Maven-war-plugin fails during mvn install execution due to web.xml is not found - maven

I am trying to make a simply "mvn clean install" execution in a Maven project but it fails with this error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war->plugin:2.2:war (default-war) on project xxxx: The specified web.xml file >'foo/target/classes/web.xml' does not exist ->
The configuration of the maven-war-plugin is:
I don't know why it fails if is false. The web.xml file in the project is allocated in another folder, not in ${}/web.xml, but I can't modify the POM.xml because I only need to run the Maven install process.
Besides, in my POM configuration I don't have any phase detailed, so the problem I have is different than other post related. I am trying to set maven.war.webXml path but it doesn't make none for me.
Thanks in advance.


Maven-cannot release due to local modicfications

We have been releasing our project via Jenkins pipeline. We have a shared pipeline and the mvn release command executes with options
"'-Dgoals=deploy -DpushChanges=false -DlocalCheckout=true -DpreparationGoals=initialize ' +
'-Darguments="-Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dskip.master=true" -DtagNameFormat="#{project.version}" ' +
With one of recent project during maven release phase , it fails stating " Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.5.3:prepare (default-cli) on project myProject: Cannot prepare the release because you have local modifications :
14:00:25 [main] ERROR org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli - [myProject/src/main/java/com/schema/avro/].
This file is an autogenerated file for avro schema, which is generated by adding the below plugin in pom.xml
I have tried adding the explicit maven release plugin in pom.xml as below but that also have not solved the issue
Since release:prepare expects to find "filters" in checkModificationExcludes configuration setting:
A list of additional exclude filters that will be skipped when checking for modifications on the working copy. Is ignored, when checkModificationExcludes is set.
you need to specify either path relative to project root, i.e.:
or ant pattern:
BTW, I do not like such setup, because in my opinion generated source files must not reside in the project structure at all, however other developers report they experience other difficulties with proper setup of avro-maven-plugin.

how does maven handle duplicate plugin declaration

A large undocumented project whose build I am trying to cleanup has maven warnings about duplicate plugin declaration.
The pom.xml is something like
I need to change it so it does not log warnings yet behaves exactly as it does now.
I guess, there are three possibilities:
first declaration wins
last declaration wins
all encountered declarations are merged XML-wise
But which one is it?
Run with debug logging (-X), find the occurrences/mentions of the war plugin in the log, and see what configuration is present. Then make your POMs look like that configuration.

Maven 2.2.1: [Warning] JAR will be empty - no content was marked for inclusion

Maven 2.2.1
JDK - 1.6.0_45
[WARNING] JAR will be empty - no content was marked for inclusion!
But build creates jar with pom.xml but no class files.
On the maven source code this exception is thrown only when source directory is not found.
The build is working for all other developers except on my workstation and one more workstation
I have tried all the solutions provided for this issue on stack overflow.
My source directory is src/java.
I also created src/main/java as source still no result.
I am calling mvn -o jar:jar && call mvn -o antrun:run
-o is becuase at this point I am testing with some old jars.
<target>1.5 </target>
<copy file="${}/${artifactId}-${version}.jar"
todir="${user.home}/.m2/repository/${groupId}/${artifactId}/${version}" />
First follow the conventions in Maven which means your production sources code should be in src/main/java. You should also locate your resources like property files or other kind of files (like xml files) in your case to the proper location which is for production src/main/resources and for unit tests src/test/resources.
The first thing you should change is the directory structure for your project in the process in migration. That will save many hassles with configurations in Maven cause you are violating the convention over configuration paradigm.
Your unit tests code in src/test/java and follow the naming conventions for unit tests which means name your unit tests like * nothing more. You don't need to define a suite to run all the tests. If you follow the naming convention maven-surefire-plugin will do all the work for you.
Remove the antrun plugin from your pom configuration and use
mvn install
instead to install your produced jar into local repository. Based on the build life cycle you will compile, unit test and package your code into resulting jar files.
Usually in Maven there is no reason to call mvn jar:jar separately.
Apart from that all you should stop using Maven 2.2.1 cause it has defined End Of Life. Better start with Maven 3.X instead. But everything i wrote before is valid Maven 3.
I got Build Success but same error:
JAR will be empty - no content was marked for inclusion.
It was a test project and I realized that I had no "main" under "src". As soon as I corrected this, it was fixed. I am adding the wrong and right structure screenshots in the attachments:
right structure
wrong structure - missing main folder

Using the maven-remote-resources-plugin and specifying the resourcesDirectory

I'm trying to override the default resources directory (src/main/resources) when using the maven-remote-resources-plugin. However the specified value in the sample below doesn't seem to be taken into account. Would appreciate if someone could give me some pointers.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
EDIT: I'm wondering if this is a bug in the plugin, since I see the following in the DEBUG output of the build, which implies that its attempting to use the correct resources directory. Nothing else relevant appears in the debug output.
[DEBUG] Configuring mojo 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.5:bundle' with basic configurator -->
[DEBUG] (f) includes = [**/*]
[DEBUG] (f) outputDirectory = C:\jit\workspace\ResourceLibrary\target\classes
[DEBUG] (f) resourcesDirectory = C:\jit\workspace\ResourceLibrary\common
EDIT: I think this may actually be a bug so have raised: MRRESOURCES-96
Why do you need maven-remote-resources-plugin?
If your goal is to override the default resources directory ,then you can use mvn resources:copy-resources, since it's more flexible. An example here.
You can also use the resources goal provided by resources plugin, and specify the resources in pom file's block. Example here.
About maven-remote-resources-plugin, see the usage page:
This will trigger the scanning of that project's $basedir/src/main/resources directory and create the $basedir/target/classes/META-INF/maven/remote-resources.xml manifest file.
That means this plugin will create the remote-resources.xml file, but it doesn't mean that it will copy the resources for you.
I created an empty maven project using your plugin configuration, and it actually did create an remote-resources.xml file. Also, it did not copy the files under ${basedir}/common
To do that, just specify the resources in build section. Example:
kly is right about it not copying resources for you (I apologize, I cannot comment yet - not enough reputation).
With the "bundle" goal, you are only generating a manifest with a list of the included resources. The manifest must be packaged in an artifact along with the resources themselves, which will only happen in your instance if you also use copy-resources to put them in the target/classes directory.
You then must use the "process" goal, and list your bundle, in any other project you wish to use the resources from.

Use Maven to Copy Files to WEB-INF Before WAR is Packaged

I have two servlet config files in my webapp, one for our normal environment (Heroku) and the other for WebLogic. I have a Maven profile for our WebLogic builds that should copy "servlet-context.xml.weblogic" to "servlet-context.xml". Everything appears to be working, except that the copy takes place AFTER the war file is built, so the correct servlet context doesn't get included in the package. What is the right build phase to use in the maven-antrun-plugin to get the copying done correctly?
Here is the relevant section of my POM.xml file:
This fails with the following error:
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.3:run (default) on project radio: An Ant BuildException has occured: Warning: Could not find file C:\workspace\radio\target\radio-1.0.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT\WEB-INF\spring\appServlet\radio-context.xml.weblogic to copy. -> [Help 1]
However, if I change the <phase> to package, the copy works, but after the war is built.
Any help would be appreciated.
As a reference, this page lists the Maven lifecycle phases.
The key phases you need to think about in your build are:
process-resources - where most of the files are placed into ${}
package - this is the phase where the WAR is built
Looking at the documentation of the WAR plugin, the copying of WAR resources to ${}/${} occurs in the war:war goal, which executes in the package phase also.
So let's take a step back. What you want to achieve is to use a different radio-context.xml file depending on your profile. Perhaps a better approach would be to configure the WAR plugin differently in your weblogic profile.
Have a separate webapp resource directory for your weblogic, put your custom radio-context.xml file in there, and only include that directory in the weblogic profile. e.g.
Try using process-resources, this copies your file before the war is built.
