Are the project beans already instantiated when we try to run a junit test in spring boot - spring-boot

I am new to Spring and spring boot.
For my spring boot application which is a rest controller, I have some beans along with my data source.
I use my data source to create jdbc template. Now when I am in my rest controller code, I have all these beans #Autowired and they work perfectly fine.
My query is regarding the junit testing part.
When I write my test code inside src/test/java and when I execute my test class within IDE, are the beans defined in my src/main/javacode, instantiated before test case execution?

You might use the same container, or instantiate another container particularly for testing purposes, for which you'll provide a configuration of that other Spring Container separately:
public class SomeClassTest{...}
However, you can also enable support for loading your Application Context and then use the #Autowired fields in your JUnit fixtures, which also works fine too:
public class SomeTestClass {
ApplicationContext context;
From here, you can get any bean you wish.


Spring Autowire bean NullPointerException during Groovy tests but works fine during Runtime

I am using the prometheus library for getting metrics of my Spring Boot application (REST API). I am using the library io.prometheus.simpleclient:0.4.0 and I am including it in my Maven pom.xml. I am using the Counter and #Autowiring (I've tried both field and constructor injection) it to one of my own classes, like such
public MyCustomMetricsClass {
private Counter counterBean;
public void myOwnMetricsMethod() {;
// do some stuff
THEN, I am #Autowiring this MyCustomMetricsClass into my Service class,, where it seems to run fine when I run my API locally using Spring Boot embedded tomcat on port 8080 (localhost:8080). I can hit endpoints and the metrics are being reported correctly at the actuator endpoint (localhost:8080/actuator/metrics). e.g.
public MyServiceClass {
private MyCustomMetricsclass myMetrics;
public void genericServiceMethod() {
The problem is, when I run mvn install, which triggers the local Groovy unit tests I have written, I keep getting a NULL POINTER EXCEPTION. With the debugger, I can debug the Groovy unit tests and see in my Service class, the myMetrics variable is NULL. But I don't understand why it works fine at runtime, also, I have annotated the MyCustomMetricsClass as a #Component annotation, so it should be a bean being scanned by Spring Component scan.
This is a multi-module project ; with the structure below
my-project (root, contains root pom.xml)
- my-api (module, contains RestController. has its own pom.xml)
- my-service (module. contains service classes, has its own pom.xml)
- my-model (module, contains all POJO/DTO model classes, has its own pom.xml)
Am I missing some dependency on my classpath? Why does it work at runtime but not during tests? (all my dependencies should have default scope) Is the autowiring broken?
Can you share the code from your unit test?
At a guess, you're using a mocking framework, maybe Mockito?
If this assumption is true, remember, your unit test won't be running up the full Spring context, so no auto-wiring will take place. You will need to inject mocks for the autowired components.
public class MyServiceClassTest {
private MyCustomMetricsClass myCustomMetricsClass;
private MyServiceClass myServiceClass;
public void shouldDoTesting() {
myServiceClass. genericServiceMethod();

how to run springboot test without run tomcat?

I am developing a spring boot application and write some junit test.
But I find when I run any tests, tomcat is also started up, It makes those tests very slow and waste many times.
When I develop a SpringMvc application, junit test can run without start tomcat, It saves many times.
So, I want to ask it there anyway to run springboot test with out start tomcat?
Running a test with #SpringBootTest does not start an embedded server by default.
By default, it runs in the MOCK environment.
By default, #SpringBootTest will not start a server. You can use the
webEnvironment attribute of #SpringBootTest to further refine how your
tests run:
MOCK(Default) : Loads a web ApplicationContext and provides a mock web
environment. Embedded servers are not started when using this
annotation. If a web environment is not available on your classpath,
this mode transparently falls back to creating a regular non-web
ApplicationContext. It can be used in conjunction with
#AutoConfigureMockMvc or #AutoConfigureWebTestClient for mock-based
testing of your web application.
Documentation link:
I guess what you wanted to achieve could be achieved by Slice Test concept. In general, you don't need a full-fledged mock environment or environment with an embedded server with all the configured beans in the spring container when you are performing unit tests.
For e.g. you have to unit test your Controller then you have #WebMvcTest annotation in place that will configure only web related beans and ignore the rest of the beans.
To test whether Spring MVC controllers are working as expected, use
the #WebMvcTest annotation. #WebMvcTest auto-configures the Spring MVC
infrastructure and limits scanned beans to #Controller,
#ControllerAdvice, #JsonComponent, Converter, GenericConverter,
Filter, WebMvcConfigurer, and HandlerMethodArgumentResolver. Regular
#Component beans are not scanned when using this annotation.
Documentation link:
Similarly, for the database layer, there is #DataJpaTest
Documentation link:
Long story short: when you intend to do unit testing with Spring framework, slice test is the one you should use in most of the cases.
If you are placing the following annotations, this will start the embedded container...
Because, if you see the SpringBootTestContextBootstrapper.class class , this has been invoked the container which is invoked by #BootstrapWith(SpringBootTestContextBootstrapper.class) when we specify #SpringBootTest
You can remove those and can do as follows:
import org.junit.Test;
public class HellotomApplicationTests {
public void contextLoads() {
R-Click and RunAs Junit

Cucumber and Spring boot integration

I have a microservice application developed using spring boot and used cucumber to test. I have a separate project folder "bdd" where I stored all my features files and the step defns and this project is not deployed in the war file.
I have a requirement where I need to hit the DAO class's methods directly for some testing and I found that from BDD folder, I don't have the access to get the instance of the beans from spring boot.
Found some articles as well on how to integrate the cucumber and the spring boot using the #RunWith(SpringRunner.class)
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT) annotations. however It seems not to be working for me.
Does anyone have experience any such requirements or could anyone suggest me on what should be the correct approach.
Edited :
I am trying to use an instance of a bean which was initialized already as part of the spring container. when I tried to #Autowire or #Inject using:here registry is the bean instance I am trying to use.
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class AbstractDefs {
private static ConnectionProviderRegistry registry;
dao = new MyDaoClass(registry);
the variable registry is still null.

WebApplicationContext is always null in a spring boot test

My test class looks like this
public class sampleClassTest{
private WebApplicationContext wac;
public void setup() {
this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(this.wac).build();
In the setup method, wac is always null. From spring boot documentation, #SpringBootTest(webEnvironment=WebEnvironment.MOCK) always created a mock WebapplicaitonContext.
So I would expect it get autowired in the code above which doesn't happen.
Can someone tell me how to go about creating a webapplicationContext in this case so that it's not null like in my case ?
I am running spring boot tests invoking them from a class with springboot annotation.
Both test (springboottest) and calling class (springboot) application are in the same spring boot project under src/main/java.
I have nothing under src/main/test. I have done in this way because if classes from src/main/java want to call a test class then, it isn't really a test class.
Now, the problem is that I can't use runWith(SpringRunner.class) in springbootTest class. If I did that to get a mock webApplicationContext then, it gives me this error: org.springframework.boot:type=Admin,name=SpringApplication
I am not sure how to do about this.
To use #SpringBootTest you need to use Spring Framework's test runner. Annotate your test class with #RunWith(SpringRunner.class).
If someone is struggling with this issue in 2022 - please keep my defined precondions in mind. If you are using #SpringBootTest with defined port and constructor auto-wiring of the test class, the application context might be null.
It seems that the constructor dependency injection is eager and the cache aware context delegate of Spring is searching for a web application context which is no available yet. If you use field auto-wiring your test might run in a deterministic manner.
Whoever is facing this issue, make sure your spring boot starter parent version is compatible with spring cloud version in pom.xml
I was facing same issue, i resolved it by doing same.

What does this do: #RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)

What does this annotation do?
When would I want to use it?
When would I not want to use it?
I can find more usages of this when I Google and do not find a 101 explanation as to what this annotation is supposed to communicate to me or when/why I would use it?
The annotation is used to configure a unit test that required Spring's dependency injection.
From Spring Reference - 10. Unit Testing:
10.1 Creating a Unit Test Class
In order for the unit test to run a batch job, the framework must load the job's ApplicationContext. Two annotations are used to trigger this:
#RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class): Indicates that the class should use Spring's JUnit facilities.
#ContextConfiguration(locations = {...}): Indicates which XML files contain the ApplicationContext.
If you are using annotations rather than XML files, then any class that you are unit testing that requires Spring dependency injection needs to be put into the #ContextConfiguration annotation. For example:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = FooManager.class)
class FooManagerTest {
FooManager fooManager;
Now when you use fooManager in a unit test it will have have a Spring context setup for it.
If fooManager autowires in any beans then those bean's classes also need to be in the #ContextConfiguration annotation. So if fooManager autowires in a FooReporter bean:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {FooManager.class, FooReporter.class})
If the beans that fooManager autowires in contain state, then you will likely want to reset the state of those beans for each test. In that case you can add the #DirtiesContext annotation to your test class:
#DirtiesContext(classMode = DirtiesContext.ClassMode.AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD)
If fooManager or any of its autowired beans reads Spring config then you need to add an initializers list to the #ContextConfiguration annotation, that contains the ConfigFileApplicationContextInitializer class:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {FooManager.class, FooReporter.class}, initializers = ConfigFileApplicationContextInitializer.class)
To answer the when you would and wouldn't want to use it part of the question.
When to use SpringJUnit4ClassRunner
IMO SpringJUnit4ClassRunner should be used very sparingly. There is a significant overhead involved with starting up a Spring container to run a unit test.
I typically use SpringJUnit4ClassRunner to test:
that components are injected (auto-wired) as expected
that configuration data is injected as expected
When you are injecting components issues can arise if the #Qualifier annotation is not used or used incorrectly, for example.
When loading configuration from multiple yaml files you may want to test that maps are being merged as expected, with the appropriate overrides occurring.
At the very least I always have a simple SpringJUnit4ClassRunner test as a sanity check that the Spring container starts up OK.
When not to use SpringJUnit4ClassRunner
I would not use SpringJUnit4ClassRunner to test the non-Spring related functionality in my code under test. Which in my experience means most of the functionality.
So this means that any autowired components and injected config data needs to be mocked. This can mean quite a bit of setup code for your unit tests. However this setup code only needs to be written once for all the tests in your class under test. It is also much quicker to run unit tests with mocked components.
I keep the mocking simple and use Spock to mock the components. Example groovy code:
import spock.lang.Specification
class FooManagerTest extends Specification {
FooManager cut
void createMockFooReporter() {
FooReporter mockFooReporter = Mock(FooReporter)
mockFooReporter.fooFormatter = Mock(FooFormatter)
void setup() {
cut = new FooManager()
cut.fooReporter = createMockFooReporter()
void "Basic test"() {
// Do a basic test using 'cut'
In this example the class under test FooManager has an autowired FooReporter which itself contains an autowired FooFormatter.
I think #RunWith annotation is in order to initialize the context of spring. Because the junit5 is released, you just can replace it with #SpringJUnitConfig.By the way, #RunWith annotation is already replaced by #ExtendWith, but you still can use it.
