What does that script mean? What do i have to do to run it? - bash

So, i have to update a firmware of a sonoff switch with a script i found on GitHub, i don't know how and where to run it, what programmes do i need. (I'm on windows)
I installed bash and tried to run it but it says "No such file or directory" and none of the tutorials on the internet works.
it says "line 8: esptool.py command not found"
esptool.py \
--baud 115200 \
write_flash \
-fs 8m \
-fm dout \
-ff 40m \
0x0 ./firmware/rboot.bin \
0x1000 ./firmware/blank_config.bin \
0x2000 ./firmware/Sonoff_$POWERON_STATE.bin
it should work and start the script but i keep getting error messages.

To install esptool using pip pip install esptool.
To check if you have python or pip installed:
python -V
pip -V

According to the filename (esptool.py) this should be a python script. So you need to have the correct python version (python2 or python3) installed and then run it via the respective python interpreter.
python esptool.py ...
Just executing it via bash tries to interpret as a bash script and that explains the error you are getting.


openapi-generator: command not found for bash script

I have a generate.sh file with below lines of code,
openapi-generator generate -g aspnetcore \
--template-dir ${PWD}/openapi-generator-aspnetcore3-templates/ \
--additional-properties aspnetCoreVersion=3.1 \
--additional-properties classModifier=abstract \
--additional-properties operationModifier=abstract \
--additional-properties packageName=RedHat.TodoList \
--additional-properties packageTitle=TodoList \
-i todo_openapi.yaml \
-o ${PWD}
When I am trying to run it Git Bash tool it's throwing error ./generate.sh: line 3: openapi-generator: command not found, I can see openapi-generator-cli commands working fine.
In generate.sh, replace openapi-generator with openapi-generator-cli instead.
(openapi-generator is usually installed via brew on Mac)
Looks like PATH problem.
Use which openapi-generator in terminal or Git Bash, whichever works for you, to find openapi-generator path first.
$ which openapi-generator
Then add the path to PATH variable in your generate.sh, e.g. put the following line before you call openapi-generator.

Invalid argument from bash script on MacOS command line

I'm trying to run the LiteCart bash installer script located here:
Unfortunately, it's giving me a problem when I add preset arguments like this:
--document_root=/var/www/litecart/public_html \
--db_server=localhost \
--db_user=johndoe \
--db_password=mycatsname \
--db_database=mylitecartdb \
--db_prefix=lc_ \
--timezone=Europe/London \
--admin_folder=admin \
--admin_user=admin \
--admin_password=mydogsname \
I keep getting:
Error: Invalid argument (--document_root=/var/www/litecart/public_html)
My computer is running MacOS 10.15 and the server is running CentOS 7.9. The script runs fine without the arguments.
I can't find anything that even resembles this situation here. What's the proper way to run a script like this? Thanks.
Script contains no case for --document_root.
export document_root="/var/www/litecart/public_html"
./install.sh --db_server=localhost \
--db_user=johndoe \
--db_password=mycatsname \
--db_database=mylitecartdb \
I assume that there are more problems in the script.

Installing OSSEC agent on a container. The ossec install script (install.sh) falls and loops infintely when passing arguments via script

Basically I am going to have a whole bunch of ubuntu containers that are going to have ossec agent installed that will communicate with a main server. I want to automate the installation so using the docker RUN variable in the dockerfile I wrote a script that downloads the ossec tar file, unpacks it, cds into directory and runs the install script while passing arguments to each question of the installation phase:
From ubuntu
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
build-essential \
libmysqlclient-dev \
postgresql-common \
wget \
tar \
RUN wget -U ossec https://bintray.com/artifact/download/ossec/ossec-hids/ossec-hids-2.8.3.tar.gz
RUN tar -xvf ossec-hids-2.8.3.gz && \
rm -f ossec-hids-2.8.3.tar.gz && \
cd ossec-hids-2.8.3 && \
echo "en agent \n y y y" | ./install.sh
When it echos in the arguments into the script, the install.sh script falls and loops over the second question infinitely. Note I have tried printf, expect script, yes command and tried the script inside the container. All with the same outcome.

Cant't build Jenkins latest within Docker

******** UPDATE *********
Bash script has no errors, checked with https://www.shellcheck.net/
Adding to the Dockerfilethe line
RUN tty | sed -e "s:/dev/::"
No tty
Next line on Dockerfile always fails:
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/jenkins.sh"]
I leave an image in order to clarify. In short, I think I need to attach a tty in some way to the batch script, but dunno how to do it.
------------------- OLD CONTENT -------------------
I need to update a Jenkins image to 2.138.2. An excerpt of the original Dockerfile is as follows:
FROM openjdk:8-jdk
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git curl && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# ...
# Use tini as subreaper in Docker container to adopt zombie processes
COPY tini_pub.gpg ${JENKINS_HOME}/tini_pub.gpg
RUN curl -fsSL https://github.com/krallin/tini/releases/download/${TINI_VERSION}/tini-static-$(dpkg --print-architecture) -o /sbin/tini \
&& curl -fsSL https://github.com/krallin/tini/releases/download/${TINI_VERSION}/tini-static-$(dpkg --print-architecture).asc -o /sbin/tini.asc \
&& gpg --import ${JENKINS_HOME}/tini_pub.gpg \
&& gpg --verify /sbin/tini.asc \
&& rm -rf /sbin/tini.asc /root/.gnupg \
# ...
ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini", "--", "/usr/local/bin/jenkins.sh"]
Using this Dockerfile FAILS due to gpg --import statement now needs to be fixed using --no-tty option. So that line remains as follows:
&& gpg --no-tty --import ${JENKINS_HOME}/tini_pub.gpg \
That's not fine since the execution of jenkins.sh now fails in several ways. The code of the script starts as follows:
#! /bin/bash -e
: "${JENKINS_WAR:="/usr/share/jenkins/jenkins.sh
This script is called from the Dockerfile in this line:
ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini", "--", "/usr/local/bin/jenkins.sh"]
But now fails with several errors and seems to be impossible to process the file, nor removing the shebang line, nor removing the '-' or the '-e' option. The rest of the file is not processed fine if we change bash to other shell (not odd) nor removing the -e option (if I do that, the entrypoint does not find the jenkins.sh script).
Sumarizing, I've needed to remove a tty from gpg but doing that, I've lost access to bash scripting.
I've checked about the applied workaround, the workaround is described here ( (if I'm right, case is number 8, gpg might write to the tty at some point):
Is there any way to attach a tty to the entrypointor having any settings in the script in order to allow this work fine?
Finally runned on a Linux VM and no problems. Running it on Windows is the problem.

How can I use systemtap(stap) in the centos container in docker for mac

When I use stap, it tell me this error as the image,how can i fix it.
Really don't know why this question has been downvotted once. When i get concern, downvotter are one of the reason i always hesitate to ask thing on stackoverflow...
So, got the same concern with a container under ubuntu and it is how i fix it : try to launch an ubuntu bash on docker (not centos but the step should be similar)
docker run -it --cap-add sys_admin ubuntu bash
Then install some library and systemtap
apt-get update
apt-get --yes install build-essential cmake bc curl diffutils git kmod libcurl4-openssl-dev wget
apt-get --yes install systemtap systemtap-sdt-dev
Now install the kernel headers (will take time)
export KERNELVER=$(uname -r | cut -d '-' -f 1)
cd /
curl -o linux-${KERNELVER}.tar.gz https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v4.x/linux-${KERNELVER}.tar.gz
tar zxf linux-${KERNELVER}.tar.gz
cd linux-${KERNELVER}
zcat /proc/1/root/proc/config.gz > .config
make all
make modules_prepare
make headers_install
make modules_install
Now run stap -l 'syscall.*'. It should work and display :
This is taken from : https://github.com/fdebonneval/mobydig/blob/master/resources/build
