Accessing Vagrant box from external network - vagrant

Before posting this, I've done some research and tried different solutions. The question is how to configure a system so that it would be possible to SSH into it's vagrant box from external/different network?
I have a Windows machine at home. I have installed Vagrant and now able to access the contents both via HTTP and SSH from any device connected to very same network.
What I want to do is to be able to get a laptop, go to a nice little café just across the river, sit down and work on my project which sits in that Vagrant box on my home desktop PC.
I am quite terrible in networking and not sure what is the solution. Do I need to make my home desktop a server? If so, which steps should I take? Do I need to do configure something in my router software? Or do I need to create some kind of VPN stuff where Vagrant thinks I am actually requesting it's contents from the same home network or perhaps I just better give up and setup a droplet in the DigitalOcean instead?
To moderators: please don't shut this question because the answer is an opinion based. I am happy to listen to these opinions and I want to know which steps to follow to achieve what I want.

Why not just copy your Vagrantfile to the laptop and spin up an instance there? It would be much less work, faster, and importantly much safer than opening up your desktop computer to the world.
I think your own suggestion of a remote server is also a valid option, although not quite as simple as just using the laptop.


UIAutomation won't work in Windows Server (VPS) if I am not connected via RDP

I have script which uses mircrosoft's UIAutomation to automate an application. The script is inside a VPS running Windows Server 2012. The script works perfectly while I am connected to the VPS via Remote Desktop (RDP).
When I am not connected, the script seems to be stuck on SetFocus for a object... which leads me to believe that the script needs a Display/Screen/Session in order to work... but I am not sure if it is possible to do it while I am not connected to the VPS.
I can see 2 possible solutions here, either modify the script in someway to work in this environment or make the VPS have a virtual desktop while I am not connected (this solution might be more related to Server Fault rather than StackOverflow).
I am very confused, thanks for the help in advance :)
I managed to workaround the issue by actually connecting to the server to itself (to via RDP so that it will always have an active RDP session for the automation script to run.
I am not happy with the results but it works... I cannot give clear instructions on how you would need to modify the settings in Windows to allow RDP connections from self, it was a one big trial and error process, I have to modify some policies in the Group Policy Editor and then some stuff that I don't remember.
There is another downside to this, a Windows server will allow 2 simultaneous connections to it but by using this method we are reserving a slot so only 1 connection at a given time is possible, something to be aware of.

is Vagrant suitable for beginners that are not tech savvy?

I'm planning to teach a group a people how to setup a website using WordPress. Those people have some basic computer usage knowledge : they can surf the web, write emails, install software on their computer, ... But they are absolutely not developers. And the training does not aim to teach them development.
But I want them to be able to setup a fully working local web environment or their computer that runs on Windows. I was planning to use XAMPP, but I'm wondering if Vagrant is not more suitable. I could prepare a box with a lot of tools already included, and they will just have to install it. Interaction with the server would take place only via http and FTP (no ssh needed).
Is it possible to create a batch file that they can click on to launch the Vagrant ? If properly configured, is that as easy to use as that for absolute beginners ?
from what you describe there is almost no vagrant thing, you would be responsible to make the vagrant box and the vagrantfile, and you will not expose your students to vagrant. only thing is that they would need to have this bat file on their desktop (the only command that it will need to run is vagrant up, make sure to expose the vagrant cwd variable) and the server will be up and running.
The main advantage I see then is that you will completely make your students in the same situation they will be with their production system. they will face the same tool (FTP, wordpress admin ...) on an environment (more or less) identical to a production environment.

Clarity on Vagrant usage and provisioning tool

Ok, so I'm a bit late jumping onto the Vagrant band-wagon, but figured it's about time I did.
Brief background: I've been a freelance developer for quite some time now developing solutions based on Magento and Drupal, and have finally gathered enough demand to warrant the need to build up a team. Previously, whenever I started development on any new project, I use to clone a preconfigured base VM in Virtualbox, and use that. Of course there were still configurations to do on it until I could start with actual development. Every project's web files therefore all resided inside /var/www/projectname on an Ubuntu VM.
Now I've read up on why I should be Vagrant, especially considering that I now have a team of 4 developers working with me, but I would appreciate any feedback on the following questions I have:
Moderator note: I know this isn't exactly asking a programming question, so please advise if this could be turned into a wiki, as I'm sure that feedback into this will help someone just like me.
I am still reading through the Vagrant docs, so please be kind...noob questions ahead!
I now work on a Mac. Does it matter if I use Parallels, and another developer uses VirtualBox on Windows if we need to share or collaborate on projects?
When I issue the command, vagrant up for an existing project, will it start the VM up as I would in VirtualBox or will it recreate the VM?
Is the command vagrant halt the same issuing sudo poweroff in Ubuntu, for example?
I currently use PhpStorm and its SFTP feature for project files synchronization with the option to exclude certain files on the remote server (VM) from being imported and sync'ed...will I be able to specify the same using Vagrant folder sharing?
Could I easily zip or archive a Vagrant VM, move it to a file server, and then "re-import" when and if needed? (example bug fixes, or new feature enhancements)
What do we use to easily provision VMs for common projects? Should we being using Puppet, Chef, Puphpet or Salt? I've seen that Puphpet provides a nice GUI to create a vagrantfile which I'm sure once generated, we could customize for future projects. At a very basic level, we need to ensure that certain applications are installed onto the server (zip, phpmyadmin, OpenSSL, etc.), certain PHP settings, PHP and PEAR modules, and Apache settings. I already have base VMs set up as I'd like them for both Magento projects as well as Drupal projects.
EDIT: I should also add that I use to enable Host Adapter in VirtualBox (on Windows), configure the VHost inside Ubuntu, and then update my host machine's hosts file with something like So I'm unsure if Port Forwarding would be better to use? I'm not very clued up on that I must admit.
Like i said - noob questions! However, I would really appreciate any feedback on these questions. My deepest thanks!
Most of what you are asking is subjective so common sense and experience are the best tools.
I recommend all team members use the same provider (parallels isn't officially supported) and virtualbox is readily available. The base boxes, by provider, could have slight variances, you never know.
Vagrant will start the vm similarly but vagrant also does other things like configuration the network, hostname, shared folders, etc. Not quite the same. The big power lies in the capability to be able to teardown the environment and bring it back in a cleanly provisioned state.
Basically, yes.
Yes, your vagrant VMs are just like your own mini cloud. You would interact the servers similar to the way you'd interact with external boxes.
Yes, the simple answer is that it's called packaging and you can share the resultant .box. However, it's good practice to keep the base box and provisioning scripts under CM so you can rebuild and modify as needed.
For provisioners, I think it is dependent upon your experience and your familiarity with the provisioner language and how much you want to invest in learning them. Look through the provisioner support and see what fits your need and budget. Chef has a very steep learning curve, in my experience, but also has a lot of thought built in. Most provisioners have wide libraries of available installation "scripts".
The host adapter can be handled identically in vagrant.
Learn by doing, I recommend going down the table of contents (navbar) of the vagrant docs and trying each step where it makes sense. Then make your decisions.
That is my 2 cents. Hope this helps!

Is it possible to easily compile and run code in another machine in Visual Studio/Eclipse?

Let's say I am developing a program that needs a bit more power than a netbook can provide and I have a good computer at home connected to the internet.
Is there any easy way to code in the netbook while I'm not at home and then when building, making it go and run on the computer at home?
I know running programs on other computers isn't a problem, but I'd like to know if it is possible to have an easy experience (it's still possible to debug, etc).
It is definitely possible for Java code and Eclipse. But there are issues as well.
It helps a great deal if you have a fixed IP.
You need to open up ports on your firewall to be able to
copy your code into your PC
remote debug and upload your application
The last step will create issues with security that you need to address. I use ssh and public/private key to secure my connections.
In general, what you are asking is not much different to releasing a code to a server and debugging it. And normally servers sit somewhere on the internet or cloud.

Simplest way to get access to a remote server for computing tasks

I'm working on some academic research projects involving scraping large data sets from the web using Python. It's been inconvenient to work on my academic institution's Linux server because (1) I don't have superuser access, meaning I'm dependent on the IT staff to install my packages, and (2) my disk quota is somewhat limited (I would ideally want ~10 GB). What is the simplest way for me to get access to a machine that solves these problems? I don't need huge processing power; I just need access to a reasonably fast machine that runs 24/7, so that my programs can run continuously, and above all, something very simple to get running, use, and maintain, since I have a few non-CS people working on this project with me. Linux would be preferable, but I'd consider Windows too.
I'm aware of Amazon Web Services, but am wondering if there's something more appropriate to my specific needs.
By the way, it would be a huge bonus if I could get some sort of remote desktop access to this machine so I wasn't limited to using SSH and SFTP.
EDIT: I can't use VirtualBox or Virtual PC because I need the program to be running around the clock, and I need to turn off my laptop often, etc.
If you do want to stick with running on your CS department's machines, use virtualenv to solve your package installation woes. And if disk space is an issue, you could use S3 (and perhaps FUSE) to store huge amounts of data extremely cheaply.
However, if that's not really what you're after, I can recommend Slicehost very highly. They give you a virtual private server - so you have complete control over what gets installed, users, admin, etc.
In principle, it's very much like EC2 (which I prefer to use for "real" servers), but has a friendly interface, great customer service and is aimed at smaller projects like yours.
Use x11vnc with ssh.
'sudo apt-get install x11vnc' on your remote server.
Once you have that, you can access your remote server via vnc, but the great thing is that you can tunnel vnc over ssh like so:
ssh -X -C -L 5900:localhost:5900 remotehost x11vnc -localhost -display :0
For more details see the x11vnc manpage.
Or, just setup remote desktop -- (which is actually vnc) on your linux distribution. Most distributions come with a GUI to configure remote desktop access.
If you have a linux machine you can use, then SSH -X will allow you to start GUI programs. It's not remote desktop, but it's close.
ssh -X
Then bam. A firefox window pops on your desktop.
I have been pretty happy with TekTonic Virtual Private Servers. It's a virtualized environment, but you have full root access to install any packages you need. I'm not sure what your CPU and memory constraints are, but if they aren't too extensive then this should fit the bill nicely for you. I don't know if you would be able to enable a remote desktop as I've never tried but it may be possible to install the requisite packages.
The plans range from $15/mo to $100/mo, the $15/mo plan comes with 294MB RAM, 13GB disk space, and 2.6GHz max CPU speed. I ran on that plan for quite a while and eventually moved up to the next level up with double the disk/cpu/mem, and I've been quite happy with it. I've been with them since 2003 and have yet to find anyone who offers equivalent plans at these prices.
