How to set up and use FindBugs after installation? - windows

Good day, am a masters student who is currently working on my thesis
which involves using formal method to prove the correctness of my
application. The application is about traffic light control system and
i wrote it in java, it has a simulator that does the control. Now i
have choosing FindBugs as the tool to proof the correctness of my
Simulation system, but am having difficulty doing the set up of
FindBugs after installation. Please can you help me out with some
guide line. Am using a windows vista OS even though i have read
through the tutorial and manual i still can set it up. please help or
do i need any specification language?

Are you using any IDE?(eclipse/IntellijA)
I suggest you to use eclipse since it is free.
After installing eclipse, import you project to workspace and install the 'findbu'g plugin for eclipse. When you rightclick on your project you will see findbug option..Just 'run' that will show the bugs in your code.


How can I enforce Eclipse debugger to walkthrough on only my project code

I am trying to get used to Eclipse debugger. Still, it is annoying that it steps into external packages unless I add the package to the Step filtering each time I encounter a new package.
Is there a way that I can enforce the editor to walkthrough on only my project src packages?
I use STS version: 3.9.12.RELEASE
I really appreciate any help you can provide.

How to import and run Nifi source code in eclipse

How to import and run Apache NiFi using eclipse IDE. There is no documentation for development purpose, as I wanted to change the source code for UI related. Is there any guide for import and run Apache NiFi(maven project).
Below is the project structure where nifi is the parent directory and all are its module. So, how can I run run using eclipse, run configuration required.
I just wanted to modify the whole NiFi UI.
There is a very extensive Developer Guide with discussion around common development patterns and problems, a Contributor Guide with instructions for cloning the git repository and importing the code into various development environments, and I have done presentations on developing custom processors. Do these not address your questions? We are always welcome to feedback on how to improve documentation and ease of use.

Is interaction between a widget plugin and SonarQube server to do analysis possible?

Specifically, I want to run some analysis on the issues generated and rules violated. So I want to design the system to have a few click actions in the web interface of sonar and initiate the analysis in the back-end. The reason for this is that the analyses are run only during some cases and I don't want the instance with my plugin to have additional load during each run.
Also if possible could you point me in the right direction?
I couldn't find anything on here.
Please note I have been searching this very recently and am also new to SonarQube.
SonarQube server is for performing analysis only. What I was looking was for the server to give the user access to control the analysis. But using independent plugins to do static analysis could work.
I solved this issue by splitting the plugin into
A plugin for doing inline analysis work (if a need for doing our own static analysis arises)
A WebApp to classify issues, listing them by projects, etc.
This approach seemed more attractive when after discussion, we decided that all functions we wanted out widget to do, our WebApp itself could do. From SonarQube version 6.2, the ruby APIs are going to be deprecated and so moving to a REST-based approach would give an enduring solution.

How to publish a Maven project

I am developing a Java framework/API to solve a problem at a client. The code/idea is my property (not the client's). I think it might be useful for others, so I would like to publish it as a open source project.
By publishing I mean bringing it out in the open - making it available as a Maven project.
I can think of conforming to Maven structure, proper documentation/example usage available on a web site, and unit tests, maybe some code coverage threshold.
But does it have to be run by some committee? Do I have to present it to somebody? What steps do I need to take to eventually have it available as a Maven dependency?
There's no committee or approval process that I know of. All you have to do is put your code into a public Github repo. This is how open source software works.
Per Kapep's excellent suggestion below, you have to choose a license as well. Apache, Creative Commons, Gnu, MIT - these are a few of your choices. Know what they mean before you decide.
Your problem begins on that day - you'll have to make others aware of it and see if it's adopted by others. If it's good, you'll have the nice problems of dealing with a user base and having others change your code. If not, it'll languish in the repo.

Using sonar in pretty big team

We have something about 20 people in our team and we are using sonar for now to analyse new code before submiting it to the main stream. So each designer uses it's own Sonar installed on his machine.
What I'm trying to do is to create a one instance of the Sonar which each designer will be able to use. The only concern I have is what will happen if:
One designer will launch analysis on one revision of file and right after that the second designer will launch analysis on another revision of this file (in the worst case we can have a bunch of such a files). First designer won't be able to see his violations and won't be able to see code he wrote at all. Do we have some mechanism to overcome this?
What will happen if two designers will analyse the same project at the same time? AFAIK, Sonar won't allow them to do so. Any workaround for this?
Of course, we can, somaehow, create a project on the sonar side for each team member, but this has it's drawbacks, such as issues, marked as false positive in one proect won't appear as such an issues in another project and so on.
Any ideas on such an issues?
What you probably want to set up is:
a central Sonar instance that analyses the code base on a regular basis (for instance every day) based on the code located in the repository. This instance should be the reference and the project manager(s) will use it to monitor the project.
ask the developers to run local analyses before commiting their code:
either using Sonar Eclipse if you're coding in Java, C++ or Python. Everything is perfectly described in the documentation, more precisely the "Checking code prior to commit" section
or using the Issues Report plugin if your language is not supported yet in Sonar Eclipse.
