Windows 7 remote desktop connection conflict with FTP Serve? - windows

Today I was connecting to another computer using Windows 7 remote desktop connection and I just setted up a IIS FTP server on this computer. Then I changed the inbound rule of windows 7 firewall to allow FTP service. After finishing that, I lost connection with the computer and could not connect to it using Remote Desktop Connection. Why will this happen?

I know another solution for this problem on OnlineVNC basis. OnlineVNC it is a remote desktop with
embeded FTP server inside which does not conflict each other. Very easy to set up and fast. Maybe it will be help full for you.


Conflict with VPN client and SQL Server Express

I have a Windows application running locally on a Windows 10 PC that connects to a SQL Server Express database that is also installed locally on the PC. The PC also has a VPN client on it. Whenever the VPN client is logged onto a network, the Windows application cannot connect to the SQL Server database. So, I have to go into SQL Server Configuration Manager and change the setup from using TCP/IP to use Shared Memory. Then everything works fine. So, I assume both programs are using the TCP/IP stack and are conflicting with each other. The VPN client is typically connected continuously all day. Would anyone know why there would be a conflict here? Thanks.

Windows Server 2012 can be remote by mstsc but failed to ping

I setup a new server with windows server 2012 system to do a server migration. I can remote the server via mstsc. But failed to ping the server. The server can ping outside successfully. My computer and server are not in the same lan.
I started the echo recall ipv4-in service. But it didn't work.
I have no idea about how to enable the ping on my sever.
I would appreciate it if anyone can give some suggestion about how to make me ping the server successfully.
Thank you very much in advance.
If you are facing any issue with remote Desktop(MSTSC), first of all, you have to ensure that MSTSC is enabled in your client machine as well as server
If MSTSC is enabled in both then check in the server there is a policy on sever who can access via remote Desktop(This policy is about RDP version which version of MSTSc can access the server remotely select the lower version which is having in your client.
For getting ping first you have to ensure that both (Client machine & Server machine Should be in the same network it applicable when you are accessing the server locally )
Also once you check the firewall setting in your client machine if the firewall is enabled, then if possible then disable the firewall of the client machine if not possible then allow the ICMP Protocol in the firewall rule.
Once you have done all these steps your problem will be solved.

Not able to access TFS on Windows 10

I'm trying to reach a TFS server (either via VS2015 or Web) from my Windows 10 dev box with no luck. I keep getting timeout error
This server is on a remote network that I access via VPN.
I've tried on different Win10 boxes, and it is the same problem.
People in the local network (no vpn) also tried on Windows 10 with no luck
If I access the server on a Windows 7 dev box, everything is OK.
I am able to access a different TFS server (located on my domain network) correctly; same port and protocol.
I disabled the computer firewall
Any clue?
Try to use the IP Address such as instead of http://compandyname:8080/tfs

Detect RDP Session on Remote WinXP machine (not on local network or domain)

I have set up a Win XP machine at work that we use as our server, to allow RDP connections. This allows all our staff to access the server from home when needed. As it is not a server OS, we are missing many of the terminal services features a regular server would have. The machine only allows one RDP session at a time (which is a minor inconvenience, but not a big deal).
What is bothersome, is that no one can tell if the server is currently being used in an RDP session, and we all keep booting each other off. Every solution I have found online assumes the remote computer is a Server OS or on a local network/domain. Our staff's home computers are not connected to the office network and we have no domain set up at the office.
Is there any way to tell if the server is in an RDP session before remoting onto the server from home? Ideally we would be able to detect which home computer is accessing the server. But if that is not possible, it would be extremely helpful to at least know that an RDP session is running.
We were previously using logmein, which could tell us if the remote computer keyboard and mouse were active and allow a chat with the user currently remoted on/physically on the machine. This was extremely convenient, but involves logging onto the logmein website and going through a semi-lengthy process of connecting. It is also much slower and resolution is much worse than RDP. Not super convenient for regular daily use.
This post deals with the same issue
but the accepted response is to use qwinsta on cmd, which I believe is only available on server OS's. Other responses include using psexec (I've tried using psloggedon.exe, but this appears to only work for users on the same domain). Another suggests using the wmic.exe command, but when I try that I get the error: The RPC Server is unavailable (I think this also needs to be run on the same domain).
So basically - is there any way to check for active rdp sessions on a Win XP machine from a remote computer not on the local network/domain?
I'm open to outside-the-box solutions like writing a simple app to run on the xp server and tell remote machines what IP is connected in an RDP session.
Going on Harry Johnston's suggestion, I wrote an app which finds who is connected to the xp machine on port 3389, and relays that information by udp to receiving apps. Now we can check if someone is connected and who it is before unwittingly booting them off. Thanks Harry!

Windows 7 running as server

I'm developing a program using Windows 7. There are WCF services (soap, rest) that are used by currently by Silverlight but very soon I'll start development of the mobile application that would make use of these services.
On day to day basis I use Mac and Apache to host my website, but during the development of this program I would like to use IIS7 to put my services online. I have absolutely no problems to access all the services via localhost but as soon as I'm trying to connect through the internet I get "The connection has timed out".
I'm sure that my router is configured right as it works perfectly fine when I'm on Mac OS, but it looks like Windows simply blocks incoming connections from outside; I cannot even connect from another computer on the same network.
So is there a way of using Windows 7 as server with IIS7 or is it only possible with Windows Server? I know it might be like enabling/disabling one setting somewhere but I just cannot find it.
Please help.
By default, the Windows 7 firewall doesn't have a port 80 exception for IIS, you will need to either add an exception or disable the firewall to be able to connect from another machine.
Windows has a built-in firewall that is probably blocking the connections. Type "firewall" into the control panel search box to find the settings to allow stuff through/turn it off completely.
