Understanding the "subst" keyword and specific line in a makefile - makefile

I take a course in CPP language and I'm trying to understand the use of "subst" in makefiles (in general) and the specific use in this makefile.
I' have tried to google the use of "subst", but didn't find.
RM=rm -f
ifndef MAIN
MAINEXECUTABLE=$(subst .cpp,,$(MAIN)).exe
$(RM) *.exe a.out *.class *.ppm
This makefile is a generic makefile and can be used to compile any single cpp file.

From the GNU make reference manual:
$(subst from,to,text)
Performs a textual replacement on the text text: each occurrence of
from is replaced by to. The result is substituted for the function
call. For example,
$(subst ee,EE,feet on the street)
substitutes the string ‘fEEt on the strEEt’.
Applying it to your case, the function invocation looks at the main file name and strips the .cpp extension (by substituting an empty string for it). It then adds the .exe extension to the now extension-less file name.


Makefile - multiple recipes calling one, with variables - only the first gets run

I have set up my makefile like below, to minimize code duplication
The recipes are a set of blocks that set a variable, and then run the sleeper_agent recipe. They work great when called individually as make xlsx_sleeper for example.
But when I call all_sleepers, only the first one (xlsx_sleeper) gets compiled.
I have tried declaring them as phony (.PHONY: all_sleepers xlsx_sleeper docx_sleeper pptx_sleeper pdf_sleeper png_sleeper), which changes nothing
and adding a .FORCE rule to the sleeper_agent rule, which results in no such file or directory:
sleeper_agent: .FORCE [...]
Here is my makefile:
all_sleepers: xlsx_sleeper docx_sleeper pptx_sleeper png_sleeper pdf_sleeper
sleeper_agent: $(OBJ)/sleeper_agent.o $(OBJ)/identities.o
windres icons/$(ext)/resource.rc -O coff -o obj/$(ext).res
$(CC) -o $(BIN)/sleeper_$(ext).exe $^ $(OBJ)/$(ext).res $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
xlsx_sleeper: ext=xlsx
xlsx_sleeper: sleeper_agent
docx_sleeper: ext=docx
docx_sleeper: sleeper_agent
pptx_sleeper: ext=pptx
pptx_sleeper: sleeper_agent
png_sleeper: ext=png
png_sleeper: sleeper_agent
pdf_sleeper: ext=pdf
pdf_sleeper: sleeper_agent
Your problem is that make does not see any reason why it should rebuild the sleeper_agent target several times. You should probably stick to the make philosophy:
Try to have real files as targets ($(BIN)/sleeper_xlsx.exe).
Use phony (non-file) targets only:
To give symbolic names to other targets or groups of targets (all_sleepers, xlsx_sleeper, ...)
For rules that don't produce files (clean, help...)
Declare phony targets as such (.PHONY: ...)
Example using static pattern rules, automatic variables and the patsubst make function:
SLEEPER := xlsx docx pptx png pdf
EXE := $(patsubst %,$(BIN)/sleeper_%.exe,$(SLEEPER))
SHORT := $(patsubst %,%_sleeper,$(SLEEPER))
.PHONY: all_sleepers $(SHORT) clean_sleepers
all_sleepers: $(EXE)
$(SHORT): %_sleeper: $(BIN)/sleeper_%.exe
$(EXE): $(BIN)/sleeper_%.exe: $(OBJ)/sleeper_agent.o $(OBJ)/identities.o
windres icons/$*/resource.rc -O coff -o obj/$*.res
$(CC) -o $# $^ $(OBJ)/$*.res $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
rm -f $(EXE)
And then you should be able to run:
make all_sleepers
to build them all or:
make xlsx_sleeper
to build only one of them. EXE is the list of real executable files and a static pattern rule explains how to build them. In its recipe the $* automatic variable expands as the string matching the % wildcard. SHORT is the list of xxxx_sleeper shortcuts and another static pattern rule explains for each of them to which real executable it corresponds. all_sleepers and the xxxx_sleeper shortcuts (plus the clean_sleepers I added as example) are properly declared as phony because there are no such real files.

Assignment of variable in GNU Makefile

I am new in GNU make. I have a problem understanding Makefile program inside NETAL software (it can be downloaded from here).
Inside folder NETAL, there is a file Makefile which includes other files such as make.inc and make.headers.
I understand most of the rules in Makefile inside folder NETAL, except for these:
Line 16 and 22. $(LINK.o) $^ $(LDLIBS) $(OUTPUT_OPTION)
What does $(LINK.o) and $(OUTPUT_OPTION) refer to? I cannot find a definition/assignment of these variable anywhere (neither in make.inc and make.headers).
Line 26 and 30. $(COMPILE.c) $< $(OUTPUT_OPTION)
Same problem with variable $(COMPILE.c). I can't find its assignment anywhere, and what it refers to. Also I don't understand the meaning of $< (and why "<" has to be preceded by a dollar sign "$"). I know dollar sign is for variable, just like in PHP.
I have knocked myself out reading the manual (RTFM, I know): GNU make manual
And this is the result of my reading: In Chapter 4.3 Types of Prerequisites, I found an example which similar with what I am looking for:
OBJDIR := objdir
OBJS := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,foo.o bar.o baz.o)
$(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.c
all: $(OBJS)
$(OBJS): | $(OBJDIR)
mkdir $(OBJDIR)
Unfortunately, there is no explanation about what is "$(COMPILE.c)", "$(OUTPUT_OPTION)", and "$<" .
Can someone explain it to me in a way that is easier for me to understand?
Or give me a link/keyword so that I can Google further.
These are prefedined make variables. From the GNU make manual:
Every rule that produces an object file uses the variable OUTPUT_OPTION. make defines this variable either to contain ‘-o $#’, or to be empty, depending on a compile-time option.
make follows the convention that the rule to compile a .x source file uses the variable COMPILE.x. Similarly, the rule to produce an executable from a .x file uses LINK.x; and the rule to preprocess a .x file uses PREPROCESS.x.

filter function in Makefile

Is there a way to pick up the target name using automatic variable.
SOURCES = $(wildcard *.c)
dummytgt: $(OBJ)/tier.o
$(GCC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(filter $#,$(SOURCES)).c -o $#
I do not want to mention the filename as input but would want to use the filter function to get the .c file which is same as target name. make throws an error no input files
It's helpful to have a look at how make parses this:
SOURCES = $(wildcard *.c)
dummytgt: $(OBJ)/tier.o
$(GCC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(filter $#,$(SOURCES)).c -o $#
First off,
it will read the makefile, defining and expanding macros as it goes.
SOURCES = $(wildcard *.c) means that ${SOURCES} is a lazy variable with definition $(wildcard *.c).
Lazy? Yes, these recursive variables (as the make manual has it) only expand their right-hand side when they are themselves expanded.
Make needs the dependencies as it reads the file, so $(OBJ) is expanded.
Let's assume that the expansion of ${OBJ} is objs (say).
The shell command block remains as a single lazy variable.
It's important to note that these are not expanded until make decides that it wants to build dmmytgt.
You could have written this to exactly the same effect:
dummytgt: objs/tier.o
$(GCC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(filter $#,$(wildcard *.c)).c -o $#
For this fragment to work,
the file objs/tier.o must already exist.
Let's assume it does.
Make now has all it needs to build dummytgt (according to your makefile),
so now it expands the command block.
$(wildcard *.c) expands to 1.c 2.c (say).
$# is dummytgt
$(filter dummytgt,1.c 2.c) is of course empty (and always will be!)
${GCC} is gcc (say)
${CFLAGS} is empty (say)
Thus the shell gets
gcc -c .c -o dummytgt
Presumably gcc complains that there is no file called .c.
The resulting error stops make's execution.
A few thing not to like here:
$(wildcard ) is only for hacky one-liner makefiles IMHO.
dummytgt requires objs/tier.o, but its build instructions never reference it.
Your $(filter ) always expands to nothing.
$(filter $#.c,$(SOURCES))
But I don't see why you don't use
Or better still, make it a prerequisite.

Get filename without extension within makefile

My makefile looks like this:
SRCS = $(wildcard *.asm)
OBJS = ${SRCS:.asm=.o}
# define a suffix rule for .asm -> .o
.asm.o : $(SRCS)
nasm -f elf $<
all: $(OBJS)
gcc -o ?? $<
^need the name of the target without file extension here ($* is blank)
However, $* is working within .asm.o but is blank within all.
How would I go about setting the gcc output filename to the filename of the object file without any extension?
For example, I want it to execute the following (after the .o file is generated by nasm)
gcc filename filename.o
I think you are looking for
.PHONY: all
all: $(patsubst %.o,%,$(OBJS))
%: %.o
gcc -o $# $<
Your attempt would define a target all which depended on all the object files as if it contained them all; I presume you really want each object file to be independent, and for the all target to depend on them all being made.
(Technically you could now use $* because it is identical to $# in this case, but that's just obscure.)
This is by and large isomorphic to your existing nasm rule, except when there is no suffix, you cannot use the suffix syntax. In other words, your rule is equivalent to
OBJS = $(patsubst %.asm,%.o,$(SRCS))
%.o: %.asm
nasm -f elf $<
The only remaining difference is the .PHONY declaration which just documents that all isn't a file name.
Use VAR = $(basename your_file.ext) <=> $(VAR) = your_file
Let's say that you want to remove .o from test.o
VAR = $(basename test.o)
resulting in $VAR containing "test"
See More Functions Here

How to write different implicit rules for different file names for GNU Make

I have a directory in which I keep adding different C++ source files, and generic Makefile to compile them. This is the content of the Makefile:
.PHONY: all clean
CXXFLAGS = -pipe -Wall -Wextra -Weffc++ -pedantic -ggdb
SRCS = $(wildcard *.cxx)
OBJS = $(patsubst %.cxx,%.out,$(SRCS))
all: $(OBJS)
rm -fv $(OBJS)
%.out: %.cxx
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $#
NOTE: As is obvious from above, I am using *.out for executable file extensions (and not for object file).
Also, there are some files which are compiled together:
g++ file_main.cxx file.cxx -o file_main.out
To compile such files, until now I have been adding explicit rules in the Makefile:
file_main.out: file_main.cxx file.cxx
file.out: file_main.out
#echo "Skipping $#"
But now my Makefile has a lot of explicit rules, and I would like to replace them with a simpler implicit rule.
Any idea how to do it?
First, this method of compiling several source files directly into an executable is not a terribly good idea. The more common compile-then-link approach will save a lot of unnecessary compilation.
That said, the way to replace many explicit rules with a simpler rule depends on what the explicit rules have in common. You already have a pattern rule:
%.out: %.cxx
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $#
and if all you want to do is add another source file to a particular target, you don't have to do this:
g++ file_main.cxx file.cxx -o file_main.out
you can get the effect just by adding a prerequisite (in a line by itself):
file_main.out: file.cxx
If you have several targets with that pattern, you can use a pattern rule:
file_main.out another_main.out a_third_main.out: %_main.out : %.cxx
If you have many such targets, you can use a variable:
MAIN_THINGS = file another a_third a_fourth and_yet_another
MAIN_TARGETS = $(addsuffix _main.out, $(MAIN_THINGS))
$(MAIN_TARGETS): %_main.out : %.cxx
And you can add other patterns for other target sets, even overlapping sets. Does that cover your situation?
It seems that you are putting the source code for multiple different programs in the same folder, and this is really the source of your problems. If you separate the source code for your libraries and programs into separate folders (or, better yet, separate projects), then you can skirt this issue by depending on all source files in the given folder. When you have everything intermixed, it is necessary to be explicit.
That said, if your dependencies have consistent, predictable names, then it is possible to eliminate this redundancy by using the eval function. For example, based on the example above:
# I'm going to use standard file extensions here,
# slightly deviating from your conventions. I am also
# assuming that there is a variable named PROGNAMES,
# which gives a list of all the programs to be built.
$(1): $(1).o $(1)_main.o
$(LINK.cc) $(1).o $(1)_main.o -o $(1)
$(foreach progname,$(PROGNAMES),$(eval $(call ADD_EXECUTABLE,$(progname))))
Also, just a few suggestions... you should append to CXXFLAGS rather than overwrite it and you would be better off using standard file extensions (".cpp" for C++ source files, ".o" for object files, no extension for executables). See my Makefile tutorial for tips on making things easier with Make (no pun intended).
