Miss rate calculation - caching

I have this problem:
A program that calculates the sum of 128x128 matrix of 32-bit integers (by rows). I have one-way cache that has 8 sets with block size of 64 bytes, considering only the access to the matrix not the instruction.
I should calculate its miss rate.
And also the miss rate by reading the matrix by column. Sorry if there are grammar mistakes, I only translated it to English.
What I've done so far is that (correct me if I'm wrong):
Integer size = 4B
64/4 = 16 (integers inside a block)
128/16 = 8 (blocks per row)
15 hit and 1 miss (each block)
120 hit and 8 miss (each row)
960 hit and 64 miss (all the matrix)
miss rate = 64/1024 = 0.06 = 6%


Tag Size and Cache Bits Exercise

I am studying for my computer architecture exam that is due tomorrow and am stuck on a practice exercise regarding tag size and the total number of cache bits. Here is the question:
Question 8:
This question deals with main and cache memory only.
Address size: 32 bits
Block size: 128 items
Item size: 8 bits
Cache Layout: 6 way set associative
Cache Size: 192 KB (data only)
Write Policy: Write Back
Answer: The tag size is 17 bits. The total number of cache bits is 1602048.
I know that this a failry straight-forward exercise, but I seem to be lacking the proper formulas. I also know that the structure of a N set way associative is |TAG 25 bits|SET 2 bits|OFFSET 5 bits|. And that Tag size = AddrSize - Set - Offset (- item size if any) thus giving the answer of 17 bits tag size.
However, how do I calculate the total number of cache bits please?
cache size in bytes: 192*1024 = 196608
number of blocks: 196608 / 128 = 1536
number of sets: 1536 / 6 = 256
set number bits: log2(256) = 8
offset number bits: log2(128) = 7
tag size: 32-(8+7) = 17
metadata: valid+dirty = 2 bits
total tag + metadata: (17+2)*1536 = 29184 bits
total data: 1536*128*8 = 1572864 bits
total size: 29184 + 1572864 = 1,602,048
There could also be bits used for the replacement policy, but we can assume it's random to make the answer work.

Direct mapped cache example

i am really confused on the topic Direct Mapped Cache i've been looking around for an example with a good explanation and it's making me more confused then ever.
For example: I have
2048 byte memory
64 byte big cache
8 byte cache lines
with direct mapped cache how do i determine the 'LINE' 'TAG' and "Byte offset'?
i believe that the total number of addressing bits is 11 bits because 2048 = 2^11
2048/64 = 2^5 = 32 blocks (0 to 31) (5bits needed) (tag)
64/8 = 8 = 2^3 = 3 bits for the index
8 byte cache lines = 2^3 which means i need 3 bits for the byte offset
so the addres would be like this: 5 for the tag, 3 for the index and 3 for the byte offset
Do i have this figured out correctly?
Do i figured out correctly? YES
1) Main memmory size is 2048 bytes = 211. So you need 11 bits to address a byte (If your word size is 1 byte) [word = smallest individual unit that will be accessed with the address]
2) You can calculating tag bits in direct mapping by doing (main memmory size / cash size). But i will explain a little more about tag bits.
Here the size of a cashe line( which is always same as size of a main memmory block) is 8 bytes. which is 23 bytes. So you need 3 bits to represent a byte within a cashe line. Now you have 8 bits (11 - 3) are remaining in the address.
Now the total number of lines present in the cache is (cashe size / line size) = 26 / 23 = 23
So, you have 3 bits to represent the line in which the your required byte is present.
The number of remaining bits now are 5 (8 - 3).
These 5 bits can be used to represent a tag. :)
3) 3 bit for index. If you were trying to label the number of bits needed to represent a line as index. Yes you are right.
4) 3 bits will be used to access a byte withing a cache line. (8 = 23)
11 bits total address length = 5 tag bits + 3 bits to represent a line + 3 bits to represent a byte(word) withing a line
Hope there is no confusion now.

Calculating the total data+overhead of a set associative cache

This is a question from a Computer Architecture exam and I don't understand how to get to the correct answer.
Here is the question:
This question deals with main and cache memory only.
Address size: 32 bits
Block size: 128 items
Item size: 8 bits
Cache Layout: 6 way set associative
Cache Size: 192 KB (data only)
Write policy: Write Back
What is the total number of cache bits?
In order to get the number of tag bits, I find that 7 bits of the address are used for byte offset (0-127) and 8 bits are used for the block number (0-250) (250 = 192000/128/6), therefore 17 bits of the address are left for the tag.
To find the total number of bits in the cache, I would take (valid bit + tag size + bits per block) * number of blocks per set * number of sets = (1 + 17 + 1024) * 250 * 6 = 1,536,000. This is not the correct answer though.
The correct answer is 1,602,048 total bits in the cache and part of the answer is that there are 17 tag bits. After trying to reverse engineer the answer, I found that 1,602,048 = 1043 * 256 * 6 but I don't know if that is relevant to the solution because I don't know why those numbers would be used.
I'd like if someone could explain what I did wrong in my calculation to get a different answer.

Calculating Cache miss rate - set associative

Piece of MIPS code:
first-node : .word 10,next-node
next-node: .......
la $s0,first-node
move $s1,$zero
la $t0,0($s0)
add $s1,$s1,$t0
lw $s0,4($s0)
bne $s0,$zero,loop
we got list of 4096 nodes,
Cache one-way
16 set
Block size: 128 byte
Virtual Memory with page size of 4KB
1) Find out the miss rate of the cache
The miss rate first 16 operation?
**The answer:**4/4+2 (4 because there are 4 instrations in the loop and 2 before loop) - 4/6 = 66 %
the miss rate 17th Iteration
The answer:
1/6 (1 because it loads a new tree (I think) and 6 is total instrations) = 17%
The miss rate 18th - 32th iteration?
The answer:
0/6 (I didn't understand why 0 if we have to load the next tree) = 0%
And the total miss rate?The answer:
4*16+1*15/16*16*6 = 5% (This part I coudn't understand)
2) How many page fault were executed?
The answer:
9 page fault
3) What is the miss rate in TLB?
The answer:
9/6*4096 0,03%
We answered all those questions in the class but, I didn't understand many of them can somebody please explain me?
Also What will be the difference between the one-way and 2-way? If it's bigger should be less miss rate,yes? the problem is how to calculate?

Direct Table & Lookup Table

How to measure memory size of an image in direct coding 24-bit RGB color model & in 24-bit 256-entry loop-up table representation. For example: Given an image of resolution 800*600. how much spaces are required to save the image using direct coding and look-up table.
For a regular 24-bit RGB representation most probably you just have to multiply the number of pixel on number of bytes per pixel. 24 bits = 3 bytes, so the size is 800 * 600 * 3 bytes = 1440000 bytes ≈ 1.37 MiB. In some cases you may have rows of an image aligned on some boundary in memory, usually 4 or 8 or 32 bytes. But since 800 is divisible by 32, this will not change anything, still 1.37 MiB.
Now, for a look-up table, you have 1 byte per pixel, since you have only to address one entry in the table. This yields 800 * 600 * 1 = 480000 bytes ≈ 0.46 MiB. Plus the table itself: 256 colors, 24 bits (3 bytes) each - 256 * 3 = 768 bytes. Negligible comparing to the size of the image.
