Adding merchants/sellers to magento site - magento

We have to add sellers/merchants to our site.
It means, through our site, sellers have to sell the products & we have to get commission
from the sellers.
demo example :
If there are 5 sellers , buyer have to see all 5 sellers in checkout page or
related page. Also Buyers can check the nearest shop to buy the product using pin code or search box.
after they selecting nearest store, than products list should display.
IS there any good extension for this. please guide me.

There are three good market place extension. You can check their features as per your requirement:


How to setup Products in Magento CE, if owner wants to sell some gift boxes along with the products

Just stuck while doing setup for Magento products. How am I supposed to create product and associate some multiple options for Gift boxes.
So that, when a customer selects a product, a number of gift boxes will be displayed (optional for customer).
I am confused between group products and bundle products.
which one would be better to do so? Please guide me.
I think you should see about the cross-sells.This can fulfill your requirement. Have a look to the below link for general overview.
If you want to choose the product type among above two, I think you should go with Bundle product. But may not fulfill your requirement. Have better understanding about these product types and choose the best according to your requirement.

Magento: Add multiple products to cart at once

I have a number of configurable products in Magento CE 1.9
I would like to give users the ability to view a product and add multiple sizes to their cart with one click .
Product Title
Small : Select Quantity
Medium: Select Quantity
Large: Select Quantity
Add to Cart
The cart would then need to show how many of each size has been selected and show the total cost for that product.
Is this doable, and what is the best approach?
Many thanks
You could do it but it would be a lot of information for your customer, so what in my experience solves best you problem is to use an ajax cart module, that can add products to cart without leaving the pages, so if the customer want many sizes or colors, he keep adding the one he want.
Here follow a module that is already developed, but if you want a custom development my company can do for you just get in contact with me. ( module: <---- not my company module but worked once with a customer)

Buy X product and get Y another product for free of same category in Magento

How to implement shopping cart price rules which allow a customer to buy X product of one category and get Y another products of same category for free?
I have followed and implemented the instructions according to the link:
and tried to implement all other ideas. But I am not able to implement it in proper and correct manner.
I have created an observer for the requirement of custom discount. Please find the files in
and follow the instructions.

Limit cart to 1 product per attribute/type - Magento

Our company sells pharmaceuticals online and by law we are limited to how much of a particular drug a customer can purchase.
For singular products with one brand this is easily controllable through default Magento functionality, my problem arises when we have different brands of a particular drug.
In a nutshell I can currently limit a customer to 1 pack of paracetamol from brand A but there is nothing to stop them getting another pack from brand B at the same time.
I would like to be able to check the cart for products with a particular attribute and limit them to 1 per cart. Ideally this would be when the customer clicks add to cart and the message would be displayed via the default Magento alerts that we currently have.
EDIT: I think the easiest way to solve this would be to check the SKU codes currently in the basket when adding a product to the cart. If there is a match, Throw up an error else add the item to the cart.
I think this link will help you but you need to modify as per your requirement.
This link is to check the cart whether the same product is added or not? So modify this as per you requirement
You can set maximum allowed quantity in cart from admin panel. System->configuration. From left tab see catalog->inventory. Set Maximum qty allowed in shopping cart to 1.
If you want to add check on whole cart. see this paid extension

Magento Configurable Product Pricing

I need some help with finding out how to work the Configurable Product attributes in Magento. I'm using Magento for a restaurant site and I need to be able to make different sizes of a food item at different prices but I want to keep them using the same product. So for example it would be like this.
Small Pizza 8.95
Medium Pizza 9.95
Large Pizza 10.95
But instead of having three completely different products, which I believe would complicate things very much so for the consumer, I would like to have one product that would allow the user to choose what size and be able to see what the price of it.
Checkout these tutorials
Video tutorial
its very simple.Just create a configurable product, and you are done!!!
Go through this link:
