Is there a builtin func named "int32"? - go

The below snippet works fine.
In this case, what "int32" is? A func?
I know there is a type named "int32"
This could be a stupid question. I've just finished A Tour of Go but I could not find the answer.(it's possible I'm missing something.)
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var number = int32(5)
fmt.Println(number) //5

It is a type conversion, which is required for numeric types.
Conversions are required when different numeric types are mixed in an expression or assignment. For instance, int32 and int are not the same type even though they may have the same size on a particular architecture.
Since you do a variable declaration, you need to specify the type of '5'.
Another option, as mentioned by rightfold in the comments is: var number int32 = 5
(as opposed to a short variable declaration like number := 5)
See also Go FAQ:
The convenience of automatic conversion between numeric types in C is outweighed by the confusion it causes.
When is an expression unsigned? How big is the value? Does it overflow? Is the result portable, independent of the machine on which it executes?
It also complicates the compiler; “the usual arithmetic conversions” are not easy to implement and inconsistent across architectures.
For reasons of portability, we decided to make things clear and straightforward at the cost of some explicit conversions in the code. The definition of constants in Go—arbitrary precision values free of signedness and size annotations—ameliorates matters considerably, though.
A related detail is that, unlike in C, int and int64 are distinct types even if int is a 64-bit type.
The int type is generic; if you care about how many bits an integer holds, Go encourages you to be explicit.


Go Ints and Strings are immutable OR mutable?

What I am reading about ints and strings over internet is they are immutable in the nature.
But the following code shows that after changing the values of these types, still they points to the same address. This contradicts the idea behind the nature of types in python.
Can anyone please explain me this?
Thanks in advance.
package main
import (
func main() {
num := 2
num = 3
fmt.Println(&num) // address value of the num does not change
str := "2"
str = "34"
fmt.Println(&str) // address value of the str does not change
A number is immutable by nature. 7 is 7, and it won't be 8 tomorrow. That doesn't mean that which number is stored in a variable cannot change. Variables are variable. They're mutable containers for values which may be mutable or immutable.
A Go string is immutable by language design; the string type doesn't support any mutating operators (like appending or replacing a character in the middle of the string). But, again, assignment can change which string a variable contains.
In Python (CPython at least), a number is implemented as a kind of object, with an address and fields like any other object. When you do tricks with id(), you're looking at the address of the object "behind" the variable, which may or may not change depending on what you do to it, and whether or not it was originally an interned small integer or something like that.
In Go, an integer is an integer. It's stored as an integer. The address of the variable is the address of the variable. The address of the variable might change if the garbage collector decides to move it (making the numeric value of the address more or less useless), but it doesn't reveal to you any tricks about the implementation of arithmetic operators, because there aren't any.
Strings are more complicated than integers; they are kind of object-ish internally, being a structure containing a pointer and a size. But taking the address of a string variable with &str doesn't tell you anything about that internal structure, and it doesn't tell you whether the Go compiler decided to use a de novo string value for an assignment, or to modify the old one in place (which it could, without breaking any rules, if it could prove that the old one would never be seen again by anything else). All it tells you is the address of str. If you wanted to find out whether that internal pointer changed you would have to use reflection... but there's hardly ever any practical reason to do so.
When you read about a string being immutable, it means you cannot modify it by index, ex:
x := "hello"
x[2] = 'r'
//will raise an error
As a comment says, when you modify the whole var(and not a part of it with an index), it's not related to being mutable or not, and you can do it

Safety of using reflect.StringHeader in Go?

I have a small function which passes the pointer of Go string data to C (Lua library):
func (L *C.lua_State) pushLString(s string) {
gostr := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
C.lua_pushlstring(L, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(gostr.Data)), C.ulong(gostr.Len))
// lua_pushlstring copies the given string, not keeping the original pointer.
It works in simple tests, but from the documentations it's unclear whether this is safe at all.
According to Go document, the memory of reflect.StringHeader should be pinned for gostr, but the Stringheader.Data is already a uintptr, "an integer value with no pointer semantics" - which is itself odd because if it has no pointer semantics, wouldn't the field be completely useless as the memory may be moved right after the value is read? Or is the field treated specially like reflect.Value.Pointer? Or perhaps there is a different way of getting C pointer from string?
it's unclear whether this is safe at all.
Tapir Liui ( dans Go101 ( gives a clue as to the "safety" of reflect.StringHeader in this tweet:
Since Go 1.20, the reflect.StringHeader and reflect.SliceHeader types will be depreciated and not recommended to be used.
Accordingly, two functions, unsafe.StringData and unsafe.SliceData, will be introduced in Go 1.20 to take over the use cases of two old reflect types.
That was initially discussed in CL 401434, then in issue 53003.
The reason for deprecation is that reflect.SliceHeader and reflect.StringHeader are commonly misused.
As well, the types have always been documented as unstable and not to be relied upon.
We can see in Github code search that usage of these types is ubiquitous.
The most common use cases I've seen are:
converting []byte to string:
Equivalent to *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&mySlice)), which is never actually officially documented anywhere as something that can be relied upon.
Under the hood, the shape of a string is less than a slice, so this seems valid per unsafe rule.
converting string to []byte:
commonly seen as *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&string)), which is by-default broken because the Cap field can be past the end of a page boundary (example here, in widely used code) -- this violates unsafe rule.
grabbing the Data pointer field for ffi or some other niche use converting a slice of one type to a slice of another type
Ian Lance Taylor adds:
One of the main use cases of unsafe.Slice is to create a slice whose backing array is a memory buffer returned from C code or from a call such as syscall.MMap.
I agree that it can be used to (unsafely) convert from a slice of one type to a slice of a different type.

How is type inference implemented in a language like C++11 or Go?

I saw this question here, but it doesn't answer what I had in mind in particular detail.
If languages like Go or C++11 don't use an inference algorithm like Damas-Milner, what exactly do they do? I don't think it's as simple as taking the type on the right hand side because what if you had something like:
5 + 3.4
How would the compiler decipher what type that is? Is there any algorithm that isn't as simple as
if left is integer and right is float:
return float;
if left is float and right is integer:
return float;
etc... for every possible pattern
And if you could explain things in simple terms that would be great. I'm not studying compiler construction or any of the theoretical topics in great detail, and I don't really speak functional languages or complex mathematical notation.
I don't think it's as simple as taking the type on the right hand side
For basic type inference of the form auto var = some_expression;, it is exactly that simple. Every well-typed expression has exactly one type and that type will be the type of var. There will be no implicit conversion from the type of the expression to another type (as there might be if you gave an explicit type for var).
what if you had something like:
5 + 3.4
The question "What is the type of 5 + 3.4?" isn't specific to type inference, C++ compilers always had to answer this question - even before type inference was introduced.
So let's take a step back and look at how a C++ compiler typechecks the statement some_type var = some_expression;:
First it determines the type of some_expression. So in code you can imagine something like Type exp_type = type_of(exp);. Now it checks whether exp_type is equal to some_type or there exists an implicit conversion from exp_type to some_type. If so, the statement is well-typed and var is introduced into the environment as having the type some_type. Otherwise it is not.
Now when we introduce type inference and write auto var = some_expression;, the equation changes as such: We still do Type exp_type = type_of(exp);, but instead of then comparing it to another type or applying any implicit conversions, we instead simply set exp_type as the type of var.
So now let's get back to 5 + 3.4. What is its type and how does the compiler determine it? In C++ its type is double. The exact rules to determine the type of an arithmetic expression are listed in the C++ standard (look for "usual arithmetic conversions"), but basically boil down to this: Of the two operand types, pick the one that can represent the greater range of values. If the type is smaller than int, convert both operands to int. Otherwise convert both operands to the type you picked.
In code you'd implement this by assigning each numeric type a conversion rank and then doing something like this:
Type type_of_binary_arithmetic_expression(Type lhs_type, Type rhs_type) {
int lhs_rank = conversion_rank(lhs_type);
int rhs_rank = conversion_rank(rhs_type);
if(lhs_rank < INT_RANK && rhs_rank < INT_RANK) return INT_TYPE;
else if(lhs_rank < rhs_rank) return rhs_type;
else return lhs_type;
Presumably the rules for Go are somewhat different, but the same principles apply.

When should I use static data members vs. const global variables?

Declaring const global variables has proven useful to determine some functioning parameters of an API. For example, on my API, the minimum order of numerical accuracy operators have is 2; thus, I declare:
const int kDefaultOrderAccuracy{2};
as a global variable. Would it be better to make this a static const public data member of the classes describing these operators? When, in general, is better to choose one over the other?
const int kDefaultOrderAccuracy{2};
is the declaration of a static variable: kDefaultOrderAccuracy has internal linkage. Putting names with internal linkage in a header is obviously an extremely bad idea, making it extremely easy to violate the One Definition Rule (ODR) in other code with external linkage in the same or other header, notably when the name is used in the body of an inline or template function:
Inside f.hpp:
template <typename T>
const T& max(const T &x, const T &y) {
return x>y ? x : y;
inline int f(int x) {
return max(kDefaultOrderAccuracy, x); // which kDefaultOrderAccuracy?
As soon as you include f.hpp in two TU (Translation Units), you violate the ODR, as the definition is not unique, as it uses a namespace static variable: which kDefaultOrderAccuracy object the definition designates depends on the TU in which it is compiled.
A static member of a class has external linkage:
struct constants {
static const int kDefaultOrderAccuracy{2};
inline int f(int x) {
return max(constants::kDefaultOrderAccuracy, x); // OK
There is only one constants::kDefaultOrderAccuracy in the program.
You can also use namespace level global constant objects:
extern const int kDefaultOrderAccuracy;
Context is always important.
To answer questions like this.
Also for naming itself.
If you as a reader (co-coder) need to guess what an identifier means, you start looking for more context, this may be supported through an API doc, often included in decent IDEs. But if you didn't provide a really great API doc (I read this from your question), the only context you get is by looking where your declaration is placed.
Here you may be interested in the name(s) of the containing library, subdirectory, file, namespace, or class, and last not least in the type being used.
If I read kDefaultOrderAccuracy, I see a lot of context encoded (Default, Order, Accuracy), where Order could be related for sales or sorting, and the k encoding doesn't say anything to me. Just to make you looking on your actual problem from a different perspective. C/C++ Identifiers have a poor grammar: they are restricted to rules for compound words.
This limitation of global identifiers is the most important reason why I mostly avoid global variables, even constants, sometimes even types. If its the meaning is limited to a given context, define a thing right within this context. Sometimes you first have to create this context.
Your explanation contains some unused context:
numerical operators
minimum precision (BTW: minimum doesn't mean default)
The problem of placing a definition into the right class is not very different from the problem to find the right place for a global: you have to find/create the right header file (and/or namespace).
As a side note, you may be interested to learn that also enum can be used to get cheap compile-time constants, and enums can also be placed into classes (or namespaces). Also a scoped enumeration is an option you should consider before introducing global constants. As with enclosing class definitions, the :: is a means of punctuation which separates more than _ or an in-word caseChange.
If you are interested in providing a useful default behaviour of your operations that can be overridden by your users, default arguments could be an option. If your API provides operators, you should study how the input/output manipulators for the standard I/O streams work.
my guess is that:
const takes up inline memory based on size of data value such as “mov ah, const value” for each use, which can be a really short command, in size overall, overall, based on input value.
whereas static values takes up a whole full data type, usually int, whatever that maybe on the current system for each static, maybe more, plus it may need a full memory access value to access the data, such as mov ah, [memory pointer], which is usually size of int on the system, for each use (with a full class it could even more complex). yet the static is still declared const so it may behave the same as the normal const type.

Go receiver methods calling syntax confusion

I was just reading through Effective Go and in the Pointers vs. Values section, near the end it says:
The rule about pointers vs. values for receivers is that value methods can be invoked on pointers and values, but pointer methods can only be invoked on pointers. This is because pointer methods can modify the receiver; invoking them on a copy of the value would cause those modifications to be discarded.
To test it, I wrote this:
package main
import (
type age int
func (a age) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d yeasr(s) old", int(a))
func (a *age) Set(newAge int) {
if newAge >= 0 {
*a = age(newAge)
func main() {
var vAge age = 5
pAge := new(age)
fmt.Printf("TypeOf =>\n\tvAge: %v\n\tpAge: %v\n", reflect.TypeOf(vAge),
fmt.Printf("vAge.String(): %v\n", vAge.String())
fmt.Printf("vAge.String(): %v\n", vAge.String())
fmt.Printf("pAge.String(): %v\n", pAge.String())
fmt.Printf("pAge.String(): %v\n", pAge.String())
And it compiles, even though the document says it shouldn't since the pointer method Set() should not be invocable through the value var vAge. Am I doing something wrong here?
That's valid because vAge is addressable. See the last paragraph in Calls under the language spec:
A method call x.m() is valid if the method set of (the type of) x
contains m and the argument list can be assigned to the parameter list
of m. If x is addressable and &x's method set contains m, x.m() is
shorthand for (&x).m().
vAge is not considered as only a "value variable", because it's a known location in memory that stores a value of type age. Looking at vAge only as its value, vAge.Set(10) is not valid as an expression on its own, but because vAge is addressable, the spec declares that it's okay to treat the expression as shorthand for "get the address of vAge, and call Set on that" at compile-time, when we will be able to verify that Set is part of the method set for either age or *age. You're basically allowing the compiler to do a textual expansion on the original expression if it determines that it's necessary and possible.
Meanwhile, the compiler will allow you to call age(23).String() but not age(23).Set(10). In this case, we're working with a non-addressable value of type age. Since it's not valid to say &age(23), it can't be valid to say (&age(23)).Set(10); the compiler won't do that expansion.
Looking at the Effective Go example, you're not directly calling b.Write() at the scope where we know b's full type. You're instead making a temporary copy of b and trying to pass it off as a value of type interface io.Writer(). The problem is that the implementation of Printf doesn't know anything about the object being passed in except that it has promised it knows how to receive Write(), so it doesn't know to take a byteSlice and turn it into a *ByteSlice before calling the function. The decision of whether to address b has to happen at compile time, and PrintF was compiled with the precondition that its first argument would know how to receive Write() without being referenced.
You may think that if the system knows how to take an age pointer and convert it to an age value, that it should be able to do the reverse; t doesn't really make sense to be able to, though. In the Effective Go example, if you were to pass b instead of &b, you'd modify a slice that would no longer exist after PrintF returns, which is hardly useful. In my age example above, it literally makes no sense to take the value 23 and overwrite it with the value 10. In the first case, it makes sense for the compiler to stop and ask the programmer what she really meant to do when handing b off. In the latter case, it of course makes sense for the compiler to refuse to modify a constant value.
Furthermore, I don't think the system is dynamically extending age's method set to *age; my wild guess is that pointer types are statically given a method for each of the base type's methods, which just dereferences the pointer and calls the base's method. It's safe to do this automatically, as nothing in a receive-by-value method can change the pointer anyway. In the other direction, it doesn't always make sense to extend a set of methods that are asking to modify data by wrapping them in a way that the data they modify disappears shortly thereafter. There are definitely cases where it makes sense to do this, but this needs to be decided explicitly by the programmer, and it makes sense for the compiler to stop and ask for such.
tl;dr I think that the paragraph in Effective Go could use a bit of rewording (although I'm probably too long-winded to take the job), but it's correct. A pointer of type *X effectively has access to all of X's methods, but 'X' does not have access to *X's. Therefore, when determining whether an object can fulfill a given interface, *X is allowed to fulfill any interface X can, but the converse is not true. Furthermore, even though a variable of type X in scope is known to be addressable at compile-time--so the compiler can convert it to a *X--it will refuse to do so for the purposes of interface fulfillment because doing so may not make sense.
