Appfog - how to install latest version of Nodejs - appfog

In Appfog how to install the latest version of Nodejs/ and on the services provided, can Mongodb be upgraded to 2.4.x

Actually AppFog now has Node 0.10 and MongoDB 2.4.8.

AppFog does not support SPECIFIC versions of node, just version "families".
For example, to use 0.8.x, use the CLI:
af push --runtime=node08
This would give you 0.8.14 (at the time of this writing)
MongoDB 2.x support is planned in their road map...


unable to run librdkafka=1.3.0 over docker

I was trying to run librdkafka version 1.3.0 from alpine distribution over my docker container using this:
FROM golang:1.13.6-alpine3.10 as base
RUN apk add --no-cache --update librdkafka=1.3.0 librdkafka-dev=1.3.0 --update-cache --repository
but got this error while building image:
breaks: world[librdkafka=1.3.0]
satisfies: librdkafka-dev-1.4.2-r0[librdkafka=1.4.2-r0]
breaks: world[librdkafka-dev=1.3.0]
Can someone tell me what might be possibly wrong here?
The librdkafka package has been upgraded to 1.4.2.
In Alpine repositories, as opposed to Ubuntu for example, old package versions are not kept. This is mostly done for security reasons, AFAICT. When a package is upgraded, the old version is gone for good. This has the unfortunate side effect of breaking images that depend on specific package versions.
The currently available librdkafka 1.X versions on Alpine repositories are 1.4.2 (edge, 3.12), 1.2.2 (3.11), and 1.0.1 (3.10).
If you must use this exact version, you could try building it from source, using the 1.3.0 tag.

Is Stormcrawler v1.14 compatible with Elasticsearch 6.7.x?

In the completed tasks list for Stormcrawler 1.14 I see both "Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.0.x" and "ES 6.70 dependency elasticsearch" listed. Does that mean that 1.14 is compatible with both?
I ask this mostly because I was attempting to use mvn archetype:generate to generate a 1.13 stormcrawler, and got the message: Archetype repository not defined. Using the one from [com.digitalpebble.stormcrawler:storm-crawler-archetype:1.14] found in catalog remote. We are on ES 6.7.1 so I am wondering if 1.14 is compatible or if I need to somehow manually load 1.13. Thanks!
No, StormCrawler 1.14 is not compatible with Elasticsearch 6.7. I've even tried to access an 6.7 index with StormCrawler 1.14 - it does not work, at least not with the status index. There has been an upgrade to 6.7 during the development on 1.14, the upgrade to 7.0 happened shortly before the release of 1.14.

Access old pytorch release from conda cloud

According to multiple sites, there was a binary release 0.2.1 for pytorch in repo peterjc123 (e.g. ).
I also see a release 0.3.0 when looking at the only snapshot from
However, the conda cloud website only shows the latest version (0.3.1; ); the same applies to
conda search pytorch -c peterjc123
The old download links do not work anymore.
How do I access the old version (I need a binary < 0.3 for windows 10; cuda80; py36)?
Consider using the binaries uplodaed by user Soumith, who is also the uploader for the (now stable branch) pytorch/pytorch on Anaconda cloud.
This channel has versions back to 0.2.1, so it should be satisfying your requirements.
If that does not work, also consider installing with regular pip install and specifying a version of your desire.
Edit: There might also be older versions for pytorch_cpu and other packages, I only checked for the "main" pytorch package.

Install Previous Version of CouchDB on Mac

I was able to install couchdb's latest version on Mac OS using Homebrew.Is there a way i could install the previous version (0.10.0).I have tried using iriscouch but could not clone the repositories.
What about installing versions like 1.1.1 is there a way to do that using homebrew?
The current release is 1.2.0, and the previous one is 1.1.1. 0.10.0 is a long way back in CouchDB history. Are you sure you need that far back? What's the issue you are having?
For 1.1.1 you can simply revert to the previous formula (check it out via git) or simply edit the couchdb.rb file directly.
If you need 0.10.0, another alternative is to try
Finally, try building Erlang R14B01 from source, spidermonkey 1.7.0 and then using a similar configuration as in the 0.10.0 homebrew recipe:
require 'brewkit'
class Couchdb
depends_on 'spidermonkey'
depends_on 'icu4c'
depends_on 'erlang'
def install
system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}",
system "make"
system "make install"
Both CouchDB, Mac OS X, Erlang, Spidermonkey & other dependencies have evolved significantly since late 2009 when 0.10.0 was released. Expect some bumps in the road.

Node.js version and Heroku

So, I got a small site started in node.js (my first one) using Express. Pretty happy with it, until I tried to deploy to Heroku and found that I had 0.4.9 installed and they only support 0.4.7.
Is uninstalling 0.4.9 and installing 0.4.7 my only option, or is there a way to do a side-by-side on the two?
You can override the version of node.js and npm by customizing the Heroku build pack: do not have to remove anything.
Just ensure you are using features of node compliant with node 0.4.7 and when you make your package.json which specifies your dependencies has the correct version number or range specified.
I had a similar issue where one of our developers made is packacge and set the dependency to node 0.4.8 however it didn't require this it was just what version he was using at the time, we ended up updating his package.json to list node 0.4.7 instead and then my package which depended on his deployed to heroku just fine.
It seems Heroku only supports 0.4.7 at the moment and even suggests to develop strictly on that version.
If you have to use heroku then you have to uninstall 0.4.9, install 0.4.7.
If you don't have to use heroku. You can always setup a VPS yourself, and you will have the freedom to install whatever version that pleases you. :D
