SpringBoot Test doesn't load Tomcat - spring

I am trying to test my SpringBoot Application. When I start it as usual it starts the Tomcat Service as expected and loggs it into the console after the Spring Logo.
When I execute #SpringBootTest Classes however, it appearently doesn't start the Tomcat Service as the URL is not accessible in the Test and after the Spring Logo all Logs regarding the Tomcat Service are Missing.
An answer on Stackoverflow said:
Running a test with #SpringBootTest does start an embedded server by default. By default, it runs in the MOCK environment.
Link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/56077027/16034630
And this is how I understood it. But why do my Tests not start the Application normally with the Tomcat Service included?

I found a solution by doing this:
Putting the tests all in the hierarchy the Application Class has. My Springboot Main Method is in the class in path src/main/java/"myProject"/"myProjectClassWithMainMethod" and I put all Test Classes in the path src/test/java/"myProject"/test/"TestClasses".
Lastly and most importantly annotation each Testclass with #SpringBootTest and specifying that it should start with defined port by adding (webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT).
So every Class has the Annotation #SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT).


#SpringBootTest loads unrequired Bean when making IT

I'm making some Integration Tests for my app and I'm encountering this problem I can't see how to solve.
I'm using Spring Boot 2.4.13 + Spring Data Neo4J 6.1.9
FYI, I deleted the Application default test that comes bundled when you create a project through Spring Initializr, and under /src/test/resources I have a .yml file named application.yml
My IT class looks like this:
public class ClientIT {
private ClientServiceImpl service;
private ClientRepository repository;
void someTest() {
But when I run this test I get the following Exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load ApplicationContext
And this is the cause:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The provided database selection provider differs from the ReactiveNeo4jClient's one.
The thing is I don't use SDN's Reactive features at all in my project. I don't even understand why Spring tries to load it. I've created an Issue under the Spring Data Neo4j GitHub repository (https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-neo4j/issues/2488) but they could only tell me that ReactiveNeo4jDataAutoConfiguration gets automatically included if there's a Driver or Flux class in the classpath which I don't have.
I've been debugging the Spring internals while booting up the Application after JUnit Jupiter methods to no success.
What I could see is that at some point after JUnit Jupiter tests preparation/initialization, "reactiveNeo4jTemplate" gets injected into DefaultListableBeanFactory's beanDefinitionNames variable.
I've tried many combinations of different annotations intended to be used when making Integration Tests but the one time it worked was after I explicitly excluded ReactiveNeo4jDataAutoConfiguration class through
What I've always seen in some blogposts is that by using #SpringBootTest I shouldn't worry about this kind of problem but it looks like I need to add that annotation every time I want to make a new IT test.
My Integration Tests basically consist of bootstrapping the application + web server (tomcat) along with an embedded Neo4J instance and after that, making requests to check everything works as it should. Do I really need to worry about all of this just to make these simple tests?
Thank you
How do I set up a Spring Data Neo4j integration test with JUnit 5 (in Kotlin)?
SprintBootTest - create only necessary beans
Answering my own question after finding what is causing this error:
In the linked Github Issue, one of the developers says having Flux.class in the classpath forces SDN to instantiate Neo4jReactiveDataAutoConfiguration which is what is causing the other reactive beans to instantiate.
Apparently, neo4j-harness brings io.projectreactor (where Flux.class belongs) as an indirect dependency through neo4j-fabric which is the root of our problems.
The Spring Data Neo4j will be fixing this issue in a patch later this week.

how to run springboot test without run tomcat?

I am developing a spring boot application and write some junit test.
But I find when I run any tests, tomcat is also started up, It makes those tests very slow and waste many times.
When I develop a SpringMvc application, junit test can run without start tomcat, It saves many times.
So, I want to ask it there anyway to run springboot test with out start tomcat?
Running a test with #SpringBootTest does not start an embedded server by default.
By default, it runs in the MOCK environment.
By default, #SpringBootTest will not start a server. You can use the
webEnvironment attribute of #SpringBootTest to further refine how your
tests run:
MOCK(Default) : Loads a web ApplicationContext and provides a mock web
environment. Embedded servers are not started when using this
annotation. If a web environment is not available on your classpath,
this mode transparently falls back to creating a regular non-web
ApplicationContext. It can be used in conjunction with
#AutoConfigureMockMvc or #AutoConfigureWebTestClient for mock-based
testing of your web application.
Documentation link: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/boot-features-testing.html#boot-features-testing-spring-boot-applications
I guess what you wanted to achieve could be achieved by Slice Test concept. In general, you don't need a full-fledged mock environment or environment with an embedded server with all the configured beans in the spring container when you are performing unit tests.
For e.g. you have to unit test your Controller then you have #WebMvcTest annotation in place that will configure only web related beans and ignore the rest of the beans.
To test whether Spring MVC controllers are working as expected, use
the #WebMvcTest annotation. #WebMvcTest auto-configures the Spring MVC
infrastructure and limits scanned beans to #Controller,
#ControllerAdvice, #JsonComponent, Converter, GenericConverter,
Filter, WebMvcConfigurer, and HandlerMethodArgumentResolver. Regular
#Component beans are not scanned when using this annotation.
Documentation link: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/boot-features-testing.html#boot-features-testing-spring-boot-applications-testing-autoconfigured-mvc-tests
Similarly, for the database layer, there is #DataJpaTest
Documentation link: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/boot-features-testing.html#boot-features-testing-spring-boot-applications-testing-autoconfigured-jpa-test
Long story short: when you intend to do unit testing with Spring framework, slice test is the one you should use in most of the cases.
If you are placing the following annotations, this will start the embedded container...
Because, if you see the SpringBootTestContextBootstrapper.class class , this has been invoked the container which is invoked by #BootstrapWith(SpringBootTestContextBootstrapper.class) when we specify #SpringBootTest
You can remove those and can do as follows:
import org.junit.Test;
public class HellotomApplicationTests {
public void contextLoads() {
R-Click and RunAs Junit

How to start really spring boot application before selenium test running with JUnit4?

For my unit test, I use these annotations :
#SpringBootTest(classes = MyApplication.class)
My probleme happen when I tried to test the GUI with selenium.
In my gui test, I called some page and verify the content of the html messages.
I don't need a mock, I need to start application before my test.
What is an elegant way todo that ?
What really do the annotation #SpringBootTest(classes = MyApplication.class), It don't start the application and according to logs, It try to launch the application.
You can use a combination of the annotations #WebIntegrationTest, #RunWith, and
#SpringApplicationConfiguration. You can find a working example here.

Spring Boot 1.5 #JdbcTest failing when using Eureka Discovery

I'm trying to use the new #JdbcTest annotation in Spring boot 1.5.0.RC1.
My app uses Eureka discovery ie I have
in my build.gradle and
on my main Spring Boot class
When I try to use #JdbcTest to test a JdbcTemplate based DAO I get this error:
Parameter 0 of method eurekaHealthIndicator in org.springframework.cloud.netflix.eureka.EurekaDiscoveryClientConfiguration$EurekaHealthIndicatorConfiguration required a bean of type 'com.netflix.discovery.EurekaClient' that could not be found.
Consider defining a bean of type 'com.netflix.discovery.EurekaClient' in your configuration.
It looks like the auto configuration is loading part of the Eureka configuration when it should only load JDBC related beans.
If I add
to the test the problem goes away, but I think #JdbcTest should be making sure already that only relevant beans are loaded.
Am I missing something or is this a problem with the new #JdbcTest, or maybe Spring Cloud Eureka?
Your #SpringBootApplication has # EnableDiscoveryClient on it. When you use a slice annotation (such as #JdbcTest), Spring Boot finds the context to use by looking at the package of your test for a #SpringBootConfiguration. If it does not find one, it looks in the parent package, etc. With a sensible package structure and no further customization, your tests use your #SpringBootApplication as the root context.
So, that configuration class (and only that one) is processed an #EnableDiscoveryClient is also obviously processed. In your case, this has an additional side effect: every single test now requires the Eureka Client.
TL;DR never put such annotation on your application. And only put it if you actually need it. You could define a #Configuration class next to your Spring Boot app for those.
I had similar issue and fixed by adding the following to my application.yml file
enabled: false

Spring Bean Container

I wanted to write test cased for testing my service using springjunit runner.
My service will call another service and transform its out put and send the response.
I thouhgt that server need to be up and running for calling the other service while running junit.
But I was told that spring junit doesnt need server to be running.
Spring container will do the magic it seems.
Am not pretty sure how this happens.
Can any one enlighten me with how spring container can act as server?
If its so silly quesiton,sorry for that.Thanks in advance
do you need server to run java.class , answer is no, untill unless if you have any ejb component to be called from your service, or you service need some external web service to
respond (here you may need to either mock this service to give mock data or run the service on server)
i have service which calls data access layer , sometimes service calls another service.
all you need to have spring context configuration in your test class
#ContextConfiguration({ "classpath:spring-context.xml", "classpath:otherservice-context.xml"})
public class TestJuint{
private otherService otherServiceImpl;
private service serviceImpl;
public void testDummy{
suppose if you need to have another service from some other package then you might want to include its context file in context configuration, so that its bean reference will be in spring context while autowiring
