Is Stormcrawler v1.14 compatible with Elasticsearch 6.7.x? - elasticsearch

In the completed tasks list for Stormcrawler 1.14 I see both "Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.0.x" and "ES 6.70 dependency elasticsearch" listed. Does that mean that 1.14 is compatible with both?
I ask this mostly because I was attempting to use mvn archetype:generate to generate a 1.13 stormcrawler, and got the message: Archetype repository not defined. Using the one from [com.digitalpebble.stormcrawler:storm-crawler-archetype:1.14] found in catalog remote. We are on ES 6.7.1 so I am wondering if 1.14 is compatible or if I need to somehow manually load 1.13. Thanks!

No, StormCrawler 1.14 is not compatible with Elasticsearch 6.7. I've even tried to access an 6.7 index with StormCrawler 1.14 - it does not work, at least not with the status index. There has been an upgrade to 6.7 during the development on 1.14, the upgrade to 7.0 happened shortly before the release of 1.14.


Why go get downloads two versions of same package when using -u

I was using go get -u to get a package which depends on I noticed that it first downloads then downloads
Then I ran go clean -modcache and go get which downloaded v0.4.0 of and then again go get -u This time go didn't download
So, Why go get -u downloads both the old version and latest version when the latest version is not present locally, and Why it doesn't download the old version when the latest version is available locally?
Because it is a two-step process of
Getting dependencies
Updating dependencies
From a programming standpoint there is no good reason to merge these into a single concern of "Get latest dependencies".
From the go command documentation:
The -u flag instructs get to update modules providing dependencies of packages named on the command line to use newer minor or patch releases when available.
This means that -u specifically deals with modules which the package you are getting depends on, rather than with the module of the package you are getting.
Furthermore, it appears that -u is agnostic to the Go idiom of treating any change in a v0 version as a major version change, so one cannot lightheartedly recommend using -u out of principle. The README of even says:
Until version 1.0.0 of x/text is reached, the minor version is considered a major version. So going from 0.1.0 to 0.2.0 is considered to be a major version bump.

seunjeon elasticsearch plugin for es 7.9.1

I need to build Elasticsearch seunjeon plugin for Elasticsearch 7.9.1. The codebase at allows building the plugin for Elasticsearch 6.x. I am not sure how to build the plugin targeted towards 7.9.x.
Any help is appreciated.
I've recently patched seunjeon for Elasticsearch 7. I think it'll help you a lot.
And I've also uploaded version 7.9.1 for you. so you can easy to install as shown below:
$ bin/elasticsearch-plugin install

How do I turn Keycloak old version 4.1.0 into 'Standalone server distribution'?

I tried something (, blog etc).But I don't turn 'standalone server distribution'.
I can give an example. What I want to say:
The following is a 'standalone server distribution' files. This is ready for running.
I need to run old version keycloak (version 4.1.0). This package seem like this :
According to Picture-2, this packages don't ready for running.
How can I ready for running ? Like to Picture-1.
I need your suggestions and suggestions. Can you help me?
That's the source code.
You have to build it by executing the following command from parent directory (you need Java JDK and Maven installed and configured):
mvn -Pdistribution -pl distribution/server-dist -am -Dmaven.test.skip clean install
Resulting release distribution will be in ./distribution/server-dist/target/ archive.
Compiling the sources is described here:
You can download the latest release version 4.X from archive:

Unknown subcommand "mod" error while running go mod init

I have installed the go language in my ubuntu using sudo apt install golang-go.
It was successfully installed. When i run go version I am getting go version go1.10.4 linux/amd64
but when i tried running go mod init projectName I am getting the following error go: unknown subcommand "mod"
Do I need to install mod package or am i missing something? I have implemented the solution given by christophe in this forum but it didn't work for me.
Preliminary module support was added in Go 1.11, so Go 1.10 knows no mod subcommand.
You need to install a newer, preferably the newest 1.14 version of Go. Get it from the official downloads page. Go 1.10 is not even supported anymore (doesn't receive security patches).
The prepared packages of OSes usually lag behind new releases. I'd advise to always get Go from the official page.
Because preliminary support for go-modules came in version 1.11 and 1.12.
More here
I suggest that you install using the linux build directly from golang

Appfog - how to install latest version of Nodejs

In Appfog how to install the latest version of Nodejs/ and on the services provided, can Mongodb be upgraded to 2.4.x
Actually AppFog now has Node 0.10 and MongoDB 2.4.8.
AppFog does not support SPECIFIC versions of node, just version "families".
For example, to use 0.8.x, use the CLI:
af push --runtime=node08
This would give you 0.8.14 (at the time of this writing)
MongoDB 2.x support is planned in their road map...
