Installing OSSEC agent on a container. The ossec install script ( falls and loops infintely when passing arguments via script - bash

Basically I am going to have a whole bunch of ubuntu containers that are going to have ossec agent installed that will communicate with a main server. I want to automate the installation so using the docker RUN variable in the dockerfile I wrote a script that downloads the ossec tar file, unpacks it, cds into directory and runs the install script while passing arguments to each question of the installation phase:
From ubuntu
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
build-essential \
libmysqlclient-dev \
postgresql-common \
wget \
tar \
RUN wget -U ossec
RUN tar -xvf ossec-hids-2.8.3.gz && \
rm -f ossec-hids-2.8.3.tar.gz && \
cd ossec-hids-2.8.3 && \
echo "en agent \n y y y" | ./
When it echos in the arguments into the script, the script falls and loops over the second question infinitely. Note I have tried printf, expect script, yes command and tried the script inside the container. All with the same outcome.


When running my bash script for setting ssh tunneling, it stops half

The following is my bash script setting up ssh tunneling. However, it always stops when it get to the echo part. does anyone know why? My distro is ubuntu 20.
apt update && apt install -y wget && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install
openssh-server -y &&
mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cd $_ &&
echo "ssh-ed25519
AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAII2AOiMJXSWr/yYuAkSur/QSfdwBbmK3hs4qzlMvOQxT dmml#Dmms-MBP"
>> authorized_keys
&& service ssh start
My response would be better placed in a comment, but I can't get the formatting right, so I'll post it here. The problem is likely due to a formatting issue. Splitting the string that's passed to the echo command over multiple lines is especially problematic. Try re-formatting as shown below, noting the backslash (\) at the end of each line. There's likely a better way to accomplish the goal than stringing a large number of commands together. Also, resist the temptation to use "set -e" here. See comments for additional details.
apt update && \
apt install -y wget && \
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get installopenssh-server -y && \
mkdir -p ~/.ssh && \
cd $_ && \
echo "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAII2AOiMJXSWr/yYuAkSur/QSfdwBbmK3hs4qzlMvOQxT dmml#Dmms-MBP" >> authorized_keys && \
service ssh start

docker container nginx start but keeps hanging

my dockerfile:
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
cron \
python-dev \
git \
zlib1g-dev \
libffi-dev \
libssl-dev \
autotools-dev \
automake \
libbz2-dev \
libaio-dev \
libsasl2-dev \
RUN pip install boto boto3 awscli
# Install Nginx.
add-apt-repository -y ppa:nginx/stable && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y nginx && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \
echo "\ndaemon off;" >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf && \
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/nginx
# Define mountable directories.
VOLUME ["/etc/nginx/sites-enabled", "/etc/nginx/certs", "/etc/nginx/conf.d", "/var/log/nginx", "/var/www/html"]
# Define working directory.
WORKDIR /etc/nginx
# Define default command.
CMD ["nginx"]
COPY nginx_conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
# Start service, replace server name, update web ui
COPY /opt/annotation-pipeline-docs/
RUN chmod 0755 /opt/annotation-pipeline-docs/
ENTRYPOINT [ "sh", "-c", "/opt/annotation-pipeline-docs/" ]
# Expose ports.
And my entrypoint bash file (I need to update the server name first when the container runs) is:
#!/bin/bash -e
/usr/local/bin/aws s3 sync s3://${S3_Bucket}/docs/${ENVIRONMENT}/HEAD/ /var/www/html/
if [ "$ENVIRONMENT" == "prod" ]
sed -i.bak "s/REPLACE_ME/" /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
sed -i.bak "s/REPLACE_ME/example-$" /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
while true; do
sleep 60
echo "s3 sync again:"
/usr/local/bin/aws s3 sync s3://${S3_Bucket}/docs/${ENVIRONMENT}/HEAD/ /var/www/html/
The issue is when
runs, it will hanging forever in the terminal:
and the while loop will never get called. Anyone know why is hanging and how to resolve it? Please help, tks in advanced.
The reason for my issue is waiting for the traffic, the while loop will never get called until Nginx start free the bash. However, Nginx will be running in the foreground and not release the focus.
The solution I tried is instead of letting Nginx running as a foreground service, I changed it run in the background. Since this is the only service in my container, should have no problem to do it.
the code changed is simply removed below line in my dockerfile:
echo "\ndaemon off;" >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
which will make Nginx as a foreground service

Cant't build Jenkins latest within Docker

******** UPDATE *********
Bash script has no errors, checked with
Adding to the Dockerfilethe line
RUN tty | sed -e "s:/dev/::"
No tty
Next line on Dockerfile always fails:
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]
I leave an image in order to clarify. In short, I think I need to attach a tty in some way to the batch script, but dunno how to do it.
------------------- OLD CONTENT -------------------
I need to update a Jenkins image to 2.138.2. An excerpt of the original Dockerfile is as follows:
FROM openjdk:8-jdk
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git curl && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# ...
# Use tini as subreaper in Docker container to adopt zombie processes
COPY tini_pub.gpg ${JENKINS_HOME}/tini_pub.gpg
RUN curl -fsSL${TINI_VERSION}/tini-static-$(dpkg --print-architecture) -o /sbin/tini \
&& curl -fsSL${TINI_VERSION}/tini-static-$(dpkg --print-architecture).asc -o /sbin/tini.asc \
&& gpg --import ${JENKINS_HOME}/tini_pub.gpg \
&& gpg --verify /sbin/tini.asc \
&& rm -rf /sbin/tini.asc /root/.gnupg \
# ...
ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini", "--", "/usr/local/bin/"]
Using this Dockerfile FAILS due to gpg --import statement now needs to be fixed using --no-tty option. So that line remains as follows:
&& gpg --no-tty --import ${JENKINS_HOME}/tini_pub.gpg \
That's not fine since the execution of now fails in several ways. The code of the script starts as follows:
#! /bin/bash -e
: "${JENKINS_WAR:="/usr/share/jenkins/
This script is called from the Dockerfile in this line:
ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini", "--", "/usr/local/bin/"]
But now fails with several errors and seems to be impossible to process the file, nor removing the shebang line, nor removing the '-' or the '-e' option. The rest of the file is not processed fine if we change bash to other shell (not odd) nor removing the -e option (if I do that, the entrypoint does not find the script).
Sumarizing, I've needed to remove a tty from gpg but doing that, I've lost access to bash scripting.
I've checked about the applied workaround, the workaround is described here ( (if I'm right, case is number 8, gpg might write to the tty at some point):
Is there any way to attach a tty to the entrypointor having any settings in the script in order to allow this work fine?
Finally runned on a Linux VM and no problems. Running it on Windows is the problem.

Failed to Call Access Method Exception when Creating a MedicationOrder in FHIR

I am using this test FHIR server and it worked okay so far.
Now I am getting an HTTP-500 - Failed to Call Access Method exception.
Anyone has any idea on what has gone wrong?
This happens frequently. Probably because someone tested weird queries or similar that put the server in an unstable status.
I suggest posting a comment in to get the server restarted,
or install which does basically the same but you have full control.
I built a Dockerfile:
FROM debian:sid
MAINTAINER Günter Zöchbauer <>
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
apt-get -q update && \
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive && \
apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y -q \
apt-transport-https \
apt-utils \
wget \
bzip2 \
# net-tools sudo procps telnet
apt-get update && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \
ADD hapi-* /hapi_fhir_cli/
RUN ls -la
RUN ls -la /hapi_fhir_cli
ADD /hapi_fhir_cli/
cd /hapi_fhir_cli && \
bash -c /hapi_fhir_cli/
ADD /hapi_fhir_cli/
WORKDIR /hapi_fhir_cli
ENTRYPOINT ["/hapi_fhir_cli/"]
Which requires in the same directory as the Dockerfile
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ls -la
./hapi-fhir-cli run-server --allow-external-refs &
while ! timeout 1 bash -c "echo > /dev/tcp/localhost/8080"; do sleep 10; done
./hapi-fhir-cli upload-definitions -t http://localhost:8080/baseDstu2
./hapi-fhir-cli upload-examples -c -t http://localhost:8080/baseDstu2
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd /hapi_fhir_cli
./hapi-fhir-cli run-server --allow-external-refs -p 5555
docker build myname/hapi_fhir_cli_dstu2 -t . #--no-cache
docker run -d -p 5555:5555 [image id from docker build]
Hope this helps.

Why does "docker run" error with "no such file or directory"?

I am trying to run a container which runs an automated build. Here is the dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:14.04
MAINTAINER pmandayam
# update dpkg repositories
RUN apt-get update
# install wget
RUN apt-get install -y wget
# get maven 3.2.2
RUN wget --no-verbose -O /tmp/apache-maven-3.2.2.tar.gz http://archive.apache.or
# verify checksum
RUN echo "87e5cc81bc4ab9b83986b3e77e6b3095 /tmp/apache-maven-3.2.2.tar.gz" | md5
sum -c
# install maven
RUN tar xzf /tmp/apache-maven-3.2.2.tar.gz -C /opt/
RUN ln -s /opt/apache-maven-3.2.2 /opt/maven
RUN ln -s /opt/maven/bin/mvn /usr/local/bin
RUN rm -f /tmp/apache-maven-3.2.2.tar.gz
ENV MAVEN_HOME /opt/maven
# remove download archive files
RUN apt-get clean
# set shell variables for java installation
ENV java_version 1.8.0_11
ENV filename jdk-8u11-linux-x64.tar.gz
ENV downloadlink$filename
# download java, accepting the license agreement
RUN wget --no-cookies --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie
" -O /tmp/$filename $downloadlink
# unpack java
RUN mkdir /opt/java-oracle && tar -zxf /tmp/$filename -C /opt/java-oracle/
ENV JAVA_HOME /opt/java-oracle/jdk$java_version
# configure symbolic links for the java and javac executables
RUN update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java $JAVA_HOME/bin/java 20000 &
& update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac 20000
# install mongodb
RUN echo 'deb dist 10gen
' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get --allow-unauthenticated install -y mongodb-org mongodb-org-s
erver mongodb-org-shell mongodb-org-mongos mongodb-org-tools && \
echo "mongodb-org hold" | dpkg --set-selections && \
echo "mongodb-org-server hold" | dpkg --set-selections && \
echo "mongodb-org-shell hold" | dpkg --set-selections &&
echo "mongodb-org-mongos hold" | dpkg --set-selectio
ns && \
echo "mongodb-org-tools hold" | dpkg --set-selec
RUN mkdir -p /data/db
VOLUME /data/db
EXPOSE 27017
COPY build-script /build-script
CMD ["/build-script"]
I can build the image successfully but when I try to run the container I get this error:
$ docker run mybuild
no such file or directory
Error response from daemon: Cannot start container 3e8aa828909afcd8fb82b5a5ac894
97a537bef2b930b71a5d20a1b98d6cc1dd6: [8] System error: no such file or directory
what does it mean 'no such file or directory'?
Here is my simple script:
sudo service mongod start
mvn clean verify
sudo service mongod stop
I copy it like this: COPY build-script /build-script
and run it like this: CMD ["/build-script"] not sure why its not working
Using service isn't going to fly - the Docker base images are minimal and don't support this. If you want to run multiple processes, you can use supervisor or runit etc.
In this case, it would be simplest just to start mongo manually in the script e.g. /usr/bin/mongod & or whatever the correct incantation is.
BTW the lines where you try to clean up don't have much effect:
RUN rm -f /tmp/apache-maven-3.2.2.tar.gz
# remove download archive files
RUN apt-get clean
These files have already been committed to a previous image layer, so doing this doesn't save any disk-space. Instead you have to delete the files in the same Dockerfile instruction in which they're added.
Also, I would consider changing the base image to a Java one, which would save a lot of work. However, you may have trouble finding one which bundles the official Oracle JDK rather than OpenJDK if that's a problem.
