${object.property} is displayed as string and not displaying the value - maven

I'm pretty new with maven and struts and I want to display a value in a table.
I'm working on a project working on my coworkers computer but not mine.
When i write the following line, I expect to get the value.
Instead, I display this line as if it was a string.
I know that, codewise, this line is well written.
What I don't know is what is change configuration-wise to be able to work with struts correctly.
I am using Tomcat 7.072, Struts 1.1 and Maven 3.6.0. My IDE is IntelliJ Idea.
I already checked into my .m2 folder and I can find Struts 1 in the repository.
I have tried "mvn -install" and pretty much every command that looks like to deal with dependencies that I know.
I think the problem should come from my Tomcat's configuration but I don't understand what is missing.
I would like to know where my problem is and how I can solve it.
After working a bit more on this problem, it seems that the problem come from Apache, but still I don't understand why my pages won't display the proper values.


Fortify Exclusion File Location

Ok, so I'm trying to get exclusions to work with fortify scanning using maven. I've got everything working except for the exclusions. The documentation says to create a *.exclusions file and add com.fortify.sca.exclude="fileA;fileB;fileC" to the file. However, it does not say where to put the file. Do I put it in the maven directory? Or do I put it in the Fortify directory? Any help on this would be appreciated.
Unfortunately, my reputation isn't high enough yet for me to ask you what version of Fortify SCA you're using, so that I can try and better help you. But I'll try taking a stab with this.
I'm not sure about the *.exclusions file you're talking about, but perhaps you can add something on the command line when you call maven to build and scan your app using the "-Dfortify.sca.exclude" property option. See the example command below:
mvn com.fortify.sca.plugins.maven:sca-maven-plugin: <ver> :translate -Dfortify.sca.source.version=1.8 -Dfortify.sca.exclude="fileA;fileB;fileC;

What IDE to use to start contributing code for CKEditor?

It's my first question here on stackoverflow so please be easy on me.
I've been trying to set up the source for CKEditor so I can start contributing to this editor. I have followed this link: http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_contributing_code but I got stuck on step 4 as I haven't got the following file: bender.js. I also need something called gruntfile for step 5. Do you know where I can get them from as when I fork https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-dev, the following project does not come with them. Also, what IDE do I need to use to develop code? Sorry, for this question as it might seem a bit stupid but I come from the Java background and Node.js is really new to me, therefore I'm struggling a bit here.
Thanks for any help
There are no requirements regarding IDE, at the end it's all just text.
Regarding your problems: Make sure you're forking ckeditor-dev, and not ckeditor-releases repository. Only dev repository contains all the helpers like gruntfile.
The gruntfile is there so if you cloned CKEditor repository, you must have it.
Then all you need to do is follow up the instructions of CKEditor contribution guide closesly, and you're good to go!

Maven & InventoryClickEvent.getClickedInventory();

Whilst coding a fun new trash can for a Minecraft server network that I develop for, I came across a pretty strange, and therefore infuriating, bug concerning Maven. I've been using it for a year or two now and have only gotten a single build error before, when I first started using it. Suddenly, this problem has shown itself.
The red arrows indicate the lines that are causing the build failure.
This is a screenshot of the Maven logs that are causing the issue.
Well, according to the Bukkit API docs (note that the official docs seem to be down, thus third party), the class InventoryClickEvent has no method getClickedInventory().
This fact definitely explains your compilation error. The error comes from your Java compiler, Maven has nothing to do with it.

After SONAR and plug-in upgrades, all false-positives reappeared

Recently we upgraded our SONAR from 3.x to 4.3. There was an error in our Jenkins build (squidindex was null) which triggered the upgrade of the java from 2.2 to 2.2.1 along with the plugins for JaCoCo, Findbugs, Squid for Java, and Surefire.
Once SonarQube was up and running again, we discovered that although no code changes had taken place, we now had over 200 critical issues as well as a high number of major ones. Upon research, it became apparent that all of our previously marked false-positives had now reappeared.
Obviously we want to find a way to fix this besides walking through over a thousand various issues and re-marking them.
We have done some research in the database and have discovered a puzzle that we think might be related. In the Issues table, we have found that there are duplicate entries where the first difference is that one entry has the simple file name and the other entry has the file name along with the extension.
(I had an image of a few lines from the database to put here, but as I do not yet have a 10 reputation, I cannot. Please contact me and I will be glad to email the image. Sigh.)
As you can see, Lines 2 & 3 both refer to line 134 in the file PersistentObjectCollection.java. Line 2 shows that the issue is FIXED and CLOSED while Line 3 shows the same issue as Open and null resolution.
We are wondering if we could safely use SQL to find matched pairs like this and copy the necessary columns across to register the issues properly?
Can you please take a look and tell me if this is something feasible to do, or if there is a better alternative to try.
Question already asked on the SonarQube mailing list : http://sonar.markmail.org/thread/kpx3une24lwoilli
Please don't duplicate question !!

ExpressionEngine issue with Wygwam

I have this posted here:
...but I really need a fix asap if anyone can help here.
I can't get Wygwam to work.
It started with me running this:
EE 1.6.8 (Again, can't update)
Wygwam 2.1.6
FieldFrames 1.4.5
I wasn't able to activate the module. I would receive errors and then the field was jacked.
I then upgraded Wygwam to 2.6.3 and that allowed my to enable the module.
The problem I have now is this:
When I try to Add a new Wygwam field, it tells me that there are no configurations available. When I go to 'Edit Configurations', I only get the serial number input field. I added the serial number, but nothing changed. Under 'Editor Configurations' it just says: There are currently no configurations.
Now I have the existing fields back, however, I cannot view source and do not have any "Configurable Editors" available. I also cannot setup any "Configurable Editors" in the module because I have no settings/options display. Also, I cannot add any new Wygwam fields because when I do, I just get a white screen.
Ok, While this may not be the best answer to provide, it has provided a resolve to the situation I was in.
First off, Kudos goes to Brad Bell at Pixel & Tonic for sticking with me via emails in trying to get this fixed. I am in a situation with this site in which I can't provide access to the site, files, data, etc. It definitely makes getting help with EE related instances more difficult. Brandon and his staff definitely know how to push through these issues.
Thanks guys.
Nothing we were trying was working. What I had to end up doing was rolling back the versions of Wygwam and Matrix from the more recent releases that were installed to WW 2.1.1 and Matrix 2.0.11
I didn't try newer versions as I want to push harder than ever now for a site update/rebuild due to these issues and others. The site is again functional in these areas and they can move forward, (or laterally... depending on your stance), again.
