Oracle forms - only java output - oracle

When using IExplore 9 and jinitiator to launch some oracle forms, i can only see the java console text output, the GUI actually doesn't start!
More details:
It's a local https website
From website once connected you push the button and oracle forms should run
Once i push the button only java console appears
Java output actually shows it's connecting to the website and downloads all the files in order to display
Compared to working example, my output and other working machines got same java output
IExplore is configured to allow the https site every request "intranet site" and also allows Active-X content and everything..
Jinitiator plugin is installed in IExplore
Java JRE 6 also present on the system
Following other people tips did replace C:\Program Files\oracle\jinitiator_1.3.1.25\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll with new jvm.dll from java 1.6
Currently using proxy to connect to the website using IExplore and jinitiator set to use browser proxy, connection appears fine, looks like it connects
using self signe certificate for the proxy connection that i already added to trusted certificates on IExplore
See some difference when using ssl1.0, ssl1.2 and changing these options in java
Tried different jvm.dll versions and different java versions also disabled all plugin in IExplore
My question is, how can i see the content of the database I'm trying to join in? Is there a way to use java to connect to the server? how can i see the GUI of what happening inside console?
Thank you


Use Mbedtls-SGX on Windows

I have an application which has an Intel SGX Enclave. I want, from within the enclave, to create a https connection to a server (so that the session keys and other secrets are hidden in the enclave).
I saw the mbedtls-sgx github page ( and I tried to build this library on Windows by changing some settings in the cmake files.
However, all my trials have been unsuccessful.
Did someone manage to use this library on Windows?
Or do you know another library I could use on Windows to build the client side of the https connection inside the enclave?

Eclipse launch delegate still tells the server status is "starting"

I'm running Eclipse Java EE (Mars) / Websphere Liberty ( / Websphere Liberty Developer Tools Plugin (8.5.5) on IBM SDK 8.0 64 Bits for Windows.
When launching the server at localhost, the server starts normally and the console writes "server is ready" but the Eclipse launch delegate still tells the server status is "starting". After timeout period, Eclipse says the server was unable to start and kills it.
I know this is a recurring issue : i change connection settings in eclipse to direct, add localhost to etc/host, add to eclipse.ini but couldn't resolve it ...
There are some known limitations if you have changed the logging settings, see the Developer Tools known issues and restrictions.
The tools look for this exact message id in the eclipse Console view: CWWKF0011I. If that message id is not detected the tools think the server did not start. Do you see that message id in the eclipse Console view?
I am using websphere 9.0 traditional in eclipse 2019-09 having the same issue. Probably because some session is running background.
Resolved by:
1) Go to console->Right click-> terminate/disconnect all. Then agin right click remove all terminated button.
2)If still the problem there remove all the cache in temp files both in application and profiles.

standalone web application

Is there way to run web application as standalone desktop application? Could be web application written using PHP, MySQL and Apache converted to standalone application which meets following requirements:
1. Application should be called as http://myapp.localhost.
2. Application should have desktop icon which directly opens browser with application's URL.
3. Source code of web application should be hidden from users.
4. Installation for end user must be as easy as possible.
Now I do steps 1-2 using xampp and manually creating shortcut. I was interested in some wrapper, installer which do above steps automatically. But I have no idea about 3rd step.
Regarding item 3, see Can you "compile" PHP code?. This would allow you to develop in PHP and deploy the application via an installer.
There are several installer packages which would allow you to automate these steps, depending on your development environment.
PHP and MySQL require to have a web server running. That means you will need to copy the code over to the client's machine and then run the web server locally still on the client's machine.
If that's what you want, look into the Microsoft IIS Express (here).
In short, IIS is a web server that can host and run a server side web application, written in ASP.NET or PHP.
Here are the steps you need to take:
Install IIS express on the client's machine (one-time process, and I think quite acceptable - treat this as a runtime installation).
Create a designated (hidden) folder for the source files of the web application that you want to deploy (one-time process).
Create a windows batch file (bat or cmd) that starts the IIS (as described here) and then opens the website's URL so that the default browser starts. This file will serve as a shortcut, so you can place it on the desktop or wherever appropriate (one-time process).
Deploy your web application to the hidden folder from step 2 above (repetitive process - deploy to the same folder when you want to upgrade the clients to a new version).
Please have in mind that I am basing my suggestion on your requirement to host and run the application locally (on localhost).
However, if there's an option to run the application on a separate machine (not a localhost), then you could simply place a desktop shortcut to the network or internet address URL that would open the default browser without problems.
i would suggest Pouchdb and Adobe Air This way you can code with html and javascript and package it with Adobe Air.
I'm afraid it's not that simple.
If you want to use this approach (and I highly discourage it), you will have to deploy a webserver of some sorts on the client. You should be able to run the Apache/IIS Express and MySQL/SQLite executable and start a simple webserver and database.
If you'd also like a icon, you can create an installer that creates this icon and points to the URL you wish.
I'm afraid that's not possible. PHP is and always will be a scripting language. You might be able to obfuscate it somehow, but anyone who can download your application will be able to de-obfuscate it.
Again, you can create an installer. Inno Setup is pretty good from what I've heard.

How to run Websphere Portal/portlets locally from within RAD to debug

I have been looking around on the internet how to setup a local Portal environment together with the RAD IDE, I found threads like this but that's a thread of the ancient history (speaking in IT terms) or only refers to optimizing Portal with RAD (here). Currently I have RAD running and I can run a WAS-instance, but I can't manage to get the Portal-environment run locally. I read that in the past there was some sort of specific Portal Test Environment, but with the newer RAD do I have to install a full Portal? And where to get it? I cannot find a good reference anywhere.
I want to debug my portlets locally in as local Portal-context. Currently the portlets are deployed on a remote Portal-server. This costs time (package WAR, upload, refresh nodes et cetera). So I want to run our Portal locally including its portlets.
In RAD I can define new servers and can see the option "WebSphere Portal v6.1 Server on WAS 7", but it requires me to define a Server runtime environment. This opens a new popup where I have to specify:
WebSphere Portal Location
WebSphere Application Server Location
I have my runtimes installed in "IBM\SDP\runtimes" which contains the following folders "base_stub, base_v6_stub, base_v7, base_v7_stub, base_v8_stub, base_v61_stub, portal_v61_stub, updi_v7x, updi_v70, wsdk". Whatever location I try to point to, it keeps giving an error message: "The Portal Server installation is not correct".
I have the following questions:
what do I need to run/debug my portal with its portlets locally?
the fact I see portal_v61_stub in my runtime directory, means a Portal server is not installed? My IBM installation manager doesn't specifically show an option to install a Portal Server.
is it possible to run portlet/portal locally and use hotswapping to immediately see the changes in the code/view?
where can I download/install the required software?
I heard that you need a very heavy machine to do portal/debug stuff locally (I am running on a 8 GB/Intel E8400 at 3.00 GHz.)
how can I transfer the current Portal-setup which is running on a remote server to my local system (mirroring/just copy files?)
Few things,
RAD is a tool to develop application developed on Eclipse. It doesn't come with any server application. You need to install your WAS/Portal Server.
RAD supports Portal development and hence it has got stubs but you wont be able to deploy an application without a server.
what do I need to run/debug my portal with its portlets locally?
You need an Application server installed on your machine. Or Connect to a remote server.
the fact I see portal_v61_stub in my runtime directory, means a Portal server is not installed? My IBM installation manager doesn't specifically show an option to install a Portal Server.
No. Server is not installed. You dont need IBM Installation Manager for installing server. It's for RAD.
is it possible to run portlet/portal locally and use hotswapping to immediately see the changes in the code/view?
Yes it is, if you have a server installed.
where can I download/install the required software?
You can download the express version of server. But if otherwise if you are IBM business partner you can download from their website.
I heard that you need a very heavy machine to do portal/debug stuff locally (I am running on a 8 GB/Intel E8400 at 3.00 GHz.)
3 GB is fine for running RAD and IBM Websphere Portal Server. ( I am running it right now with many other applications ) But for best result use 4 GB RAM.
how can I transfer the current Portal-setup which is running on a remote server to my local system (mirroring/just copy files?)
You need to open your RAD and attach a server to it. Go to windows->preferences->servers->Webpshere

firefoxProfileTemplate doesn't prevent certificate prompt in Mozilla

I am running Selenium Server. I'm also launching an automated test script that I exported from the Mozilla Selenium IDE and exported to my Java client driver program which I compiled and ran in Eclipse using JUnit 4.8. Two windows start up in Mozilla (since I'm using the "*chrome"/Firefox argument when instantiating my browser window object from the Java program). One window looks like it contains logging information of some kind, and the other window is the actual automated test browser window.
Here's how I'm starting the Selenium Server.
cd C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\bin\Selenium
java -jar .\selenium-server-standalone-2.0rc3.jar -interactive -firefoxProfileTemplate "C:\Users[Windows-Login]\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\lcllklng.default"
The server starts up fine. The reason I put the -firefoxProfileTemplate attribute into the start-up command because I kept getting the untrusted certificate in Mozilla. I guess this is supposed to default my Windows login Mozilla profile. However, it didn't work. I have to click through the prompts each time I run my test cases. Is there a way to make it avoid the untrusted certificate? Could it be because I'm running Windows 7?
You'd also be my hero if you can help me avoid this for IE, Google Chrome and Safari. But only if you feel helpful today. Thanks!
Switch to WebDriver to avoid this.
