How to set a constant to negative value in Go - go

I am writing code in Go to call some of the Windows trust and crypt dlls to verify file signatures. There are many constants in wincrypt.h that I have tried to port over verbatim but i've hit some issues with integer overflow.
For example, all of the error codes that can be returned from WinVerifyTrust are negative values. If I take one example, TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE, this is defined in winerror.h as so: #define TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800B0100L). In my Go code, I have const TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE = int32(0x800B0100) but when compiled the error is:
constant 2148204800 overflows int32
when I really expected the value to be -2146762496
So, my questions 1) why does it not wrap like it does in other languages 2) Is there anyway to have the constant still use the hex representation of the number or will I have to change the code to const TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE = int32(-2146762496) which works ok but will require me to make this change in many other constants that I have ported?

You just set it:
const TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE = int32(-2146762496)
Use hex if you wish:
const TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE = int32(-0x7ff4ff00)
But for this, you're probably just using the wrong data type. Use a uint32 instead:
const TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE = uint32(0x800B0100)
why does it not wrap like it does in other languages?
Because it wasn't designed that way. Go follows the philosophy of being as obvious and intuitive as possible. Silent wrapping is very non-intuitive.


Return Ruby's Fiddle::Pointer from C function

I am currently working on a high-performance Vector/Matrix Ruby gem C extension, as I find the built-in implementation cumbersome and not ideal for most cases that I have personally encountered, as well as lacking in other areas.
My first approach was implementing in Ruby as a subclass of Fiddle::CStructEntity, as a goal is to make them optimized for interop without need for conversion (such as passing to native OpenGL functions). Implementing in C offers a great benefit for the math, but I ran into a roadblock when trying to implement a minor function.
I wished to have a method return a Fiddle::Pointer to the struct (basically a pointer to Rdata->data. I wished to return an actual Fiddle::Pointer object. Returning an integer address, packed string, etc. is trivial, and using that could easily be extended in a Ruby method to convert to a Fiddle::Pointer like this:
def ptr
# Assume address is an integer address returned from C, self.size)
This kind of opened up a question to me, and that is it possible to to even do such from C? Fiddle is not part of the core, library, it is part of the standard lib, and as such, is really just an extension itself.
The problem is trivial, and can be easily overcome with a couple lines of Ruby code as demonstrated above, but was more curious if returning a Fiddle object was even possible from a C extension without hacks? I was unable to find any examples of this being done, and as always when it comes to the documentation involving Fiddle, it is quite basic and does not explain much.
The solution for this is actually rather simple, though admittedly not as elegant or clean of a solution I was hoping to discover.
There are possibly more elaborate ways to go about this by including the headers for Fiddle, and building against it, but this was not really a viable solution, as I didn't want to restrict my C extension to only work with Ruby 2.0+, and would be perfectly acceptable to simply omit the method in the event Ruby version was less than 2.0.
First I include version.h, which gives access defines the macro RUBY_API_VERSION_MAJOR, which is all I really need to know in regards to whether or not Fiddle will be present or not.
This will be an abbreviated version to simply show how to get the Fiddle::Pointer class as a VALUE, and to create an instance.
VALUE fiddle = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("Fiddle"));
rb_cFiddlePointer = rb_const_get(fiddle, rb_intern("Pointer"));
In this example, the class is stored in rb_cFiddlePointer, which can then be used to create and return a Fiddle::Pointer object from C.
// Get basic data about the struct
struct RData *rdata = RDATA(self);
VALUE *args = xmalloc(sizeof(VALUE) * 2);
// Set the platform pointer-size address (could just use size_t here...)
args[0] = LONG2NUM((long) rdata->data);
#elif SIZEOF_INTPTR_T == 8
args[0] = LL2NUM((long long) rdata->data);
args[0] = INT2NUM(0);
// Get size of structure
VALUE ptr = rb_class_new_instance(2, args, rb_cFiddlePointer);
return ptr;
After linking the function to an actual Ruby method, you can then call it to get a sized pointer to the internal structure in memory.

Access the raw bytes of a string

I'm trying to call a C function that expects a C string (char*) from go. I know about the C.CString function documented in the cgo documentation but as the function I'm calling will already make a copy, I'm trying to avoid the one Cstring makes.
Right now, I'm doing this, s being a go string
var cs *C.char = (*C.char)( unsafe.Pointer(& []byte(s) [0]))
But I get the feeling that the []bytes(s) is making its own copy. Is it possible to just get the char* ?
If you're doing this enough times that performance is a concern, it would really be advisable to keep the data in a slice to begin with.
If you really want to access to the address of the string, you can use the unsafe package to convert it into a struct matching the string header. Using the reflect.StringHeader type:
p := unsafe.Pointer((*(*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))).Data)
Or using a slice as a proxy, since they both put the data pointer and length integers in the same field locations
p := unsafe.Pointer(&(*(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)))[0])
Or because the data pointer is first, you could use a uintptr alone
p := unsafe.Pointer(*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)))
None of these ways are guaranteed to work in all cases, or in future versions of Go, and none of the options are going to guarantee a null terminated string.
The best, supported option is to create a shim in the cgo preamble to accept the go string, and convert it to a *char. CGO provides access to the following function to do this:
const char *_GoStringPtr(_GoString_ s);
See the Go references to C section in the documentation.

No member named dim in Halide::GeneratorInput<Halide::Func>

I'm trying to translate the resize app from the halide repository from the inline declarations to a generator. Everything seems to work fine, except for this:
Func clamped = BoundaryConditions::repeat_edge(input);`
In the original code, input is declared like so ImageParam input(Float(32), 3). In my generator, I've translated this to: Input<Func> input { "input", Float(32), 3 }. I'm then declaring the clamped in the exact same way as the original code. When compiling, I'm getting this error:
Halide.h:15202:50: error: no member named 'dim' in 'Halide::GeneratorInput<Halide::Func>'
object_bounds.push_back({ Expr(func_like.dim(i).min()), Expr(func_like.dim(i).extent()) });
~~~~~~~~~ ^
Is there a way to create a BoundaryConditions::repeat_edge on an Input<Func>?
There is, associate a Buffer<> with it. (Maybe a Buffer in your case, try it out).
struct MyGen : Generator<MyGen> {
Input<Buffer<>> dim_only_input_buffer{ "dim_only_input_buffer", 3 };
I ran into something similar, you can see more about this in this github issue
The idea of Input<Func> is that it may be instantiated with another Func when composing generators together. (E.g. the output of one generator may be the input to another and the graph of all connected generators is compiled as a single Halide program.) The problem is Funcs do not have fixed bounds like Buffers do. Hence one cannot ask for (e.g.) the width of a Func.
For a generator which is designed to always be used with concrete memory, one can use Input. To impose a boundary condition on an Input, the bounds need to be passed as explicit parameters to the generator. E.g. as other Inputs.

How is type inference implemented in a language like C++11 or Go?

I saw this question here, but it doesn't answer what I had in mind in particular detail.
If languages like Go or C++11 don't use an inference algorithm like Damas-Milner, what exactly do they do? I don't think it's as simple as taking the type on the right hand side because what if you had something like:
5 + 3.4
How would the compiler decipher what type that is? Is there any algorithm that isn't as simple as
if left is integer and right is float:
return float;
if left is float and right is integer:
return float;
etc... for every possible pattern
And if you could explain things in simple terms that would be great. I'm not studying compiler construction or any of the theoretical topics in great detail, and I don't really speak functional languages or complex mathematical notation.
I don't think it's as simple as taking the type on the right hand side
For basic type inference of the form auto var = some_expression;, it is exactly that simple. Every well-typed expression has exactly one type and that type will be the type of var. There will be no implicit conversion from the type of the expression to another type (as there might be if you gave an explicit type for var).
what if you had something like:
5 + 3.4
The question "What is the type of 5 + 3.4?" isn't specific to type inference, C++ compilers always had to answer this question - even before type inference was introduced.
So let's take a step back and look at how a C++ compiler typechecks the statement some_type var = some_expression;:
First it determines the type of some_expression. So in code you can imagine something like Type exp_type = type_of(exp);. Now it checks whether exp_type is equal to some_type or there exists an implicit conversion from exp_type to some_type. If so, the statement is well-typed and var is introduced into the environment as having the type some_type. Otherwise it is not.
Now when we introduce type inference and write auto var = some_expression;, the equation changes as such: We still do Type exp_type = type_of(exp);, but instead of then comparing it to another type or applying any implicit conversions, we instead simply set exp_type as the type of var.
So now let's get back to 5 + 3.4. What is its type and how does the compiler determine it? In C++ its type is double. The exact rules to determine the type of an arithmetic expression are listed in the C++ standard (look for "usual arithmetic conversions"), but basically boil down to this: Of the two operand types, pick the one that can represent the greater range of values. If the type is smaller than int, convert both operands to int. Otherwise convert both operands to the type you picked.
In code you'd implement this by assigning each numeric type a conversion rank and then doing something like this:
Type type_of_binary_arithmetic_expression(Type lhs_type, Type rhs_type) {
int lhs_rank = conversion_rank(lhs_type);
int rhs_rank = conversion_rank(rhs_type);
if(lhs_rank < INT_RANK && rhs_rank < INT_RANK) return INT_TYPE;
else if(lhs_rank < rhs_rank) return rhs_type;
else return lhs_type;
Presumably the rules for Go are somewhat different, but the same principles apply.

Is there a builtin func named "int32"?

The below snippet works fine.
In this case, what "int32" is? A func?
I know there is a type named "int32"
This could be a stupid question. I've just finished A Tour of Go but I could not find the answer.(it's possible I'm missing something.)
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var number = int32(5)
fmt.Println(number) //5
It is a type conversion, which is required for numeric types.
Conversions are required when different numeric types are mixed in an expression or assignment. For instance, int32 and int are not the same type even though they may have the same size on a particular architecture.
Since you do a variable declaration, you need to specify the type of '5'.
Another option, as mentioned by rightfold in the comments is: var number int32 = 5
(as opposed to a short variable declaration like number := 5)
See also Go FAQ:
The convenience of automatic conversion between numeric types in C is outweighed by the confusion it causes.
When is an expression unsigned? How big is the value? Does it overflow? Is the result portable, independent of the machine on which it executes?
It also complicates the compiler; “the usual arithmetic conversions” are not easy to implement and inconsistent across architectures.
For reasons of portability, we decided to make things clear and straightforward at the cost of some explicit conversions in the code. The definition of constants in Go—arbitrary precision values free of signedness and size annotations—ameliorates matters considerably, though.
A related detail is that, unlike in C, int and int64 are distinct types even if int is a 64-bit type.
The int type is generic; if you care about how many bits an integer holds, Go encourages you to be explicit.
