MVC 3 Video.Flash helper not working -

I'm trying to use the Video helper to show a flash video on a site I'm working on but nothing is showing. I tried the MediaPlayer helper and that worked fine, I've loaded up the flash video I'm trying to play in a media player on my machine and it loads and plays. I've gone right back to basics and just entered the path into the helper but still no joy. Here is the code in my view:
#Video.Flash(path: #Url.Content("~/Media/07477279-df26-4a6e-895a-2ead51d90d21.flv"))
When I looked at the HTML generated there is a there but nothing is loading. I'm stumped! Anyone got any ideas?

You'd need to use a url of a flash file (.swf) rather than the direct url to an flv, and then the flash file plays the flv.


Webview webpage + Video or Youtube

I recently found a digital billboard project called DisplayMonkey, which shows me digital content such as: images, videos, html, etc. The problem is that when you show a YouTube video or any other media this does not automatically reproduce.
To which I refer, the project that I use that would be the Display, shows me in html file all the content that I have and does it in a random way, when it comes to the video it does not reproduce it.
Need autoplay youtube or alternative server videos
The web page that the display shows me is the following:
user: test
password: 2019**
Any opinion on how you should do this? html + js code pure?
I have tried several alternatives and it has not worked for me, need help, thanks

How to play uploaded videos in an iframe on a Mac system

I have tried using iframe and also video tag and object tag to play the video. In some cases, it plays only the audio from the video, but video doesn't show up.
Secondly, the same video file plays well on a separate tab in the browser, but not within my iframe.
This issue is on all browsers on my Mac, but on a windows machine it plays well.
I finally found it. Apple has a good documentation of its own for this.
I simply had to use the embed tag properly as they have explained.

wp7 player freezes if html5 <video> and isolated storage

I have video file located in my application isolated storage and would like to play it from html using video tag. Video player runs and then hangs on "loading..". Can someone manage to get video played using html5 video tag and isolated storage?
My observations and tests (HTC HD7, Mango Beta 2 - 7.10.7712.60).
I can play this video file using MediaElement or MediaPlayerLauncher. So the file is correct.
If I publish this file in internet and change reference to absolute (src="http://absoluteUri.mp4") video file is opened correctly. So it seems there is a problem with relative path and isolated storage.
If i specify incorrect relative path I see another message so relative path in my experiments is correct.
audio html5 tag works with isolated storage files very well; video - doesn't (freezes) but works correct if I reference to audio file in internet
For "/folder/video.mp4" and "\folder\video.mp4" device opens different playback screens, but both freeze with 'loading' and 'opening' messages.
There is MediaPlayerLauncher C# class that works with "folder/video.mp4" name (doesn't freeze)and does not work with leading slash in path - "/folder/video.mp4" - throws file not found; contrariwise tag can't find file w/o leading slash, even in root folder.
Playback screens triggered by MediaPlayerLauncher and html tag look identical but in first case it works and in second it freezes.
Application overview: the app is general Windows Phone Silverlight app with embedded WebBrowser control where html is hosted. Why I need this? - I'm working on cross-mobile platform where application is defined as html + js.
Erick Fleck covers this pretty good at the MSDN forums in this blog post - . Looks like it comes down to 'where you store your content', so the other apps would have to adapt their structure if you want it to be truly xplat. Or you could do some 'adaptive urls'.

Generating thumbnails for movies from iTunes file sharing data?

i´m using the itunes file sharing feature to import customized data from the user.
I need to play videos when tapping on a customized UIButton. Therefore i want to know if its possible to set a thumbnail image from a video to each instance of MyButton.
I´ve played already with the MPMoviePlayerController and its "thumbnailImageAtTime:timeOption" function. It works great after selecting and playing that one video. But i need to generate thumbnails for all videos before.
When syncing videos on any iOS device via itunes, apple generates thumbnails for the camera roll instantly. So thats the way i´m looking for.. Any ideas how apple is doing it?
I´ve got it. Using the AVFoundationFramework with "AVAssetImageGenerator" ;)
Getting a thumbnail from a video url or data in iPhone SDK

How to script the download of "undownloadable" flash clip and then upload to youtube?

I am trying to find a way to upload the following flash replay to youtube easily
I want to do these for a large number of replays from the site. Problem is, I can't download the swf or flv somehow even after trying various flash downloader tools, such as Flashgot firefox extension.
Can anyone enlighten me as to why I can't download the replay for viewing locally, and briefly outline a way to script the uploading to youtube?
try its a greasemonkey script for facebook flash videos. I havent tried it personally but it looks like if you are on facebook you should be able to save the flv file with it
