you want (but it probably is). What I wanted to do instead with this post is to show how you can use yum to install the packages you need !
I ran across this thread while Googling for the same thing myself. After looking at a few solutions for my own company (Screenplay) I decided to fork and iterate on a open-source, cross-platform, drop-in replacement for plutil:
It's forked from Facebook's xcbuild (a tool developed by them to build xcode projects on Linux), but stripped down to just provide plist-editting functionality. That way you won't need to maintain separate code-paths for Mac and Linux environments.
Hope that's helpful!

Homebrew doctor is foreshadowing some sinister problems

I'm trying get Homebrew working with Xcode Command Line Tools, and they seem to be having it out with each other... In the words of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?"
For some background, when I first got my Mac about a year ago, I had no idea what I was doing. I was also using macports, which was, as the Homebrew website seems to be cognizant, driving me to become a raging alcoholic. As a result, my /usr/local directory got wayyy f-ed up. Eventually, gcc and g++ stopped working, and a lot of other things were breaking. So I did a clean install of OS X, and I want my shiny new installation to stay a little more organized.
Now, I've installed Apple's Command Line Tools, and all the binaries/libraries/etc have ended up in /usr/local. That's fine, but then I try to install homebrew, and it's also putting everything in the /usr/local/ directory. When I run the command
brew doctor
I get the following output (actually, this is just a snippet, but it captures the general spirit of what Homebrew is telling me):
Warning: Unbrewed static libraries were found in /usr/local/lib.
If you didn't put them there on purpose they could cause problems when
building Homebrew formulae, and may need to be deleted.
Unexpected static libraries:
I thought I might place Homebrew in a different directory; however, the Homebrew documentation specifically warned against this. They say:
"Do yourself a favor and install to /usr/local. Some things may not build when installed elsewhere. One of the reasons Homebrew just works relative to the competition is because we recommend installing to /usr/local. Pick another prefix at your peril!"
The whole point is that I don't want to bother with micro-managing every package I install, and I don't want my filesystem to become an ungodly mess either. Anyone have any suggestions? Do I move command line tools to a different directory and add this to my $PATH? Any tips would be much appreciated.
It's a warning, and the message says why. If you later want to install a Homebrew formula that installs one of those files, it will fail, because it will decline to overwrite those files, and then you will have to delete those files, as the message says.
Specifically, those files appear to belong to an installation of gcc. You might want to research or try to remember why that was installed there. It's probably OK to just delete them and install gcc from Homebrew if you need it.

can I remove imagemagick by deleting directories?

Inexperience and enthusiasm caused me to install many copies of imagemagick, and now I can't get rmagick gem to install.
I used macports to uninstall the imagemagick versions that it knew about.
Now, if I try brew list --unbrewed
I get a long list of imagemagick files, all in the /usr/local directory. I presume that these are ones that homebrew finds but doesn't control.
Can I simply delete these directories and associated files, and get rid of imagemagick that way? Virtually all the files are in the /usr/local/lib/ImageMagick-6.6.4 directory, or the /usr/local/include/ directory. The rest are in the /usr/local/share directory, and I assume those are just doc files of one kind or another.
If that gets rid of the beast, what's the best way to go about reinstalling ImageMagick?
-- EDIT ––
running bundle, it stalls on
def try_do(src, command, &b)
unless have_devel?
raise <<MSG
The complier failed to generate an executable file.
You have to install development tools first.
Does this mean that gcc is missing? (I just reinstalled XCode, and it has compiled stuff). Or is this a Ruby-related development tool it's looking for?
Yes delete the unbrewed imagemagick files and brew install imagemagick. Provided you have brew in /usr/local the gem should install fine.

Installing Ruby 1.9 on OS X Leopard using /usr/local - RVM issues

I have to run a Rails (3.0.6) app locally that requires Ruby 1.9.2 (plus Mongo). I'd like to install Ruby 1.9.2 alongside my existing 1.8.7 and be able to swap between them as necessary. I prefer installing to usr/local over Macports etc. Any recommendations? I've tried installing RVM but this has proved such a pain on OS X I'd rather avoid that too.
Is there another way of running multiple Ruby versions (maybe with a prefix like this)? I only need to switch to 1.9 for this project. Or has anyone a good solution to the known OS X/RVM install issues? Specifically, on Tiger/10.4 bash doesn't support errtrace.
Update: solved with a new RVM install script: see RVM on OS X 10.4 - possible?.
RVM really is the easiest solution, and I would highly recommend you try and work that issue out first.
The only bit of advice is to make sure you configure your PATH variable to include /usr/local/bin before everything else. In your .profile or .login (depending on your shell), you should have it towards the bottom, in case there is any other lines configuring PATH as well, and then for the Bourne shell family:
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH
or for the C shell family:
set path = (/usr/local/bin $PATH)
Running ./configure alone should make it install into /usr/local, but you can explicitly state so with
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
Install Ruby from source and it will default to /usr/local/bin. Adjust your path, the #! line, or your /usr/local/bin/ruby source.rb as necessary to switch between Apple's installation of Ruby, and the one you add.
You can force a new base directory using ./configure --prefix=/... where '...' is whatever path you want. Again, once the files are installed, you can adjust the executing Ruby with one of the above methods.
Do not attempt to remove Apple's installed Ruby. It's there for their use, not for our convenience, and Apple uses it to provide some functionality. Messing with it or removing it could break things, and you probably wouldn't notice for a while.
RE: RVM, It really is the preferred way to install a user Ruby. I have it on two Macs, and a handful of different Linux boxes and the only time I had trouble was with a secured machine behind firewalls, but I can't blame RVM for those problems when it couldn't see the internet at all. And, yes, I got it working nicely, I just had to insert the manually downloaded Ruby archives into the ~/.rvm/archives directory.
If you are having problems and want to use it, it might help to temporarily strip your startup scripts, or create a temporary user, and see what happens. Additionally, the author has been very responsive and helpful the few times I've asked him questions. Contact him at:
If you still cannot find what an answer to your question, find me 'wayneeseguin' in #rvm on irc.freenode.net:
If you download the source and compile it, it should install into /usr/local by default, or you can
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
just to be sure.
Actually, compiling and installing ruby from source is an easy way to be sure you have the latest version, especially if you use git and github:

What files did `make install` copy, and where?

Is there a way to get a list of filenames/paths that make install copies to the filesystem? Some packages come with a MANIFEST file, but not the ones that I am working with.
I was just investigating this myself while compiling a custom version of QEMU. I used the following method to work out what was installed and where (as well as using it as a basis for a .deb file):
mkdir /tmp/installer
./configure --target-list=i386-softmmu
sudo make install DESTDIR=/tmp/installer
cd /tmp/installer
tree .
Tree is a utility that recursively displays the contents of a directory in a visually appealing manner - sudo apt-get install tree for Debian / Ubuntu users
Hope that helps someone... it took me a bit of poking around to nut it out, but I found it quite a useful way of visualising what was going on.
The most fool-proof way is to use chroot: have "make install" run inside a chroot jail; compute a list of the files that you had before the installation, and compare that to the list of files after the installation.
Many installations will support either a --prefix configuration option, and/or a DESTDIR environment variable. You can use those for a lighter-wait version of chroot (trusting that the installation will fail if it tries to write to a location outside these if you run installation as a fairly unprivileged user).
Another approach is to replace the install program. Many packages support an INSTALL environment variable that, well, is the install program to use; there are tracing versions of install around.
make uninstall might show the files as it removes them if the author of the compiling instructions provides the information to allow an uninstall (it has been awhile since I have done one so I can't say for sure).
Also make -n install will do a "dry run" of the install process and it may be reasonable to extract the information from its results.
It differs for every project that you run 'make install' on. The files which are installed are controlled by the install target in the Makefile being used. Your best bet is to open the Makefile and search for 'install:' - from there you can see what files will be copied out to your system.
Take a snapshot of the contents of the install location before installing
Compare the current contents with the old contents.
./configure --prefix /usr/local
make -j`nproc`
find /usr/local | sort -u > /tmp/snapshot1
make install
find /usr/local | sort -u > /tmp/snapshot2
comm -3 /tmp/snapshot{1,2} # this prints the files added by `make install` to stdout
If the install program you're using doesn't support DESTDIR or --prefix (or an equivalent), I have found that it may be possible to identify new files as follows:
Start with as clean a system as possible (a fresh VM image is preferable)
Compile the software, wait a few minutes.
Install the software package.
Find files modified within the past 5 minutes: sudo find / -mmin -5 -type f (the find command has a ton of parameters for querying based on file modification / creation times, but this worked pretty well for me; you just need to narrow the time span so that you pick up the files created by the installer but nothing else).
