Create two enum with identical 0 values - enums

I want to create two enums with identical 0 (default values), which looks like:
enum testone_e {
enum testtwo_e {
} ;
but the compiler complains about:
"NOCHANGE" has already been declared in the current scope
why that, isn't that two different scopes (as the values are in different enums)..? How do I solve this best?
This is with WindRiver's diab compiler

In C, all enumeration constants are ints in the global scope. (More accurately, in the scope of the enum itself, which is usually file scope.)
So you can only define each name once.


What are the side effects of using structs to group constants

I know we can't use struct as constant in Go.
But I would like to group my constant for cleaner code, instead having many constant with some prefix, so I am doing this:
var SomeStatus = struct {
Active int
Inactive int
Others int
Active: 1,
Inactive: 2,
Others: 3
// usage example
status = Status.Active
// example with some prefix
const StatusActive = 1
const StatusInactive = 2
const StatusOthers = 3
const OtherConstantVariable = 1
If it doesn't matter, the value of the variable can be rewritten.
What is the other side effect of this trick?
What is the other side effect of this trick?
The ones I can think of. There may be others:
It's less efficient, as variables allocate runtime memory.
Any values that could be pre-computed at compile time due to a constant, will now be calculated at runtime.
For exported symbols, it opens you up to modification at runtime by anyone who imports your package.
It's not idiomatic, so will potentially confuse anyone who sees your code.
The flexibility that comes from untyped constants is lost.

System Verilog typedef of typedef

typedef enums allow a convenient way to describe a set of name-value pairs. Is there a way to chain them to create deeper structures using enum at all levels?
For instance, I have the following:
typedef enum logic {ALPHA=0, BETA=1} a_t;
typedef enum logic {GAMMA=0, DELTA=1} b_t;
typedef enum logic {ZETA=0, ETA=1} c_t;
I want to create a variable c which is formed of a_t and b_t. Is this possible?
Something like:
a_t b_t c;
so at every dimension of c, I can have enums.
EDIT: Some clarification - assume a_t, b_t and c_t are immutable as they are generated automatically. And there are hundreds of such different enums. I want to create bigger structures as I need because automatically generating all combinations of them would make the code too big and messy.
For instance, say my a_t describes number of masters and b_t describes number of slaves. I want to create a structure where I have this hierarchy in my signal, and at the same time allow enums for them to allow easy of readability and use.
So, something like this:
Are you perhaps referring to an associative array, such as:
If so, you could simply refer to it as:
b_t c[a_t];
Which means create an associative array c who's key is of enums a_t and value is of enums b_t. You could keep going if you'd like :)
typedef enum logic {ALPHA=0, BETA=1} a_t;
typedef enum logic {GAMMA=0, DELTA=1} b_t;
typedef enum logic {BAD_AT=0, GREEK_LETTERS=1} c_t;
c_t my_data_structure[a_t][b_t];
// Assigning a value
my_data_structure[ALPHA][GAMMA] = GREEK_LETTERS;
See an example on EDA Playground here.
Also, I think you're slightly misunderstanding the use of typedef. It does not exactly describe a set of name-value pairs, rather it gives a new name to a data type. It is the enum that is actually creating a 'set of name-value pairs', but I'd clarify that it is essentially assigning identifiers to values. It would help if you could explain the application for a clearer answer.
You cannot create one enum typedef from another or from a group of others. Some may call that extending an enum. You also cannot have a enum with multiple names for the same value.
What you can do is have an associative array with name/value pairs, and join those arrays together.
int a[string], b[string], c[string];
initial begin
a = '{"ALPHA":0, "BETA":1};
b = '{"GAMMA":0, "DELTA":1};
c = a;
foreach(b[s]) c[s]=b[s];
There are ways of gathering the names of each enumerated type to initialize the associative array as well.

Chainable boolean flags - what are they called?

Frameworks I've seen before allow to pass a chain of multiple constants via a single parameter like So, I believe:
foo(FLAG_A | FLAG_B | FLAG_C);
They act like boolean so the function knows which flags have been given.
Now I want to implement something like that.
What is this concept called?
It's based on binary-ORing. Normally, each of the symbolic constants will be just one distinct bit, e.g., as in:
enum {
FLAG_A = 1,
FLAG_B = 1<<1,
FLAG_C = 1<<2,
so that you can than add them together with |, test for each individual one with & and subtract two such flag sets with & ~.
In .Net, these are defined by an enum using the FlagsAttribute:
public enum Foo
Bit1 = 1,
Bit2 = 2,
Bit4 = 4,
Bit8 = 8,
// Or define using explicit binary syntax
public enum Foo
Bit1 = 0b_0000_0001,
Bit2 = 0b_0000_0010,
Bit4 = 0b_0000_0100,
Bit8 = 0b_0000_,
And to utilise:
SomeFunction(Foo.Bit1 | Foo.Bit4 | etc);
I would suggest that your current name (Flags) seems to be the most appropriate definition, at least in this context.
Apparently "flags and bitmasks" are the right keywords to find more about this. "Flags" alone didn't before. Great thanks for the explanatory answers nevertheless!

Swift: Hash value of enum is getting random numbers

I have the following enum:
enum MyEnum {
case One
case Two
case Three
But when I print this line:
print("This is the hash value of One \(MyEnum.One.hashValue)")
I get the following output:
This is the hash value of One -7827947590157343570
if I re-run the code I get:
This is the hash value of One 7980945707037922449
Should I being getting something like this:
This is the hash value of One 0
My question for you guys why am I getting random numbers?
I'll really appreciate your help.
The answer to this question it is well documented hashValue
The short answer is that this is normal behaviour.
Hash values are not guaranteed to be equal across different executions
of your program. Do not save hash values to use during a future
Should I being getting something like this?
This is the hash value of One 0
No. HashValue is different from RawValue. If you want your enumeration cases to have a rawValue starting at 0 you need to declare your enumeration type as Int. Btw note that it is Swift naming convention to name your enumeration cases starting with a lowercase letter:
enum TestEnum: Int {
case one
case two
case three
} // 0
TestEnum.two.rawValue // 1
TestEnum.three.rawValue // 2

Data structure for storing variables in an interpreted language

I am designing my own experimental scripting language for the purpose of embedding it in my bigger application.
Almost everything I wanted to do was programmed smoothly, but the "simple" act of storing variables in memory appeared to be the hardest part here. I don't know how to store them to allow all type checking, global variables and special flags on them. First look at a sample code:
a = 1
b = 2
print(a) --> This should read the global variable and print `1`
a = 3 --> Now `a` should become a local variable of this function
and the global `a` remain unchanged
x = 4 --> `x` should always be local of this function
I call the "locality" of variables their levels so variables in nested blocks have a higher level. In the above code, a and b are level 1 variables. Local variables of someFunction will have level 2. The first line of the function should read the global variable a (level 1) but the second line should create a variable again called a but with level 2 that shadows the global a from that point onwards. The third line should create the variable x with level 2. How to store and keep track of all these in memory?
What I tried so far:
Method 1: Storing maps of variable=>value in array of levels:
level=1 //global variables
a => 1,
b => 2
level=2 //function variables
a => 3,
x => 4
But that will make variable look-up really slow since one has to search all the levels for a given variable.
Method 2: Storing the (variable, level) pairs as keys of a map:
(a, 1) => 1, //global
(b, 1) => 2, //global
(a, 2) => 3, //function
(x, 2) => 3 //function
This has the same problem as before since we have to try the pair (variable, level) with all possible levels for a given variable.
What method should I use for optimal memory usage and fastest access time?
Additional notes:
I know about how variables are managed on stack and heap on other "real" languages, but I find it tricky to do this on an interpreted language. "This mustn't be how Lua and Python do that," I always think. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm trying to store the variable in maps and internal C++ structures.
And finally, this is how I represent a variable. Do you think it's big and there can be more memory-efficient representations? (I've also tried to put the "Level" as a member here but it had the same problem as the other too.)
struct Member
uchar type; //0=num, 1=str, 2=function, 3=array, etc
uchar flags; //0x80 = read-only, 0x40 = write-only, etc
union {
long double value_num;
char* value_str;
int value_func;
An easy thing to do, similar to your array, is to maintain a stack of maps. Each map contains the bindings for that scope. To bind a variable, add it to the top map; to look up a variable, start at the top of the stack and stop when you reach a map that contains a binding for that variable. Search takes a little bit, but starting from the top/end you only have to search until you find it — in most cases, this search will not be very long.
You can also make the stack implicit by encapsulating this logic in an Environment class that has local bindings and an inherited environment used for resolving unknown variables. Need to go into a new scope? Create a new environment with the current environment as its base, use it, then discard it when the scope is finished. The root/global environment can just have a null inherited environment. This is what I would probably do.
Its worth noting that if, inside a function, you don't have access to any variables from the caller function, it lowers the number of levels you need to look at. For example:
variable a;
function one() {
variable b;
// in this function, we can see the global a, local b
function two() {
// in this function, we can see the global a, local c
// we cannot see the local b of our caller
variable c;
while (true) {
variable d;
// here we can see local d, local c, global a
The idea being that function boundaries limit the visibility of variables, with the global scope being "special".
That being said, you can consider removing the specialness of global variables, but allowing the code to specify that they want access to non-local variables
variable a;
function one() {
global a; // or upvar #0 a;
variable b;
// in this function, we can see the global a, local b
function two() {
// in this function, we can see the local c
// and the local b of our caller
// (since we specifically say we want access to "b" one level up)
upvar 1 b;
variable c;
It looks complicated at first, but it's really easy to understand once you get used to it (upvar is a construct from the Tcl programming language). What it allows you is access to variables in your caller's scope, but it avoids some of the costly lookup involved by requiring that you specify exactly where that variable comes from (with 1 being one level up the call stack, 2 being two levels up, and #0 being "special" in saying "the uppermost call stack, the global)
