How to import and run Nifi source code in eclipse - apache-nifi

How to import and run Apache NiFi using eclipse IDE. There is no documentation for development purpose, as I wanted to change the source code for UI related. Is there any guide for import and run Apache NiFi(maven project).
Below is the project structure where nifi is the parent directory and all are its module. So, how can I run run using eclipse, run configuration required.
I just wanted to modify the whole NiFi UI.

There is a very extensive Developer Guide with discussion around common development patterns and problems, a Contributor Guide with instructions for cloning the git repository and importing the code into various development environments, and I have done presentations on developing custom processors. Do these not address your questions? We are always welcome to feedback on how to improve documentation and ease of use.


Where can I find updated source code for Jorge Acetozi book "Continuous Delivery for Java Apps: Kubernetes and Jenkins in Practice"

I just started reading the Jorge Acetozi book "Continuous Delivery for Java Apps: Kubernetes and Jenkins in Practice".
For the code examples I use the source code in his github repository:
Unfortunately this code doesn't work for Java 11 and uses old Spring Boot 1.5 version
Also Jenkins, Selenium, Kubernetes and Vagrant tools, described in the book, use very old versions.
Has anyone finished this book lately, could you please, provide the updated source code for this book?
Unfortunately, the old source code, prevents me from learning further.
I have managed to finish this book, but did a lot of changes to the source code: - updated source code for Notepad Spring Boot application.
Spring Boot has been updated to version 2.4.2.
I had to make lots of changes to the front-end code, to make styles displayed correctly with the latest version of Thymeleaf library.
Also did some other changes, related to update from Java8 to Java11.
All maven dependencies have been updated to the latest versions - This repository corresponds to Jorge Acetozi's "ebook-continuous-delivery-with-kubernetes-and-jenkins" repository.
"docker-images" folder contain "jenkins", "kubectl" and "maven-jdk11-git" docker image files, which are used by Jenkins pipelines
Kubernetes yaml files have been updated to the latest version of Kubernetes
Unfortunately, I couldn't manage to make acceptance tests working for "Firefox" browser, with the latest "Selenium Grid" docker images. Therefore, acceptance-tests pipeline code only contains tests with "Chrome" browser
All Jenkins files have been updated to use the latest docker images, or custom docker images, published by me in Skyglass Docker Hub. Feel free to publish them in your own docker hub, using docker files from "docker-images" folder.
"docker-images" folder contains custom docker image to run Jenkins. I recommend using this image to run Jenkins on your computer. It uses the latest version of jenkins for jdk11 and all needed plugins with the latest versions - the performance tests have been updated for the latest versions of Scala, SBT and Gatling.
These articles will help you to install Kubernetes Cluster locally, with Vagrant and VirtualBox.
Of course, I also used lot of other online resources. StackOverflow helped me a lot. :)
Have fun reading this book, hope these examples help you get the best learning experience.
Thank you, Jorge Acetozi, for this wonderful book!

Alfresco deployment doesn't work

I've created the simple example from here, then packaged it using mvn package, and made an effort to deploy the result amp file as described here. But after restarting Alfresco I didn't see any changes. There were no new variants of workflow to choose. The java -jar alfresco-mmt.jar list <WARFileLocation> executing showed that modules and org.alfresco.vti are installed in the chosen war but not a word about my helloworld workflow
UPD: I looked deeper through the tutorial and found that to add an activiti to the share u first need to add some other activiti to the alfresco. it is told there:
Open a command-line window and switch to
$TUTORIAL_HOME/workflow-tutorial-repo. Run mvn integration-test
-Pamp-to-war -Dmodule.log.level=debug. Your repo tier project will be installed and started on Tomcat running on port 8080. Open a new
command-line window and switch to
$TUTORIAL_HOME/workflow-tutorial-share. Run mvn integration-test
-Pamp-to-war -Dmaven.tomcat.port=8081
why is it so? I can't just deploy the only one project to the share but need to make a progect for the Alfresco first?
By the command you wrote you start repo. Since share and repo running on the same server they should run on different ports, so for share you need to provide another port, which is done by additional parameter: -Dmaven.tomcat.port=8081
#NikitinMikhail The quote you've added describes how to start share.
Alfresco consists of two projects (according to the maven sdk you use) which are repo and share.
Alfresco Share provides a rich web-based collaboration environment for managing documents, wiki content, blogs and more. Share leverages the Alfresco repository to provide content services and utilises the Alfresco Surf Platform to provide the underlying presentation framework.
In other words share is just separate project which communicates with repo and provides better user interface than repo.

Using Sling Launchpad for production

I was trying to understand deployment scenarios for Sling/JCR when I started wondering if I could simply use the Sling Launchpad and simply start the server using the jar. My project needs simplicity more than performance, but is there something seriously wrong with this approach? Alternatively, is there a good place where Sling/JCR deployment is discussed in detail?
I don't think we have a detailed description on how to deploy Sling applications, the best might be to ask on the users mailing list ( ) so that others can share their experiences.
As for starting with the launchpad I don't see a problem with that, that's pretty much how we are using Sling in Adobe CQ5. We have our own customized launcher that adds a few features, mostly related to upgrades management, but the basics are the same.
Although the few details of your project, I can say that Sling-Launchpad is a very useful tool to start an OSGi environment with selectable bundles. You just make a list of bundles to be included in the environment. It is very actively used in Apache Stanbol project. For the details you can investigate the various launchers of Stanbol e.g full, full-war, etc. Those launchers produce a single jar file including the necessary files to start the server.
Cryo-answer, maybe better late than never.
As long as you're not after a clustered config, the sling trunk build now has a debian contrib module that packages the launchpad jar in a debian package. It's a simplistic packaging mechanism that doesn't fully exploit all possible use cases, but it does setup logging and provide an etc/defaults for for config setup.

How to set up and use FindBugs after installation?

Good day, am a masters student who is currently working on my thesis
which involves using formal method to prove the correctness of my
application. The application is about traffic light control system and
i wrote it in java, it has a simulator that does the control. Now i
have choosing FindBugs as the tool to proof the correctness of my
Simulation system, but am having difficulty doing the set up of
FindBugs after installation. Please can you help me out with some
guide line. Am using a windows vista OS even though i have read
through the tutorial and manual i still can set it up. please help or
do i need any specification language?
Are you using any IDE?(eclipse/IntellijA)
I suggest you to use eclipse since it is free.
After installing eclipse, import you project to workspace and install the 'findbu'g plugin for eclipse. When you rightclick on your project you will see findbug option..Just 'run' that will show the bugs in your code.

HowTo create a Setup Project for AppFabric / workflow based applications

i am interested in creating a setup tool for our business application which is based on a Windows Service and some WF4 workflows, currently hosted in IIS/AppFabric.
As long as i want to provide the best possible installing experience to our customers, I want to include IIS and Appfabric Setup Prerequirements as well as a WindowsService application into one Application-Setup Project.
Is there a proper way of doing this? Can someone give me some Links and/or Tips?
best regards,
The standard approach is to build a Deployment Package and import that into IIS. Is uses Web Deploy, see for more details.
For client deployment using a setup project, I've been a fan of using WIX and an automated build script (MSBuild or Nant) in the past. It allows me the flexibility to script the build of the setup.exe, allowing me to make the changes I need (connection strings) in advance of deploying; leaving the entire process (regardless of environment [dev, prod, QC]) scriptable and automated.
For deploying the workflow components, its as simple as xcopy deployment which, like the above, is easily scriptable and automatable.
