Completely uninstall Xcode and all settings - xcode

I am trying to completely uninstall Xcode. However I followed the post How to Completely Uninstall Xcode and Clear All Settings
After following the instructions, I ran find for xcode string in my entire system and found the following locations.
Can I remove the below or should not I?
/System/Library/Automator/Build Xcode Project.action
/System/Library/Automator/Build Xcode Project.action/Contents/MacOS/Build Xcode Project

refer this link and do something like this using terminal n your mac,
sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
Its working and easy to do.


Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code - Xcode 13.4.1

I'm using M1 chip and xCode 13.4.1. I get the following React Native error while executing the app in the simulator:
The following build commands failed:
PhaseScriptExecution [CP-User]\ Generate\ Specs /Users/Ibra/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Mario-girhlsdkqiibhqhflwlyrybpo/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ (in target 'FBReactNativeSpec' from project 'Pods')
(1 failure)
The problem persists even when I start a brand-new React Native project and try to execute it on iOS. What led to the error and how can it be fixed?
Thank you
Described answers didn't help me, but I started reading error description: and I found out that in error description on the line 2: my folder's name was written partially. Folder name consisted 2 words divided by 1 space example: "My folder" in the error was written just "My". I just changed folder's name to "MyFolder" and it helped me to fix the problem
it has multiple solutions:
to solve this run this command in terminal in ios folder , pod deintergrate and install pod with the commad pod install
Restart your Mac , it is some time due to cache, delete derived data and logs from XCode -> Prefrences and location
I faced same issue and I figured out following solutions:
What worked for me was npx react-native-clean-project and choosing y for all options, this will clean your React Native project by purging caches and modules, and reinstalling them again.
And here're some solutions that worked for others:
If you're using nvm, nvm unalias default could solve the issue.
This error could be due to Xcode can't find your node path, so try sudo ln -s $(which node) /usr/local/bin/node
Delete node_modules then cd ios && pod deintegrate then reinstall node modules and npx react-native start --reset-cache
I solve this issue with below procedure:
Keychain Access > Cetificates > Login
Find any Apple Certificate that has the blue + symbol
Change it to "Use System Defaults" and close it.
You'll see a pop up. Type in your password to update settings.
Close Keychain. Open your project, clean build files and run.
Note: Mac with M1, Xcode 14.1

Upgraded React Native and now getting glog/logging.h file not found

I've upgraded React Native from 0.52 to 0.59 I'm aware this is a massive jump but I thought might as well go for it, and now getting glog/logging.h file not found.
I'm also aware that there are similar questions on here. But I've literally tried everything out there and I just can't seem to get this issue fixed.
Here's one of the things that I've tried:
cd node_modules/react-native/scripts && ./ && cd ../../../
cd node_modules/react-native/third-party/glog-0.3.4/ && ../../scripts/ && cd ../../../../
Anyone would think this would solve it right? I've left no stone unterned and it just doesn't want to go away. Fun!
Found a reference to the XCode app name having spaces here:
I also found that as I was using multiple versions, I had "XCode". When I changed it to (and run something like sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/ to update the XCode path), my app built without this problem or any of the others I'd experienced to date with glog.

Xcode - #IBDesignables - Required code signing missing for X.framework

I know similar questions has been asked before but nothing seems to work for me.
Im using CocoaPods and installing framework "X". This can be anything that can be edited directly in the Storyboard. Two examples are "MBCircularProgressBar" and "UICircularProgressRing".
Im adding it to a UIView and getting this error instantly. It messes up my storbyboard but the app is running fine.
I'm using the newest version of Xcode, newest MAC OS.
What have i tried?
Deleted everything in DerivedData for Xcode
Clean, build, refresh views ++
Removing the problem pods and reinstalling/trying a different one
Disabled "Automatic code signing" in "General" and set it manually to my company
Error at the moment shows :
Main.storyboard: error: IB Designables: Failed to render and update auto layout status for Dashboard_UsageVC (mqT-RZ-029): dlopen(MBCircularProgressBar.framework, 1): no suitable image found. Did find:
MBCircularProgressBar.framework: required code signature missing for 'MBCircularProgressBar.framework'
UPDATE 23.04.2018 - Still not solved
Still having this problem. I have gone to the extreme and fully reset my MAC. Reinstalled everything. Same problem. Even when downgrading CocoaPods to 1.4.0 and Xcode to previous version. To avoid pulling all my hair out Im now finishing the rest of the app where nothing special is needed and hoping for a magic solution for this closer to app release.
It has been fixed with Cocoapods 1.5.2 (and probably 1.5.1 but I have upgrade directly from 1.5.0 to 1.5.2).
I may have spoken too fast.
The error re-appears after a few builds.
However, this workaround seems to work (applies to Cocoapods 1.5.x) until the bug fix is merged:
clean your project
close Xcode and delete DerivedData
open Podfile in your project , and add this:
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.build_configurations.each do |config|
then in command line do a:
pod update or pod install
Same bug for me.
For me, it cames after installing the last version cocoapods 1.5.0. So I downgraded it to 1.4.0 and the bug disappear.
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods
sudo gem install cocoapods -v 1.4.0
Hoped it will helped you too.
This works fine for me.When I downgrade cocoapods to 1.4.0,the problem disapper.
I am using DownloadButton.

Xcode build error for react-native

maybe the same question here
, I follow official website tutorial workflow and try to build AwesomeProject, but even I choose different version, problem still exist
I can't describe clearly and directly screenshot below
certainly I installed react-native by following official guide step
$ npm install -g react-native-cli
$ react-native init AwesomeProject
could anybody help me out of this error, thx ..
Find out where react-native is installed, using which react-native, then change the reference to react-native, within the script called by Xcode, to /full/path/to/react-native.
Harder way: Modify the $PATH that Xcode uses so it looks in the new path. I wouldn't do this as it's hassle and appears to change with every version of OSX. I think it's done by editing /etc/paths and restarting; not sure though.

OpenAFS install, packagemaker not found

I have tried to install openAFS directly from source code. This is for a MAC with OS Yosemite and I followed the instructions from an earlier question of mine:
However I can do everything until: sudo make packages, were I get the error:
packagemaker not found
make: *** [packages] Error 1
I looked into where this error occurs and it wants something in:
Do I need another piece of software to finish this installation?
Yes, you need PackageMaker installed. Note that this isn't technically required to build OpenAFS, but it is required to build the installer packages, which you probably want to do.
To install PackageMaker:
Download "Auxiliary Tools for Xcode - Late July 2012" from somewhere in I think this is somewhere in here.
Copy into /Applications/Utilities
$ sudo ln -s /Applications/Utilities/ /Developer/usr/bin/PackageMaker
Then you should be able to make packages in the OpenAFS source tree.
