magento tier pricing - magento

In Magento, I have 4 customer groups setup, and different prices for each.
When I log in with a customer from one of these special groups, it shows the standard retail price of a product at $2.95 and a box beneath it that reads:
Buy 6 for $2.49 each and save 16%
I'm wondering if there is an easy way for it just to show the discounted price beside the retail price without all the rest of it.
I'm not sure where to start looking to make this modification...
EDIT: I'm running magento 1.5.0 - if that makes a difference.

The template change can be made at:
or if you have local templates then in there.


Magento 1.9 Custom Math Pricing / Simple Product Issue with Price

I've installed an extension, Custom Math Pricing by Mico Solutions, and I am experiencing 2 issues with my site now.
Issue 1: When I customize the product, the price is updated correctly on the product page, however, when the product is sent to the cart, a portion of the price is missing (length x price per foot). I checked in the database to look for the price and could only find records of the wrong price so the price is only showing for the product page. The portion of the calculation that is missing from the price includes an attribute which is set as a variable rather than custom options. The custom options calculate perfectly.
Issue 2: When I customize a simple product and add it to the cart, I cannot go back to that product page and customize it a second time, the price remains fixed on the "base" price. Let's say the product has a base price of $10.00. When I customize it, the price stays at $10.00 but is different in the cart. I have to delete my browser cache and cookies in order to customize it again and by doing that, my cart is emptied.
So my question is, where in the code can I find the pricing that is being sent to the sales_flat_quote table in the database. Additionally, how can I debug or correct the issue of customizing a product a 2nd time?
It seems like you've got an issue with conflicting extensions. Your best bet is to go to the Admin modules section (Admin > System > Configuration > Advanced > Advanced) and disable anything else that appears to deal with product pricing. Reset the cache and index and try again. I am somewhat familiar with this extension and it's not compatible with configurable products... make sure your products are simple product types when adding products.

tier prices / configurable Products - doesnt work

im using Magento
Im offering configurable Products with different Flavours
For Example:
My products is available in Vanilla and chocolate.
1x item 50€
2x items 45€
When the customer choose 2x Vanilla - he get the Price of 45€/Piece. But if he choose 1x Vanilla and 1x Chocolate he have to pay 50/Piece.
Can anyone tell me - how i can fix this Problem?
Tier price was made for selling packs of simple products.
I suggest you to take a look at Shopping cart price rules.
They are more flexible in configuration.

Magento products use a custom price when added to cart

My client has a Magento catalogue of thousands of simple products (wheels & tyres). Some of these wheels & tyres can be purchased together as a package (4 wheels & 4 tyres), and in this instance they can be purchased for a lower price, which I'd ideally like set as a separate price attribute.
They cannot be bought for these reduced prices individually though.
I have already created a custom form and controller for adding these products to the cart using the standard price, which works fine, but I need to make it so that it uses the reduced 'package price' for each unit instead.
What I've Tried
I have tried using tier pricing, but this doesn't work because as soon as someone buys 4 tyres on their own, they'll pay the package price rate.
I've tried setting a custom price on the product when adding to cart, which works but obviously creates that price for the product for general purchase so isn't an option.
What I Need
I need to know if there's a way that I can create a discounted/custom price on the products added to the cart using my custom form? I've scoured the forums but I'm not come across a solution yet.
I don't mind using an observer if need be, but I'm a bit stuck right now! I know that once in the cart the products get their prices directly from teh database so I don't know if something has to be done to the quote object instead?
Any help or advice much appreciated.

Magento Configurable Product Page RRP Updating

We have a configurable product made up of simple products all with different prices and RRP's when on the product page you select the simple product from the drop down it updates the price however it doesnt update the RRP.
Is their a way to get the RRP to update as well as the price?
I am not sure what RRP (Recommended Retail Price?) is but I think you may want to look at Magento's event system and look for the product_save_before event.
You can create an extension that will inject code just before the product saves that can modify the product. In this case you want to change the RRP.
Hi yes RRP is RRP (Recommended Retail Price?) In terms of the product_save_before is that tied to the option drops downs generated from the simple products? I might have no mentioned but this is the front end of the site. When a users selects the simple product on the website it to change not just the sale price but the RRP as well thats shown (RRP is stored as an attribute along with the price)

Magento bundle products special price for child item only

I am trying to create a possibility on the webshop to create packs of products. A pack is for instance a product (let's say a digital camera) and multiple accessories (extra charger, memory cards, ...). The point is to push the customer into buying the product together with accessories by giving a discount if you buy all these products together.
What I've done so far
I've created a bundled product in magento where each product is a bundle option. This way I managed to display the pack correctly and I'm able to set a special price for the pack as a whole.
Where I need help with
For this pack I should be able to set the price of the children (the option products) for each option. Currently the price can only be set for the whole package and I require it to be changed like a special price. Basically you would have a special price only if it is in a bundle product and the price should be set specifically for the bundle.
By default, a quantity can be set with bundled options, so I guess this can be extended to something where I can set a price. Can anyone point me in the right direction of give me some code examples of how this can be done?
In case this should be necessary, we are running Magento Enterprise
Thanks for your help!
Since nobody came with a solution I will answer my own question... I actually was on the right track and just had to change the price type to "fixed" when you create a new bundled product. That way, the price can be set per item individually which was what I wanted.
The rest was just a simple matter of coding the bundle products to display nicely, f.e. as simple items separated by a "plus" sign or something like that. I also removed the unit prices so only the bundle price is visible, but the prices are still set correctly. Also the base price (bundle price) should be set to 0.
And that was it, not much coding, but more bad luck I started with "dynamic" pricetype instead of "fixed".
