how to run springboot test without run tomcat? - spring-boot

I am developing a spring boot application and write some junit test.
But I find when I run any tests, tomcat is also started up, It makes those tests very slow and waste many times.
When I develop a SpringMvc application, junit test can run without start tomcat, It saves many times.
So, I want to ask it there anyway to run springboot test with out start tomcat?

Running a test with #SpringBootTest does not start an embedded server by default.
By default, it runs in the MOCK environment.
By default, #SpringBootTest will not start a server. You can use the
webEnvironment attribute of #SpringBootTest to further refine how your
tests run:
MOCK(Default) : Loads a web ApplicationContext and provides a mock web
environment. Embedded servers are not started when using this
annotation. If a web environment is not available on your classpath,
this mode transparently falls back to creating a regular non-web
ApplicationContext. It can be used in conjunction with
#AutoConfigureMockMvc or #AutoConfigureWebTestClient for mock-based
testing of your web application.
Documentation link:
I guess what you wanted to achieve could be achieved by Slice Test concept. In general, you don't need a full-fledged mock environment or environment with an embedded server with all the configured beans in the spring container when you are performing unit tests.
For e.g. you have to unit test your Controller then you have #WebMvcTest annotation in place that will configure only web related beans and ignore the rest of the beans.
To test whether Spring MVC controllers are working as expected, use
the #WebMvcTest annotation. #WebMvcTest auto-configures the Spring MVC
infrastructure and limits scanned beans to #Controller,
#ControllerAdvice, #JsonComponent, Converter, GenericConverter,
Filter, WebMvcConfigurer, and HandlerMethodArgumentResolver. Regular
#Component beans are not scanned when using this annotation.
Documentation link:
Similarly, for the database layer, there is #DataJpaTest
Documentation link:
Long story short: when you intend to do unit testing with Spring framework, slice test is the one you should use in most of the cases.

If you are placing the following annotations, this will start the embedded container...
Because, if you see the SpringBootTestContextBootstrapper.class class , this has been invoked the container which is invoked by #BootstrapWith(SpringBootTestContextBootstrapper.class) when we specify #SpringBootTest
You can remove those and can do as follows:
import org.junit.Test;
public class HellotomApplicationTests {
public void contextLoads() {
R-Click and RunAs Junit


SpringBoot Test doesn't load Tomcat

I am trying to test my SpringBoot Application. When I start it as usual it starts the Tomcat Service as expected and loggs it into the console after the Spring Logo.
When I execute #SpringBootTest Classes however, it appearently doesn't start the Tomcat Service as the URL is not accessible in the Test and after the Spring Logo all Logs regarding the Tomcat Service are Missing.
An answer on Stackoverflow said:
Running a test with #SpringBootTest does start an embedded server by default. By default, it runs in the MOCK environment.
And this is how I understood it. But why do my Tests not start the Application normally with the Tomcat Service included?
I found a solution by doing this:
Putting the tests all in the hierarchy the Application Class has. My Springboot Main Method is in the class in path src/main/java/"myProject"/"myProjectClassWithMainMethod" and I put all Test Classes in the path src/test/java/"myProject"/test/"TestClasses".
Lastly and most importantly annotation each Testclass with #SpringBootTest and specifying that it should start with defined port by adding (webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT).
So every Class has the Annotation #SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT).

Are the project beans already instantiated when we try to run a junit test in spring boot

I am new to Spring and spring boot.
For my spring boot application which is a rest controller, I have some beans along with my data source.
I use my data source to create jdbc template. Now when I am in my rest controller code, I have all these beans #Autowired and they work perfectly fine.
My query is regarding the junit testing part.
When I write my test code inside src/test/java and when I execute my test class within IDE, are the beans defined in my src/main/javacode, instantiated before test case execution?
You might use the same container, or instantiate another container particularly for testing purposes, for which you'll provide a configuration of that other Spring Container separately:
public class SomeClassTest{...}
However, you can also enable support for loading your Application Context and then use the #Autowired fields in your JUnit fixtures, which also works fine too:
public class SomeTestClass {
ApplicationContext context;
From here, you can get any bean you wish.

Start services manually when doing a spring boot test

So I have a test class annotated with #SpringBootTest
public class IntegrationTests {}
This code automatically starts two of classes in my application annotated with #service.
In my integration test I’m testing the spring scheduler to works as expected and the tests passes.
Now I want to write another test that only test one of the two services annotated with #service. The second service I want to enable and disable myself. This is because one of two services uses the springboot #scheduled annotation, which results in unpredictable logic.
So is there a way I can start a #SpringBootTest with the possibility to choose the services I need?
Thanks in advance!
Have you tried adding the test classes in #SpringBootTest? like so:
#SpringBootTest(classes = YourTestClass.class)

Kotlintest with Spring Test, #Transactional not working/applied

I have a problem getting Spring Boot 2.0.5 to work nicely with Kotlintest 3.1.10.
I made a test project illustrating the problem I have.
The project is a Spring Boot 2 application
with two entities, ShoppingOrder and OrderLine (to be totally unimaginative).
There is also a test case ShoppingOrderSpec which just tests the mapping by storing and retrieving the Order.
The testcase is configured like this:
class ShoppingOrderSpec : WordSpec() {
override fun listeners() = listOf(SpringListener)
The test case is using the SpringExtension
by Spring to hook into the JUnit 5 engine. It also uses the SpringListener and Wordspec from Kotlintest to structure the tests
and do the assertions.
The SpringListener correctly autowires the dependencies, but somehow the transaction is not being created.
Running the testcase gives the following stack-trace:
2018-10-12 10:54:14.329 INFO 59374 --- [intest-engine-0] com.example.demo.ShoppingOrderSpec : Started ShoppingOrderSpec in 4.478 seconds (JVM running for 7.421)
org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: com.example.demo.ShoppingOrder.lines, could not initialize proxy - no Session
at org.hibernate.collection.internal.AbstractPersistentCollection.throwLazyInitializationException(
at com.example.demo.ShoppingOrderSpec$1$1.invoke(ShoppingOrderSpec.kt:35)
at com.example.demo.ShoppingOrderSpec$1$1.invoke(ShoppingOrderSpec.kt:19)
So, somehow the org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional annotation does not seem to work,
as removing the annotation, just gives the same response.
Anyone any ideas how to get the #Transactional being applied and respected?
You can't use JUnit Jupiter extensions with KotlinTest as they are different engines. Junit Jupiter is an implementation on top of Junit Platform, like KotlinTest is, but anything written specifically for Jupiter won't work with KotlinTest. Anything written for Junit Platform should work however.
Unfortunately, the naming choices by the JUnit team are poor imo, and so people think JUnit Jupiter is the same thing as JUnit Platform.
Anyway, those
extensions are not going to mean anything to KotlinTest, anymore than they would for Spek or whatever. ExtendWith is a Jupiter specific annotation that tells it to use the SpringExtension class. The KotlinTest equivilent is SpringListener which you've already wired in.
I'm not sure if #SpringBootTest will be picked up or not by Spring. Support may need to be added for that depending on what it does.
Finally #Transactional works by creating proxies on the methods, but since in more advanced testing frameworks like KotlinTest, the test containers are not methods, but just arbitrary functions, it won't be able to intercept.
I think in this case, you might need to create a proper method and annotate that, or try using the AnnotationSpec rather than StringSpec or whatever other spec base class you are using, which uses actual methods that you could annotate.

How to speed up unit tests with less configuration

The unit test template of jhipster is great, but sometime, especially, during coding, I need to write unit test code and run frequently. But now the unit test will start tomcat container and many other module, which I don't need if I want to test a service function.
Now the test class is like this:
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = Application.class)
public class SomeClassTest {
How can I modify it to only initialize spring container and DB? Thanks.
If you do not need the server, don't make your test an integration test. If you remove #WebAppConfiguration and #IntegrationTest spring boot will start a regular (i.e. non-web context) and will not start Tomcat.
If you need to go even further, you can disable certain features, either via + #ActiveProfiles("test") to disable stuff via config or using the exclude parameter of #SpringBootApplication (or #EnableAutoConfiguration) as Lukas said already.
Take a look at this question How to exclude *AutoConfiguration classes in Spring Boot JUnit tests? and see if this helps you. The idea is to explicitly exclude auto configurations that you don't need in your test, so in your case it would probably be EmbeddedServletContainerAutoConfiguration
