Prefered method to map a remote filesystem in windows? - windows

For a current project, I need to allow users to access their files remotely from Windows. I'm looking for a solution with an explorer integration (using Shell Namespace Extensions).
I first try using WebDAV and the built-in client in Windows but the client is not of equal quality in all Windows version and adding SSL and/or authentication is not working as espected.
I am not attached to WebDAV, it can be any protocol. I prefer open-source project or a commercial one with a SDK license (must be integrated in a product).

Have you tried "sharing" the filesystem? If your server runs Linux, you could try samba. I haven't tried Windows in a while, but I seem to remember that the Explorer did ftp as well.
I'm assuming plain HTTP is a no go here.


Use Mbedtls-SGX on Windows

I have an application which has an Intel SGX Enclave. I want, from within the enclave, to create a https connection to a server (so that the session keys and other secrets are hidden in the enclave).
I saw the mbedtls-sgx github page ( and I tried to build this library on Windows by changing some settings in the cmake files.
However, all my trials have been unsuccessful.
Did someone manage to use this library on Windows?
Or do you know another library I could use on Windows to build the client side of the https connection inside the enclave?

executing command on a Windows Machine from a UNIX/LINUX Machine

is it possible to execute a command (ex: launching a .bat file located on the remote machine) on a Windows Remote Machine, using a UNIX or Linux Machine ?
Is there something like a scp/ssh mechanism or at least a way to connect to a Windows Machine passing through the network ?
Thanks for your help.
By default, recent Windows versions only support the Remote Desktop protocol. As far as I know, client versions only allow a single user, while server versions with installed Terminal Services allow for multiple simultaneous users.
Windows Server versions also support the Telnet protocol, but the server is disabled by default - it may not even be installed. Therefore you will have to enable it manually. Do you really want to use Telnet of all things, though? Just the security concerns are enough to make it mostly useless.
There is also a version of OpenSSH for Windows, that uses the Cygwin DLL. I have not tried it, but using an SSH implementation from the Unix world does have its appeal (and probably a few disadvantages). See also this.
Recent Windows versions also support the Windows Remote Management system, which allows you to launch an interactive session throuh a bit of trickery.
You may want to try Vandyke VShell.

Good Mac OS X app that allows server connection via FTP?

I'm looking for a web based FTP client, with a good PHP, javascript, html, code editor. possibly with unzip capability.
I've tried eXtplorer, but it's pretty buggy, especially the editor.
Any suggestions?
I thought about this and i decide that maybe it's better to have a desktop app that allows this kind of connection (read the comment below) instead of using a web app that is slower for sure.
So I change my question: Is there a mac os app that allows me to manage my server files via a protocol like web ftp, so that i'm not firewalled by public networks limitations?
To turn your request around emacs provides remote file access over a variety of protocols including ftp (tramp mode), and can function as a web browser as well. If you really want it to run in a browser you can find a web terminal emulator and run emacs from the command-line.
How about PHPfileNavigator? (I'm assuming you want PHP based on eXtplorer.) I haven't used it, but a friend of mine said it worked pretty well once.
Edit: Based on your edit, are you just looking for a Mac FTP client? There are certainly plenty of those around. What is the specific requirement that's preventing you from using a normal one? Is it that an FTP service can't be opened on that server for some reason?
If that's the case, what services can be made available on the server? FTP on a different port? SSH/SFTP, perhaps?

Anything like VisualSVN Server for Mercurial?

VisualSVN server is a nice piece of software; particularly in that it uses the builtin Windows authentication mechanism on my server. I'd like to try to start using Mercurial though, and I'd like to keep the Windows authentication scheme.
Is there some way to set this kind of thing up using the tools available on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (in particular, IIS 7)?
If you're using it within a LAN, you can just store your mercurial repo on a windows network share - no need for a server component.
If need it web-accessible, the answer Am linked to above seems to cover how to set up IIS.
If you're not adverse to paying, Kiln might be worth investigating, though I can't tell from the info on the site if they use Windows auth.
Excuse my necroposting, but I've just released an alpha version of HgLab, which is a purely managed Mercurial Server for Windows.

How do I remotely obtain a system's network shares and connections?

I'm looking for a way to obtain information similar to the following console applications, remotely:
net use
net share
netstat -ano
However, I need to be able to do this without running a 3rd party application on the system. This effectively rules out using psexec to execute the command remotely, because psexec would then be installed as a service.
I should add that I have administrative credentials on the remote system. I've considered using WMI's remote execution ability, but that requires me to write output to a file and then retrieve it. It's possible, but I'd like to know if anyone has a better way.
I am using Delphi 2010.
there are a couple Delphi WMI components that allow remote access. I have not used the remote options personally though.
MagWmi - (Delphi 2010 support, and free with source)
WMISet/NTSet - (TNTShare
Manages shared resources on a local computer and remote hosts. Using this component you can change list of shared devices, see files that have been opened by remote users, watch and terminate remote sessions opened to the destination computer, change list of mapped network drives. It is not free.)
GLibWMI - Found at, home page not available. (Delphi 2010 support and Freeware with source). Not sure if its capable of remote access. I have not used it.
Hope this helps
I think the same as Logman.
You can access this information using WMI.
GLibWMI components can be found on this website ( or sourceforge (
The current version is 1.8b and has a component called SharedInfo with which you can get that information.
The source code is available so you can expand it to access other WMI classes if necessary.
P.D: Sorry for my mistakes with english.
You can enumerate shares using the NetShareEnum function (headers are in the Jedi Apilib).
I assume there must be an api for the "net use" but I have never used it (check the WNet functions). Alternative is to use the EnumNetworkDrives method of the WshNetwork com object.
As for netstat I don't think it's possible to do that remotely (other than using some kind of method to spawn a process remotely).
