Invalid argument from bash script on MacOS command line - bash

I'm trying to run the LiteCart bash installer script located here:
Unfortunately, it's giving me a problem when I add preset arguments like this:
--document_root=/var/www/litecart/public_html \
--db_server=localhost \
--db_user=johndoe \
--db_password=mycatsname \
--db_database=mylitecartdb \
--db_prefix=lc_ \
--timezone=Europe/London \
--admin_folder=admin \
--admin_user=admin \
--admin_password=mydogsname \
I keep getting:
Error: Invalid argument (--document_root=/var/www/litecart/public_html)
My computer is running MacOS 10.15 and the server is running CentOS 7.9. The script runs fine without the arguments.
I can't find anything that even resembles this situation here. What's the proper way to run a script like this? Thanks.

Script contains no case for --document_root.
export document_root="/var/www/litecart/public_html"
./ --db_server=localhost \
--db_user=johndoe \
--db_password=mycatsname \
--db_database=mylitecartdb \
I assume that there are more problems in the script.


How to execute bash variable with double quotes and get the output in realtime

I have a variable that has a command that I want to run.
It has a bunch of double-quotes. when I echo it, it looks beautiful.
I can copy-paste it and run it just fine.
I tried simply $cmd, but it doesn't work. I get an error as if the command is malformed.
I then tried running it via eval "$cmd" or similarly, bash -c "$cmd", which works, but I don't get any output until the command is done running.
Example with bash -c "$cmd":
This runs the command, BUT I don't get any output until the command is done running, which sucks and I'm trying to fix that:
cmd="docker run -v \"$PROJECT_DIR\":\"$PROJECT_DIR\" \
-v \"$PPI_ROOT_DIR/utilities/build_deploy/terraform/modules/\":/ppi_modules \
--workdir \"$PROJECT_DIR/terraform\" \
--env TF_VAR_aws_account_id=$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID \
--env TF_VAR_environment=${ENVIRONMENT} \
--env TF_VAR_region=${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION:-us-west-2} \
init --plugin-dir=/.terraform/providers \
-reconfigure \
-backend-config=\"bucket=${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}-tf-remote-state\" \
-backend-config=\"key=${ENVIRONMENT}/${PROJECT_NAME}\" \
-backend-config=\"region=us-west-2\" \
-backend-config=\"dynamodb_table=terraform-locks\" \
# command output looks good. I can copy and paste it and run it my terminal too.
echo $cmd
# Running the command via bash works,
# but I don't get the output until the command is done running,
# which is what I'm trying to fix:
bash -c "$cmd"
Here is an example using bash array.
It prints it to screen perfectly, but just like running it like $cmd, it throws an error as if the command is malformed:
cmd=(docker run -v \"$PROJECT_DIR\":\"$PROJECT_DIR\" \
-v \"$PPI_ROOT_DIR/utilities/build_deploy/terraform/modules/\":/ppi_modules \
--workdir \"$PROJECT_DIR/terraform\" \
--env TF_VAR_aws_account_id=$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID \
--env TF_VAR_environment=${ENVIRONMENT} \
--env TF_VAR_region=${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION:-us-west-2} \
init --plugin-dir=/.terraform/providers \
-reconfigure \
-backend-config=\"bucket=${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}-tf-remote-state\" \
-backend-config=\"key=${ENVIRONMENT}/${PROJECT_NAME}\" \
-backend-config=\"region=us-west-2\" \
-backend-config=\"dynamodb_table=terraform-locks\" \
echo "${cmd[#]}"
How can I execute a bash variable that has double-quotes, but run it so I get the output in realtime, just as if I executed via $cmd (which doesn't work)
Similar to these questions, but my question is to run it AND get the output in realtime:
Execute command containing quotes from shell variable
Bash inserting quotes into string before execution
bash script execute command with double quotes, single quotes and spaces
In your array version, double quotes escaped by a backslash become part of the arguments, which is not intended.
So removing backslashes should fix the issue.

openapi-generator: command not found for bash script

I have a file with below lines of code,
openapi-generator generate -g aspnetcore \
--template-dir ${PWD}/openapi-generator-aspnetcore3-templates/ \
--additional-properties aspnetCoreVersion=3.1 \
--additional-properties classModifier=abstract \
--additional-properties operationModifier=abstract \
--additional-properties packageName=RedHat.TodoList \
--additional-properties packageTitle=TodoList \
-i todo_openapi.yaml \
-o ${PWD}
When I am trying to run it Git Bash tool it's throwing error ./ line 3: openapi-generator: command not found, I can see openapi-generator-cli commands working fine.
In, replace openapi-generator with openapi-generator-cli instead.
(openapi-generator is usually installed via brew on Mac)
Looks like PATH problem.
Use which openapi-generator in terminal or Git Bash, whichever works for you, to find openapi-generator path first.
$ which openapi-generator
Then add the path to PATH variable in your, e.g. put the following line before you call openapi-generator.

spark-submit: command not found

A very simple question:
I try to use a bash script to submit spark jobs. But somehow it keeps complaining that it cannot find spark-submit command.
But when I just copy out the command and run directly in my terminal, it runs fine.
My shell is fish shell, here's what I have in my fish shell config: ~/.config/fish/
alias spark-submit='/Users/MY_NAME/Downloads/spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7/bin/spark-submit'
Here's my bash script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
--master $MASTER \
--deploy-mode client \
--driver-memory $DRIVER_MEMORY \
--executor-memory $EXECUTOR_MEMORY \
--num-executors $NUM_EXECUTORS \
--executor-cores $EXECUTOR_CORES \
--conf spark.shuffle.compress=true \
--conf \
--class com.fisher.coder.OfflineIndexer \
--verbose \
--local $LOCAL \
--solrconfig 'resource:solrhome/' \
--source $SOURCE \
--limit $LIMIT \
--sample $SAMPLE \
--dest $DEST \
--copysolrconfig \
--shards $SHARDS \
What I've tried:
I could run this command perfectly fine on my Mac OS X fish shell when I copy this command literally out and directly run.
However, what I wanted to achieve is to be able to run ./ -local which executes the above shell.
Any clues please?
You seem to be confused about what a fish alias is. When you run this:
alias spark-submit='/Users/MY_NAME/Downloads/spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7/bin/spark-submit'
You are actually doing this:
function spark-submit
/Users/MY_NAME/Downloads/spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7/bin/spark-submit $argv
That is, you are defining a fish function. Your bash script has no knowledge of that function. You need to either put that path in your $PATH variable or put a similar alias command in your bash script.
Make sure this command is added to path:
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/{your_own_path_where_spark_installed}/bin
For mac, open either one of these files ~/.bash, ~/.zprofile, ~/.zshrc and add the command below in the file.

Error when compiling using arduino-builder on mac os x

Arduino version: 1.8.2
Max OS X version: 10.12.3
arduino-builder -compile -hardware /Applications/ -tools /Applications/ -fqbn arduino:avr:uno -verbose SimpleTimer.ino
fork/exec /bin/avr-g++: no such file or directory
I had to put in a couple fixes before the above command worked.
In file
change this property:
In file /Applications/
change this property:
Marcello's answer worked for me, but I would propose a more convenient solution in the form of a wrapper-script to do all the dirty work:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
arduino-builder \
-compile \
-hardware /Applications/ \
-tools /Applications/ \
-fqbn arduino:avr:uno \
-libraries ../libraries/ \
-prefs=compiler.path=/Applications/ \
-prefs=tools.ctags.path=/Applications/ \
-verbose \

Ruby IO::popen and crossbow
Looking to use this method ( I think)
To run this commandline command, from within ruby:
--name "Crossbow-Ecoli" \
--preprocess \
--input=s3n://bgs.crossbow-01/example/e_coli/small.manifest \
--output=s3n://bgs.crossbow-01/example/e_coli/output_small \
The above is what I enter in to the command line to run directly from console
So I'm pretty sure I've got the IO method correct... but I'm fairly lost on translating the above code into the input
THis should do the trick:
command =<<END_OF_COMMAND
#{ENV["CROSSBOW_HOME"]}/cb_emr \
--name "Crossbow-Ecoli" \
--preprocess \
--input=s3n://bgs.crossbow-01/example/e_coli/small.manifest \
--output=s3n://bgs.crossbow-01/example/e_coli/output_small \
IO.popen(command) do |handle|
handle.each_line do |line|
puts line
I am iterating over each line of the output, because I'm guessing you may want to process it somehow.
