Chainable boolean flags - what are they called? - flags

Frameworks I've seen before allow to pass a chain of multiple constants via a single parameter like So, I believe:
foo(FLAG_A | FLAG_B | FLAG_C);
They act like boolean so the function knows which flags have been given.
Now I want to implement something like that.
What is this concept called?

It's based on binary-ORing. Normally, each of the symbolic constants will be just one distinct bit, e.g., as in:
enum {
FLAG_A = 1,
FLAG_B = 1<<1,
FLAG_C = 1<<2,
so that you can than add them together with |, test for each individual one with & and subtract two such flag sets with & ~.

In .Net, these are defined by an enum using the FlagsAttribute:
public enum Foo
Bit1 = 1,
Bit2 = 2,
Bit4 = 4,
Bit8 = 8,
// Or define using explicit binary syntax
public enum Foo
Bit1 = 0b_0000_0001,
Bit2 = 0b_0000_0010,
Bit4 = 0b_0000_0100,
Bit8 = 0b_0000_,
And to utilise:
SomeFunction(Foo.Bit1 | Foo.Bit4 | etc);
I would suggest that your current name (Flags) seems to be the most appropriate definition, at least in this context.

Apparently "flags and bitmasks" are the right keywords to find more about this. "Flags" alone didn't before. Great thanks for the explanatory answers nevertheless!


Create two enum with identical 0 values

I want to create two enums with identical 0 (default values), which looks like:
enum testone_e {
enum testtwo_e {
} ;
but the compiler complains about:
"NOCHANGE" has already been declared in the current scope
why that, isn't that two different scopes (as the values are in different enums)..? How do I solve this best?
This is with WindRiver's diab compiler
In C, all enumeration constants are ints in the global scope. (More accurately, in the scope of the enum itself, which is usually file scope.)
So you can only define each name once.

Is using >= and <= to specify enum values good code practice?

I am working on a project with about 8 other people, and would like to know the best code practice here, given that other people will be working on this code for years to come.
Say I have an enum with 10 values:
typedef enum {
Tag1 = 1,
} Tag;
If I wanted to check if a tag is equal to Tag6, Tag7, Tag8, Tag9, or Tag10, is it good practice to using a comparison like:
if(myTag >= Tag6 && myTag <= Tag10) {
//Do something
Or is it best to use an OR and check for each tag?
Using >= and <= looks nicer and is less clunky, but if down the line, someone were to insert a new Tag between Tag7 and Tag8, it would mess up all the logic.
Can I expect that someone wouldn't add a new Tag between other Tags?
Yes, but only for enums that express a scale of values, for instance:
enum Priority {
None = 0,
Then this code makes sense and is readable:
if(message.Priority >= Priority.Medium) {
// Notify user
If the enum doesn't express a scale like this then avoid using < or > as they can be rather confusing. Use bit flags instead.
Flags enums use binary values so that values can be combined:
enum UserAudiences {
// Basic values: dec // binary
None = 0, // 0000
Client = 1, // 0001
Employee = 2, // 0010
Contractor = 4, // 0100
Key = 8, // 1000
// Combined: dec // binary
KeyClient = 9, // 1001 : Key + Client
BoardMember = 10, // 1010 : Key + Employee
CounterParty = 5, // 0101 : Client + Contractor
BusinessPartner = 13 // 1101 : Key + Client + Contractor
Then, when checking for a combined enum value we look at the binary number and whether the appropriate bit is set. For instance if we want to check for UserAudiences.Employee we can just look for the bit that represents 2, if it is set then we have one of the enum values that includes it:
if((message.Audience & UserAudiences.Employee) != 0) {
// Post on intranet
} else {
// Send externally
There's no way to set that bit through any combination of Key, Client or Contractor enums, it can only be set if Employee is one of the 'source' enums.
Most languages have helpers for this (or you can write your own):
if(message.Audience.HasFlag(UserAudiences.Employee)) { ...
The maths could work in any base - you could use 1, 10, 100, etc in decimal. However, you'd need much bigger numbers much sooner.
Finally, there's a convention to use singular names for regular enums, and plural names for flagged enums, hinting to the programmer whether to use equality or bitwise checks.
Can I expect that someone wouldn't add a new Tag between other Tags?
I wouldn't bet on it. Unless the enum's ordinal/underlying values have some inherent meaning or order I would avoid using them to much.
I would only use range checks if I actually want somebody to be able to insert additional enums without adapting all checks. This is probably a rather rare case though. Keith gives a good examples with the Priority enum, another example I can think of are log levels.
The exact syntax depends on the language of course but I would usually consider something like this as most readable:
if(myTag in [Tag6, Tag7, Tag8]) {
// ...
Or even better use some describing variable names which make it obvious what the other tags are:
topTags = [Tag6, Tag7, Tag8]
if(myTag in topTags) {
// ...

C++ Boost qi recursive rule construction

[It seems my explanations and expectations are not clear at all, so I added precision on how I'd like to use the feature at the end of the post]
I'm currently working on grammars using boost qi. I had a loop construction for a rule cause I needed to build it from the elements of a vector. I have re-written it with simple types, and it looks like:
#include <string>
// using boost 1.43.0
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_eps.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
namespace bqi = boost::spirit::qi;
typedef const char* Iterator;
// function that you can find [here][1]
template<typename P> void test_phrase_parser(char const* input, P const& p, bool full_match = true);
int main()
// my working rule type:
bqi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> myLoopBuiltRule;
std::vector<std::string> v;
std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iv;
myLoopBuiltRule = (! bqi::eps);
for(iv = v.begin() ; iv != v.end() ; iv++)
myLoopBuiltRule =
myLoopBuiltRule.copy() [ bqi::_val = bqi::_1 ]
| bqi::string(*iv) [ bqi::_val = bqi::_1 ]
char s[] = " abc ";
test_phrase_parser(s, myLoopBuiltRule);
(Looks like here does not want to be replaced by corresponding hyperlink, so here is the address to find function test_phrase_parser():
All was for the best in the best of all worlds... until I had to pass an argument to this rule. Here is the new rule type:
// my not-anymore-working rule type:
bqi::rule<Iterator, std::string(int*)> myLoopBuiltRule;
'int*' type is for example purpose only, my real pointer is adressing a much more complex class... but still a mere pointer.
I changed my 'for' loop accordingly, i.e.:
for(iv = v.begin() ; iv != v.end() ; iv++)
myLoopBuiltRule =
myLoopBuiltRule.copy()(bqi::_r1) [ bqi::_val = bqi::_1 ]
| bqi::string(*iv) [ bqi::_val = bqi::_1 ]
I had to add a new rule because test_phrase_parser() cannot guess which value is to be given to the int pointer:
bqi::rule<Iterator> myInitialRule;
And change everything that followed the for loop:
myInitialRule = myLoopBuiltRule((int*)NULL);
char s[] = " abc ";
test_phrase_parser(s, myInitialRule);
Then everything crashed:
/home/sylvain.darras/software/repository/software/external/include/boost/boost_1_43_0/boost/spirit/home/qi/nonterminal/rule.hpp:199: error: no matching function for call to ‘assertion_failed(mpl_::failed************ (boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, T1, T2, T3, T4>::operator=(const Expr&)
Then I got crazy and tried:
myLoopBuiltRule =
myLoopBuiltRule.copy(bqi::_r1) [ bqi::_val = bqi::_1 ]
| bqi::string(*iv) [ bqi::_val = bqi::_1 ]
error: no matching function for call to ‘boost::spirit::qi::rule<const char*, std::string(int*), boost::fusion::unused_type, boost::fusion::unused_type, boost::fusion::unused_type>::copy(const boost::phoenix::actor<boost::spirit::attribute<1> >&)’
Then I got mad and wrote:
myLoopBuiltRule =
myLoopBuiltRule(bqi::_r1) [ bqi::_val = bqi::_1 ]
| bqi::string(*iv) [ bqi::_val = bqi::_1 ]
Which compiles since it is perfectly syntactically correct, but which magnificently stack overflows coz it happily, nicely, recursively, calls itself to death...
Then I lost my mind and typed:
myLoopBuiltRule =
jf jhsgf jshdg fjsdgh fjsg jhsdg jhg sjfg jsgh df
Which, as you probably expect, has failed to compile.
You imagine that before writing the above novel, I checked out on the web, but didn't find out anything related to copy() and argument passing in the same time. Has anyone already experienced this problem ? Have I missed something ?
Be assured that any help will be really really appreciated.
PS: Great thanks to hkaiser who has, without knowing it, answered a lot of my boost::qi problems through google (but this one).
Further information:
The purpose of my parser is to read files written in a given language L. The purpose of my post is to propagate my "context" (i.e.: variable definitions and especially constant values, so I can compute expressions).
The number of variable types I handle is small, but it's bound to grow, so I keep these types in a container class. I can loop on these managed types.
So, let's consider a pseudo-algorithm of what I would like to achive:
LTypeList myTypes;
LTypeList::const_iterator iTypes;
bqi::rule<Iterator, LType(LContext*)> myLoopBuiltRule;
myLoopBuiltRule = (! bqi::eps);
for(iTypes = myTypes.begin() ; iTypes != myTypes.end() ; iTypes++)
myLoopBuiltRule =
myLoopBuiltRule.copy()(bqi::_r1) [ bqi::_val = bqi::_1 ]
| iTypes->getRule()(bqi::_r1) [ bqi::_val = bqi::_1 ]
This is done during initialization and then myLoopBuiltRule is used and reused with different LContext*, parsing multiple types. And since some L types can have bounds, which are integer expressions, and that these integer expressions can exhibit constants, I (think that I) need my inherited attribute to take my LContext around and be able to compute expression value.
Hope I've been clearer in my intentions.
Note I just extended my answer with a few more informational links. In this particular case I have a hunch that you could just get away with the Nabialek trick and replacing the inherited attribute with a corresponding qi::locals<> instead. If I have enough time, I might work out a demonstration later.
Caveats, expositioning the problem
Please be advised that there are issues when copying proto expression trees and spirit parser expressions in particular - it will create dangling references as the internals are not supposed to live past the end of the containing full expressions. See BOOST_SPIRIT_AUTO on Zero to 60 MPH in 2 seconds!
Also see these answers which also concerns themselves with building/composing rules on the fly (at runtime):
Generating Spirit parser expressions from a variadic list of alternative parser expressions
Can Boost Spirit Rules be parameterized which demonstrates how to return rules from a function using boost::proto::deepcopy (like BOOST_SPIRIT_AUTO does, actually)
Nabialek Trick
In general, I'd very strongly advise against combining rules at runtime. Instead, if you're looking to 'add alternatives' to a rule at runtime, you can always use qi::symbols<> instead. The trick is to store a rule in the symbol-table and use qi::lazy to call the rule. In particular, this is known as the Nabialek Trick.
I have a toy command-line arguments parser here that demonstrates how you could use this idiom to match a runtime-defined set of command line arguments:
Limitations of qi::lazy, what's next?
Unfortunately, qi::lazy does not support inherited arguments see e.g.
You might be better off writing a custom parser component, as documented here:
I'll try to find some time to work out a sample that replaces inherited arguments by qi::locals later.

Conventions on creating constants in Python

I am writing an application which needs to find out the schema of a database, across engines. To that end, I am writing a small database adapter using Python. I decided to first write a base class that outlines the functionality I need, and then implement it using classes that inherit from this base. Along the way, I need to implement some constants which need to be accessible across all these classes. Some of these constants need to be combined using C-style bitwise OR.
My question is,
what is the standard way of sharing such constants?
what is the right way to create constants that can be combined? I am referring to MAP_FIXED | MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED style code that C allows.
For the former, I came across threads where all the constants were put into a module first. For the latter, I briefly thought of using a dict of booleans. Both of these seemed too unwieldly. I imagine that this is a fairly common requirement, and think some good way must indeed exist!
what is the standard way of sharing such constants?
Throughout the standard library, the most common way is to define constants as module-level variables using UPPER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES names.
what is the right way to create constants that can be combined? I am referring to MAP_FIXED | MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED style code that C allows.
The same rules as in C apply. You have to make sure that each constant value corresponds to a single, unique bit, i.e. powers of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16, ...).
Most of the time, people use hex numbers for this:
OPTION_A = 0x01
OPTION_B = 0x02
OPTION_C = 0x04
OPTION_D = 0x08
OPTION_E = 0x10
# ...
Some prefer a more human-readable style, computing the constant values dynamically using shift operators:
OPTION_A = 1 << 0
OPTION_B = 1 << 1
OPTION_C = 1 << 2
# ...
In Python, you could also use binary notation to make this even more obvious:
OPTION_A = 0b00000001
OPTION_B = 0b00000010
OPTION_C = 0b00000100
OPTION_D = 0b00001000
But since this notation is lengthy and hard to read, using hex or binary shift notation is probably preferable.
Constants generally go at the module level. From PEP 8:
Constants are usually defined on a module level and written in all capital letters with underscores separating words. Examples include MAX_OVERFLOW and TOTAL.
If you want constants at class level, define them as class properties.
Stdlib is a great source of knowledge example of what you want can be found in doctest code:
# A function to add (register) an option.
def register_option(name):
return OPTIONS.setdefault(name, 1 << len(OPTIONS))
# A function to test if an option exist.
def has_option(options, name):
return bool(options & name)
# All my option defined here.
FOO = register_option('FOO')
BAR = register_option('BAR')
FOOBAR = register_option('FOOBAR')
# Test if an option figure out in `ARG`.
print has_option(ARG, FOO)
# True
print has_option(ARG, BAR)
# True
print has_option(ARG, FOOBAR)
# False
N.B: The re module also use bit-wise argument style too, if you want another example.
You often find constants at global level, and they are one of the few variables that exist up there. There are also people who write Constant namespaces using dicts or objects like this
class Const:
x = 33
There are some people who put them in modules and others that attach them as class variables that instances access. Most of the time its personal taste, but just a few global variables can't really hurt that much.
Naming is usually UPPERCASE_WITH_UNDERSCORE, and they are usually module level but occasionally they live in their own class. One good reason to be in a class is when the values are special -- such as needing to be powers of two:
class PowTwoConstants(object):
def __init__(self, items):
self.names = items
enum = 1
for name in items:
setattr(self, name, enum)
enum <<= 1
constants = PowTwoConstants('ignore_case multiline newline'.split())
print constants.newline # prints 4
If you want to be able to export those constants to module level (or any other namespace) you can add the following to the class:
def export(self, namespace):
for name in self.names:
setattr(namespace, name, getattr(self, name))
and then
import sys

LINQ and CASE Sensitivity

I have this LINQ Query:
TempRecordList = new ArrayList(TempRecordList.Cast<string>().OrderBy(s => s.Substring(9, 30)).ToArray());
It works great and performs sorting in a way that's accurate but a little different from what I want. Among the the result of the query I see something like this:
Palm-Bouter, Peter
Palmer-Johnson, Sean
Whereas what I really need is to have names sorted like this:
Palmer-Johnson, Sean
Palm-Bouter, Peter
Basically I want the '-' character to be treated as being lower than the character so that names that contain it show up later in an ascending search.
Here is another example. I get:
Dias, Reginald
DiBlackley, Anton
Instead of:
DiBlackley, Anton
Dias, Reginald
As you can see, again, the order is switched due to how the uppercase letter 'B' is treated.
So my question is, what do I need to change in my LINQ query to make it return results in the order I specified. Any feedback would be greatly appreaciated.
By the way, I tried using s.Substring(9, 30).ToLower() but that didn't help.
Thank you!
To customize the sorting order you will need to create a comparer class that implements IComparer<string> interface. The OrderBy() method takes comparer as second parameter.
internal sealed class NameComparer : IComparer<string> {
private static readonly NameComparer DefaultInstance = new NameComparer();
static NameComparer() { }
private NameComparer() { }
public static NameComparer Default {
get { return DefaultInstance; }
public int Compare(string x, string y) {
int length = Math.Min(x.Length, y.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (x[i] == y[i]) continue;
if (x[i] == '-') return 1;
if (y[i] == '-') return -1;
return x[i].CompareTo(y[i]);
return x.Length - y.Length;
This works at least with the following test cases:
var names = new[] {
"Palmer-Johnson, Sean",
"Palm-Bouter, Peter",
"Dias, Reginald",
"DiBlackley, Anton",
var sorted = names.OrderBy(name => name, NameComparer.Default).ToList();
// sorted:
// [0]: "DiBlackley, Anton"
// [1]: "Dias, Reginald"
// [2]: "Palmer-Johnson, Sean"
// [3]: "Palm-Bouter, Peter"
As already mentioned, the OrderBy() method takes a comparer as a second parameter.
For strings, you don't necessarily have to implement an IComparer<string>. You might be fine with System.StringComparer.CurrentCulture (or one of the others in System.StringComparer).
In your exact case, however, there is no built-in comparer which will handle also the - after letter sort order.
OrderBy() returns results in ascending order.
e comes before h, thus the first result (remember you're comparing on a substring that starts with the character in the 9th position...not the beginning of the string) and i comes before y, thus the second. Case sensitivity has nothing to do with it.
If you want results in descending order, you should use OrderByDescending():
.OrderByDescending(s => s.Substring(9, 30)).ToArray());
You might want to just implement a custom IComparer object that will give a custom priority to special, upper-case and lower-case characters.
