How can I set up the same prices in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store? - google-play

I want to set up prices for consumable and non-consumable in-app products in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, but the prices are not the same in USD. I set the price in both stores to 2,29 EUR and the price is indeed the same when I purchase the in-app product in my iOS and Android application. But in USD, the Apple shows me 1,99 USD in my developer account and Google shows me 2,49 USD in Google Play Console. I have not tested if the USD prices are the same if you purchase the product in my application.
Apple Price in USD
Google Price in USD
Why are the Google and Apple prices in USD not the same?
I have just compared EUR and USD, I have not yet compared other currencies. But I want that prices in one currency(for example USD) are the same in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
What can I do so that the prices are the same in both stores?

In iOS it won't allow us to manually set up the pricing. They have fix price tiers defined for all countries & they won't keep changing frequently as per the current price trends. So for ex. if Tier 1 as per US currency they set up fix 0.99$. That is fix rate for the tier 1 & will not change.
Where as in Android version it allows you to Add pricing manually. More importantly it allows to add currency in your country's currency. So for ex. If you are from USA it will ask you to enter in USD. But you can change pricing for the other countries as well as it allows to edit the currency for the other countries.
So basically in iOS its more structured & controlled by the Apple it
self regarding the price ranges & Price tiers. Where as Android allows
you a freedom to choose prices of your own.
So in that case its very hard, almost impossible to manage the same price tiers for the both. You can try manage as nearest but it won't be accurate all the time.
Hope this will help everyone.

Not sure the above answer really answers the initial question.
The reason the pricing differs is Android will add tax to your starting price when it generates the prices for each territory, where as the App Store does not add any tax onto the price, and will just convert your price into the native currency.
It seems you can turn this behaviour off in the Play Store if you want. However, it seems very logical behaviour when compared to the App Store, which allows you to set a price, then the territory tax rate comes out of the price. So you end up subsidising users in countries with tax and making inconsistent proceeds depending on where the customer is based, unless you manually override the price in each territory with tax.
If anyone from Apple ever reads this, please add an option to bump the prices according to local tax. Plz and thanks


Adding merchants/sellers to magento site

We have to add sellers/merchants to our site.
It means, through our site, sellers have to sell the products & we have to get commission
from the sellers.
demo example :
If there are 5 sellers , buyer have to see all 5 sellers in checkout page or
related page. Also Buyers can check the nearest shop to buy the product using pin code or search box.
after they selecting nearest store, than products list should display.
IS there any good extension for this. please guide me.
There are three good market place extension. You can check their features as per your requirement:

magento - sell products in groups

I don't know what I should call this feature.
I have a catalog where I am going to sell Camera, Tv, Laptops, Memory Cards etc. and I have to set my catalog like this where I can sell Camera, Memory Card as individual products, but I want to give a feature where a customer can purchase a Camera and a Memory Card together. Say a Select Box on Camera product description page which will contain the memory cards as options and the customer can Purchase one Memory Card with this Camera. If customer does not select any option from this select box they will be charged with the price of the Camera.
How do I do this?
You could set them up as bundled products. When defining the bundle options you can select the way you wish to display them e.g. radio, drop down etc. This also gives you the ability to assign a fixed price to the bundle of products.
If you want to sell the camera at one price and the memory card at another price (i.e. they do not get a bundled price) I would recommend setting the memory Cards as related products.

magento tier pricing

In Magento, I have 4 customer groups setup, and different prices for each.
When I log in with a customer from one of these special groups, it shows the standard retail price of a product at $2.95 and a box beneath it that reads:
Buy 6 for $2.49 each and save 16%
I'm wondering if there is an easy way for it just to show the discounted price beside the retail price without all the rest of it.
I'm not sure where to start looking to make this modification...
EDIT: I'm running magento 1.5.0 - if that makes a difference.
The template change can be made at:
or if you have local templates then in there.

Magento set "please enquire for price" for product

I have a magento site, and I want to set all the products prices, baskets and checkout screens to say "Please enquire for costs" instead of trying to display actual prices.
All payment is via purchase orders, so I dont need real prices on there, and people who enter a PO number (PO is the only payment option available) already know how much their purchases cost.
Is there a way I can do this without hacking all the templates?
I'm afraid you need to change all template occurences of price accordingly.
The only way I can think of would be a type conversion in the product models from decimal to string, but that's an absolutely no go to me.
The products price attribute is involved in many calculation/sanitizing/validation processes of the Magento core modules and just would drive Magento to go nuts^^

Show price inc VAT for UK users only

How can I have my magento store display prices in the grid and list views with VAT only for UK visitors. i.e. if the visitor is not from the UK (probably based on browser detected information unless they are logged in users?), prices on the product listing page should be displayed exclusive of VAT.
If the currency is changed from GBP, vat should also not be included in the displayed price, regardless of country.
Is there another call in the Magento API to be used for this?
I see "getPriceHtml" in template\catalog\product\list.phtml and I guess this is where I might need to do some coding around?
Just not sure what, so any help would be great!
That's an interesting shop you have. You only sell to the UK and countries outside the EU? You are aware that in the EU you are only allowed to quote prices excluding VAT when you sell to companies exclusively?
