Use Mbedtls-SGX on Windows - windows

I have an application which has an Intel SGX Enclave. I want, from within the enclave, to create a https connection to a server (so that the session keys and other secrets are hidden in the enclave).
I saw the mbedtls-sgx github page ( and I tried to build this library on Windows by changing some settings in the cmake files.
However, all my trials have been unsuccessful.
Did someone manage to use this library on Windows?
Or do you know another library I could use on Windows to build the client side of the https connection inside the enclave?


Oracle forms - only java output

When using IExplore 9 and jinitiator to launch some oracle forms, i can only see the java console text output, the GUI actually doesn't start!
More details:
It's a local https website
From website once connected you push the button and oracle forms should run
Once i push the button only java console appears
Java output actually shows it's connecting to the website and downloads all the files in order to display
Compared to working example, my output and other working machines got same java output
IExplore is configured to allow the https site every request "intranet site" and also allows Active-X content and everything..
Jinitiator plugin is installed in IExplore
Java JRE 6 also present on the system
Following other people tips did replace C:\Program Files\oracle\jinitiator_1.3.1.25\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll with new jvm.dll from java 1.6
Currently using proxy to connect to the website using IExplore and jinitiator set to use browser proxy, connection appears fine, looks like it connects
using self signe certificate for the proxy connection that i already added to trusted certificates on IExplore
See some difference when using ssl1.0, ssl1.2 and changing these options in java
Tried different jvm.dll versions and different java versions also disabled all plugin in IExplore
My question is, how can i see the content of the database I'm trying to join in? Is there a way to use java to connect to the server? how can i see the GUI of what happening inside console?
Thank you

How do I make VS2015 to use HTTP/2?

I tried looking for option to enable http/2 in Web Project file (.csproj), also on HttpRequest object without luck. Is it a setting in web.config by any chance?
How do I enable/disable use of HTTP/2 in Visual Studio?
First of all, you must have IIS 10 installed, and it's only available on Windows 10.
Then, the only thing you need to do is to turn on the Enable SSL label on your Web Application project, and if when you run your localhost to the HTTPS port, it will be automatically running on HTTP/2.
At the time of writing, there is no option for doing that on ASP.NET 5 Web Applications though.
You can grab more information here:

Redmine on Windows 8

Trying to install Redmine on Windows 8 on this tutorial. Getting this errors:
Tried Bitnami's installer too, but I already have IIS Web Server and don't need the bundled Apache webserver. The installer doesn't give me to choose it's components. It installs Apache by default. So, Bitnami's Redmine is not for me.
What am I missing?
Is there any other good bug & request tracking software? Please don't Google and advise me to some random results. Advise something that you used and really good as Redmine
Once you get the error above, make sure that new WebSite's AppPool has write access to site's folder on the harddrive to complete the install process.
Then open the website in a browser and the installation will complete.
Set security accordingly after the install completes.
Use WebIssues multi-platform bug & request tracking software that fits all your needs instead of Redmine.
WebIssues is an open source, multi-platform system for issue tracking and team collaboration. It can be used to store, share and track issues with various attributes, comments and file attachments. It is easy to install and use but has many capabilities and is highly customizable.
Main features:
The Desktop Client application can run natively on Windows, Linux
and OS X
The Web Client can be used to access the system using a web browser
The server can be installed on any host with PHP 5.2 or newer and
MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQL Server
Issues can be filtered using public and personal views with
configurable filtering criteria
Email notifications can be sent and the Desktop CLient can
periodically check for new and modified issues meeting various
Various reports can be printed directly from the Desktop Client or
exported as HTML and PDF documents

How can I perform cross browser testing when using Subversion as my version control system?

I have recently installed subversion and nginx server on my machine (macbook pro). I'm fairly new to subversion as a whole and have just built a single webpage through this version control system, and now I'm faced with the task of testing it in all of the relatively modern web browsers. My biggest concern, as far as browser compatibilty is concerned, is Internet Explorer which, in order to test, I need Windows. I have Windows 7 installed on my mac via Virtual Box, and herein lies my problem.
I have not committed the new page I've just created to the repository, by the request of the client. Because of this, as far as I know, I have no URL to use for testing in IE Tester, Firefox for Windows, etc. How can I test this 1 page site's browser compatibility with without having committed any changes to the repository?
I can test it easily on my machine using MacOS, by just typing in local.*.org and it shows up. Again, windows is my issue. This project is due this Thursday (5/24/12), so you're help is greatly appreciated.
1) Developing and testing your web page is different from managing your web page source. In other words, testing web pages != using SVN.
2) If you've not actually been able to use SVN yet - and if your client has no preferences - then please try TortoiseSVN:
3) Please post back any specific questions you have about installing/using SVN.
If the site uses any scripting languages like PHP, and/or databases, you need to get those setup correctly first. If your website consists of just HTML/CSS/JS... then you can access the website via either of these methods:
Enable Web Sharing (System Preferences > Sharing > Web Sharing). Then type in the IP shown there into your browser in VirtualBox and it should load. (This is probably easier than trying to get nginx configured, though it might very well load if you just type in your machine's IP.)
In VirtualBox, select your VM (powered off), Settings > Shared Folders. Add your website's root directory. Launch the VM, then browse to it within the VM and open up your files there for testing.
My current environment is setup like this:
- Local dev machine with git & SVN
- Remote DB server
- Remote web server
- Web server mounts local dev machine's www folder as a volume and serves the PHP pages from there
- Load web browser in VMs or any other machines. Edit hosts file if need be for local routing.

Prefered method to map a remote filesystem in windows?

For a current project, I need to allow users to access their files remotely from Windows. I'm looking for a solution with an explorer integration (using Shell Namespace Extensions).
I first try using WebDAV and the built-in client in Windows but the client is not of equal quality in all Windows version and adding SSL and/or authentication is not working as espected.
I am not attached to WebDAV, it can be any protocol. I prefer open-source project or a commercial one with a SDK license (must be integrated in a product).
Have you tried "sharing" the filesystem? If your server runs Linux, you could try samba. I haven't tried Windows in a while, but I seem to remember that the Explorer did ftp as well.
I'm assuming plain HTTP is a no go here.
