HowTo create a Setup Project for AppFabric / workflow based applications - visual-studio-2010

i am interested in creating a setup tool for our business application which is based on a Windows Service and some WF4 workflows, currently hosted in IIS/AppFabric.
As long as i want to provide the best possible installing experience to our customers, I want to include IIS and Appfabric Setup Prerequirements as well as a WindowsService application into one Application-Setup Project.
Is there a proper way of doing this? Can someone give me some Links and/or Tips?
best regards,

The standard approach is to build a Deployment Package and import that into IIS. Is uses Web Deploy, see for more details.

For client deployment using a setup project, I've been a fan of using WIX and an automated build script (MSBuild or Nant) in the past. It allows me the flexibility to script the build of the setup.exe, allowing me to make the changes I need (connection strings) in advance of deploying; leaving the entire process (regardless of environment [dev, prod, QC]) scriptable and automated.
For deploying the workflow components, its as simple as xcopy deployment which, like the above, is easily scriptable and automatable.


How can create script to get code, publish and run it in some empty machine (NetCore WebApi)

I have a doubt.
How can i create scritps to :
Get my code from repository (GitHub, GitLab...)
Run in IIS
This script should run in windows or linux OS, and consider that i have a empty VM.
This application is an .Net Core WebApi.
I searched in web but not found an template geting code from repository.
This is doable with scripts like #Scott said and you should consider using solutions for this because there are some great free ones out there like teamcity with octopus integration. Here is what you need to consider if you decide on making scripts for this.
The vm you have is empty so the runtimes need to be installed and
checked are they compatible with code you are trying to deploy to
The scripts for some parts of deployment will need to be run under user with sufficient privileges
You will need to handle the webserver configuration with the scripts as well for all of this
And those only a few things that are on the list for that path. Now having said that there is the path of containers which handle most of this through code and can be deployed to all of environments you mentioned before and you only need to worry that there is a container service on those vm-s you want to deploy to and it will be much easier to handle since like i mentioned it is all in code and is easily changed unlike some scripts.

Cruise Control Build Strategy

We currently have CruiseControl.NET (v.1.6.7981.1) running on a 'development integration server.' We have a number of separate .NET sites that operate under the same IIS site and therefore share a 'bin' folder. This is the required setup due to the CMS implementation.
With a shared bin folder, an assembly change from one site could throw an error and affect all the other sites.
What we do is build and deploy the single site that we're currently working on to the integration environment and then spot-check the other sites to ensure they are still working.
In order to have more immediate feedback on the builds, we are looking at utilizing triggers to build all solutions at the time of a checkin of any solution. Ideally, we would like to avoid having to edit each project's configuration when a new site is developed and brought into the integration environment.
Does this sound like a sound approach or is there a better way to go about this?

How to do continuous integration for c# application?

Can anyone advise what is the equivalent of hudson for c# application?
I used to use hudson as a build server for java performing auto deployment for java web and batch job application at scheduled timing and email notify technical team
I like to ask how can i do the same for c# application.
And is there any standard plugins like static code analysis tool in the build server which i can used to scan through the codes
In addition to the great tools mentioned by jamesj, TeamCity works pretty well too. I prefer it to CruiseControl, from a configuration usability perspective, and it is free given you stay within certain constraints.
If you've already invested in TFS as a source control, though, make sure you are getting your money's worth and use it for your builds and deployments too.
If you like Hudson, take a look at Jenkins. I've seen folks using it for .NET builds as well, though I haven't personally used it, and according to their page Jenkins used to be called Hudson, so it would probably be familiar to you.
TFS is great for continuous integration, but you can also use CruiseControl.NET with NAnt. Both of these should be able to run batch jobs, send emails and run automated deployments
StyleCop and FxCop both do static checking and both can be integrated into your build process.

integrate commerce server with a Continuous integration server

Our main application uses Commerce Server 2002, we are currently in the process of upgrading to 2009. I am looking into setting up for both apps. I have it pulling from SVN and starting the build but it will fail because Commerce Server is not installed so the DLL's are not there.
I don't really want to do a full install of Commerce Server on the CI Server if I can avoid it. Does anyone have any experience / advice on setting up the CI Server / repo / project so that It would build without CS installed. currently we do not have any unit tests so that part is not an issue, its getting it to build and being able to do things like FXCop, etc.
As far as I can see, there is no problem in put just the core DLLs of Commerce Server in a "References" directory created under the same structure of your source code.
I have been using this approach in many projects without problems so far.
Maybe, the only problem you'll have now (since you are not using this approach) is that you'll need to refactor a bit your solution to put the references.

Best way to clone IIS settings to new server?

I have a number of asp and 2.0 applications that I need to move to a new Win2003 server.
I've created a test suite to verify that different aspects are installed and configured properly, but other than exporting the IIS metabase from the two servers and comparing manually, are there any tools or techniques I'm missing?
The Microsoft Web Deployment Tool should allow you to do pretty much what you want.
From the linked web site:
The Web Deployment Tool is a tool for simplifying the deployment, management and migration of Web applications, sites and even entire servers. Developers can package a Web site, automatically including content, configuration, certificates and databases. These packages can be directly deployed to a server or packaged and shared with others. IT Professionals can enable developers to deploy these packages to a server and delegate access to non-admins. IT Professionals can also use the tool in their infrastructure to synchronize servers easily on both IIS 6.0 and IIS 7.0, or even to accomplish a migration from IIS 6.0 to IIS 7.0.
When it comes to metabase edits, it allows you to easily get a list of all settings your site is dependent on, and sync these to the target server (complete with a handy 'what if' mode).
What version of IIS? (This will impact the extract steps.)
You can export settings from IIS manager and import.
If you're doing it manually then I'd use something like BeyondCompare to make your life easier.
You could write some code using System.DirectoryService to programatically compare the two servers settings, or compare a given server against an Xml file have a look at this
Look at the sdc extensions for MSBuild they let you create websites in a msbuild file so if you can verify that you can create it correctly you can just add that to your build script.
To use move your application to another IIS.
1) First use ntbackup, and backaup
the applicaton folder.
2) Export the application
configuration to a file in IIS.
3) On the other server use the
ntbackup command and then restore the
files in the same path.
4) Create the application from the
config file.
5) Adjust possible missed
6 That's it.
In our company we are migrating many .NET apps from our testing servers to productive ones, and we follow this guide.
Best Regards!
