Script to remove file from a single target - ruby

We're building an app that has different versions for different countries.
As part of a localisation effort I'm aiming to write a script that swaps certain asset files with another based on the language parameter.
I've written a python script for this using a python library, but that has a bug where on editing the files xcode doesn't really recognise the structure anymore and we have to restart xcode.
So the newer approach is to use this ruby gem.
I am fetching the project and I can access the files
project =
target = project.targets.first
files =
But I can't find anything in the documentation where it would allow me to remove a file from just one target.
I have thought about creating a new target and adding all the files except the one I want deleted.
But I think that seems overkill for the issue we're trying to solve.


React Native - multiple targets

I'm creating a RN app that is meant to be some kind of wrapper. It should have multiple targets (like in Xcode) and all its content (images, text, etc.) should be target dependent. Unfortunately, I cannot find any useful informations about how to achieve this without opening Xcode or Android Studio project and create those targets manually (like here). Is there any other solutions for this?
I was still struggling with described problem but I finally found a solution. It's not easy, needs writing a bit of boilerplate code and looks more like a workaround but I hope it will help someone in the future. What I did is I have completed my wrapper app with the resources for one of my targets so I can have visual effect. In the project's root directory I've created a folder with subfolders for each target. Inside each I have put files (images, source code files, other assets) that are target-dependent. Then I've created bash script that takes one argument - target's name. Based on it, it replaces all the target-dependent files from target's subfolder to the original file's destination in the project structure. In this proces all meta-data informations are also replaced so after firing .sh file I can build the app and upload it to both stores. It's really time consuming to create all these apps separately and publish them and it's maybe not the best solution, but at least it works!
On android, you can edit build.gradle files, java or properties, without having to launch Android Studio (which simply uses Gradle)
You can build different type flavours by only changing app/build.gradle
On iOS, that's another story. Project file (.pbxproj) is a mess,and other Workspace/Scheme files are not easy to read or script. So XCode is the way to Go.
I tried to have dynamic target & Info.plist, there are tools to script that like PlistBuddy
in the end, I saw there are many ways to launch a React Native app for developpers. Some prefer the command line, and only VSCode.
Others want to play with native IDE.
By the way, native IDEs are VERY useful.
e.g. : you want to fine-tune your application performance, using XCode view hierarchy debugger or android Studio Layout Inspector (and be sure you don't use to many views), or use any other performance tools these IDEs offer...
In the end, I used react-native-config along with multiple almost similar configs (Info.plist < target < Scheme for each), here's a post giving an overview of the setup.

Force Xcode to update project files

OK, here's my issue :
I'm using Xcode 4.6 under Lion
In my current project I've added several "real" folders (either with sources or with resources) which Xcode represents as "Groups"
However, whenever I add another file in one of my already-imported folders, the file doesn't show up (but instead I have to manually drag each new file to its appropriate location).
Well, given that my project is comprised of hundreds of different files, and that files are being added constantly, this seems like an overkill.
I realize this may have to do with Xcode's Group-centric approach, but it still bothers me.
So, is there any workaround? Any ideas?
As for many IDE, it won't scan changes of new files in included folder, to prevent accidental add of extra codes that will break the compile process. If you really want to do so, write a script to add all files in the folder and run it at pre-compile stage, i.e. in Xcode, "External Target"

XCode: Project portability: How to handle code files shared between applications?

As I create more applications, my /code/shared/* increases.
this creates a problem: zipping and sending a project is no longer trivial. it looks like my options are:
in Xcode set shared files to use absolute path. Then every time I zip and send, I must also zip and send /code/shared/* and give instructions, and hope the recipient doesn't have anything already at that location.
this is really not practical; it makes the zip file too big
maintain a separate copy of my library files for each project
this is not really acceptable as a modification/improvements would have to be implemented everywhere separately. this makes maintenance unreasonably cumbersome.
some utility to go through every file in the Xcode project, figure out the lowest common folder, and create a zipped file structure that only contains the necessary files, but in their correct relative folder locations, so that the code will still build
(3) is what I'm looking for, but I have a feeling it doesn't as yet exist.
You should rethink your current process. The workflow you're describing in (3) is not normal. This all sounds very complicated and all basically handled with relative ease if you were using source control. (3) just doesn't exist and likely never will.
A properly configured SCM will allow you to manage multiple versions of multiple libraries (packages) and allow you to share projects (in branches) without ever requiring zipping up anything.

Where to put content, in Installer project (WiX) or in code project

So I see two solutions to my current problem, but I was wondering what the pros and cons are, or if there is a defacto best practices approach.
So my current project has a number of configuration files, help files, and other external content. I need this content local to run and debug the application. Currently we duplicate this content in a standard windows installer project. This clearly is a bad idea. We are moving to a new setup that uses the WiX installer, and I'm currently setting the project up next to the code project and trying to figure the best way to share resources. I see two solutions.
One is that I can put all the resources in the WiX project and then add them as links in the code project. This way I know what I'm debugging is installer.
The other option would be to leave the content in the code project and path into it in the installer using the reference variables.
Right now it seems 6 one way, half dozen the other. Any persuasive arguments for either method?
Assuming that these configuration and help files are going to be installed in the same directory as the executables then definitely put them in the code project, mark them as Content, and add a reference to the code project to the installer project. If you're using WiX 3.5 the files will be automatically included in the installer along with the executables, which makes writing simple installers much easier.
For earlier versions of WiX or more complex deployment scenarios (where the content files could be going into different directories) you would still put them in the code project but then you'd use File elements with a relative path or reference variable in the Source attribute to include the the content files from the code project directory.
I don't believe that putting the content files in the WiX installer project directory instead of the code project directory will do anything to ensure that the version you use to debug will be the same as the version installed. That can only be ensured by thinking through the process of how your application finds these content files and making sure the right versions are found.
So going back to the simple case where the content is in the code project and marked as Content, and it will be installed and loaded from the same directory as the executables, then it is only a matter of setting "Copy to Output Directory" to "Copy always" or "Copy if newer" and then you can be sure the versions used in debugging and the version installed will match.

Xcode file system

I am using Xcode as part of my build for OS X, but since it is not the only IDE used, files may be added from the file system directly.
As far as I can tell, there are two ways of adding folders:
Folder reference picks up all the changes on the file system but does not register any of the files as sources.
Recursive copy allows for the files to be built but I need to constantly maintain the file structure
I am wondering if there was a way to setup Xcode to build all of the files that are a part of the folder reference or failing that, if there is a quick script to automagically fix file system discrepancies.
I came up with proof-of-concept solution that works, but will require some work to use in production. Basically, I set up a new "External Target", which compiles all source files in a given directory into a static library. Then the static library is linked into the Main Application.
In detail:
Create a directory (lets call it 'Code') inside your project directory and put some source code in it.
Create a Makefile in the Code directory to compile the source into a static library. Mine looks like this.*****
Create an External Target (lets call it 'ExternalCode') and point it to the Code directory where your source and Makefile reside.
Build the ExternalCode and create a reference to the compiled static library (ExternalCode.a) in the Products area of your project. Get Info on the reference and change the Path Type to "Relative to Built Product".
Make sure ExternalCode.a is in the "Link With Binary Libraries" section of your main target.
Add the ExternalCode target as a dependency of your main target
Add the Code directory to your "User Header Search Paths" of your main target.
Now when you drop some source files into 'Code', Xcode should recompile everything. I created a demo project as a proof of concept. To see it work in, copy B.h/m from the 'tmp' directory into the 'Codes' directory.
*Caveats: The Makefile I provided is oversimplified. If you want to use it in a real project, you'll need to spend some time getting all the build flags correct. You'll have to decide whether it's worth it to manually manage the build process instead of letting Xcode handle most of the details for you. And watch out for paths with whitespace in them; Make does not handle them very well.
Xcode's AppleScript dictionary has the nouns and verbs required to do these tasks. Assuming your other IDE's build scripts know what files are added/deleted, you could write very simple AppleScripts to act as the glue. For example a script could take a parameter specifying a file to add to the current open project in Xcode. Another script could take a parameter to remove a file from the current project. Then your other IDE could just call these scripts like any other command line tool in your build script.
I'm not aware of any built-in functionality to accomplish this. If you need it to be automatic, your best option may be to write a Folder Action AppleScript and attach it to your project folder.
In all likelihood it would be a rather difficult (and probably fairly brittle) solution, though.
It's not pretty, and I think it only solves half your problem but... If you recursively copy, then quit xcode. Then you delete the folders, and replace them with simlinks to the original folders, you at least have files that are seen as code, and they are in the same files as the other IDE is looking at... You still will need to manually add and remove files.
I sort of doubt that there's a better way to do this without some form of scripting (like folder actions) because xcode allows you to have multiple targets in one project, so it's not going to know that you want to automatically include all of the files in any particular target. So, you're going to have to manually add each file to the current target each time anyway...
One way to import another file from add/existing file:
and set your customization for new file that added .
see this
