XCode: Project portability: How to handle code files shared between applications? - xcode

As I create more applications, my /code/shared/* increases.
this creates a problem: zipping and sending a project is no longer trivial. it looks like my options are:
in Xcode set shared files to use absolute path. Then every time I zip and send, I must also zip and send /code/shared/* and give instructions, and hope the recipient doesn't have anything already at that location.
this is really not practical; it makes the zip file too big
maintain a separate copy of my library files for each project
this is not really acceptable as a modification/improvements would have to be implemented everywhere separately. this makes maintenance unreasonably cumbersome.
some utility to go through every file in the Xcode project, figure out the lowest common folder, and create a zipped file structure that only contains the necessary files, but in their correct relative folder locations, so that the code will still build
(3) is what I'm looking for, but I have a feeling it doesn't as yet exist.

You should rethink your current process. The workflow you're describing in (3) is not normal. This all sounds very complicated and all basically handled with relative ease if you were using source control. (3) just doesn't exist and likely never will.
A properly configured SCM will allow you to manage multiple versions of multiple libraries (packages) and allow you to share projects (in branches) without ever requiring zipping up anything.


Why Derived Data - why do we need it

For years I have just blindly excepted that once in a while I need to delete the Derived Data folder.
The Internet - mostly comes up with ways to delete it :-)
Can someone explain why we need Derived Data and not just have output relative to each
project in Xcode - I am sure it is something smart, but what?
I know how to change it, but it is more if there is any thoughts behind having it.
I also know how to git ignore.
So if it is for speeding up builds, there must be a way to reference other Derived Data frameworks in projects?
The module-based nature of Swift building and linking requires the creation of dozens of ancillary files (apinotesc and pcm files) in the module cache. It is cheaper and (subsequently) faster to create these once for all projects. Thus the default is that there is one location for one module cache.
Another advantage is that when cleaning up the derived data files (which take up a lot of room) — as you yourself admit one needs to do from time to time — it is easier to find them all if they are in once location together. Imagine if they were distributed inside every individual project folder!
Can someone explain why we need Derived Data and not just have output relative to each project in Xcode - I am sure it is something smart, but what?
The files in the derived data folder are intermediate files. Having them around let's Xcode avoid doing work that it has already done previously, and so speeds up your builds. If you delete those files, there's no long-term harm done -- Xcode just has to go and create them again. That takes time, so your build will take longer, but otherwise you'll get the same result.
The reason not to put them in the project folder is that they're not really party of the project. If you use version control (you do, right?), you wouldn't want to have to configure your software to ignore parts of the project, and you wouldn't want to commit any of those derived data files either. And again, removing the derived data files doesn't change the project at all; it only changes what Xcode remembers about the project from one build to the next.

Relative file referencing with SVN on Windows

I have a project with a sizable codebase. Associated with that codebase is a large amount of documenation that needs to maintained at the same version as the source code and which also needs to be easily accessible from within the codebase. However when our build machine builds the codebase I do not want the length of our build process extended by having the build machine checking out hundreds of megabytes of development documentation which is not needed for the build.
If this was on Unix I could simply have a 'docs' directory at the peer level of the codebase's 'source' directory. Then individual projects in the source tree could reference documentation in the docs tree using symlinks, and when the build machine does a build it would just check out the source directory and so not waste time checking out the unneeded docs directory.
However using SVN on Windows I don't see any way to set this up in a sensible way at all since SVN doesn't support symbolic links on Windows, even though Windows has them.
The only workaround I've come up with so far is to create batch files in the source tree which use cmd.exe and a relative file reference to open the documentation files in the docs tree. It works, but for some reason I can't quite put my finger on it leaves a nasty taste in the mouth.
Can anyone think of a better way of achieving this?
After some research I think I have a solution using the externals property.
Firstly using the svn:external property to reference a directory in the same repository. Set this on trunk/Proj1 to create Proj1/Docs referencing the contents of DocsDir/Proj1Docs
../DocsDir/Proj1Docs Docs
This creates a disconnected child working copy inside Proj1/Docs which references /DocsDir/Proj1Docs. Proj1/docs must not previously exist as part of the outer working copy (which makes sense since that would make it part of two working copies at once). If you edit the contents of Proj1/Docs then executing svn status inside the 'parent' working copy will list the changes to the child working copy, but you have to commit the changes to the child copy separately. Which is not a big deal.
Secondly using the svn:external property to reference to a file in the same repository. Set this on trunk/Proj1 to create Proj1/Readme.txt which references DocsDir/Readme.txt.
../DocsDir/Readme.txt Readme.txt
In the case of a file reference the directory in which the referenced file is imported must already be part of the owning working copy. In this case no child working copy is created and if you edit the file it is commited seamlessly as part of the owning working copy.
In both cases the build machine can execute
svn checkout --ignore-externals <path>
to checkout our codebase without all the bulky documentation.
Can anyone see a problem with this strategy?

Anhksvn + Visual Studio - working with linked files

I could use some advice.
I'm in the process of adopting subversion, and I'm trying to put some existing Visual Studio 2010 projects into a repository. I have the current version of AhnkSvn.
The projects I have are organised as;
Where Project_A, Project_B and Project_C may all refer to one or more files in "Common_Code"
In visual studio, these files will have been added using "add as link".
There is no actual project in "Common_code" just a collection of useful code files, which we're likely to re-use in different projects.
(If we have a module or class which is re-used in various projects, then we often keep a single master copy in 'common-code', and link to it.)
Visual Studio has no problem with this.
When I add any of the actual projects to subversion, all of their own files are added just fine, but the linked files are ignored.
(And as a consequence, if I then get a working copy of those files, then it's just the project files which get handled, I won't get a copy of the linked files.)
If I right click on any of the linked files, I the only subversion options I get are to refresh their status or to select the working folder.
I was wondering what the correct way to handle this situation was ?
Any advice would be much appreciated
Thanks !
if I understand your question correctly then I think SVN is acting in the desired way. A linked file is merely a reference to another file. That reference exists only in the .csproj file which is checked in. It would not make sense to have two copies of the same file in source control, and it could lead to versioning issues. The first time you checkout your repository doing a build on your projects should copy the files from Common_code to the places that they're linked.
As an aside we've had alot of random issues with .csproj linked files and SVN, and so try to avoid linked files where possible. A better way to re-use files across projects is obviously just to embed them in a library and then reference that library. This should work fine with the exception of certain files like Javascript/CSS.
Also you may want to check out SVN externals, a workmate mentioned this can be used to share common libraries between multiple projects, although as a disclaimer I haven't tried this myself and can't comment on the merits or drawbacks of the approach.
Thanks for the advice, I actually did something similar to your suggestion.
I didn't want to make a full blown library, but I did make up a dummy project, and put my shared files into that.
Then I added the dummy project to the repository.
AhnkSvn now seems to be satisfied that the linked files are under subversion control, and seems to handle them just fine.
(I haven't added any reference to the dummy project to my existing projects - they just use the linked files as before - but now AhnkSvn shows me their status, and allows me to get the latest version, and commit changes.)
I can see the case for having a proper library - but that would have meant modifying a large body of existing projects. This approach lets me get up and running with Subversion without requiring those changes first.

How do you keep Xcode project source files in sync with your file system directories?

I'm new to XCode and I find the file management a huge pain. In most IDEs, you can simply have the project source tree reference a directory structure on disk. This makes it easy to add new files to your project - you simply put them on disk, and they will get compiled automatically.
With XCode, it appears I have to both create the file and separately add it to the project (or be forced to manipulate the filesystem through the UI). But this means that sharing the .xcodeproj through source control is fraught with problems - often, we'll get merge conflicts on the xcodeproj file - and when we don't, we often get linker errors, because during the merge some of the files that were listed in the project get excised. So I have to go and re-add them to the project file until I can get it to compile, and then re-check in the project file.
I'm sure I must be missing something here. I tried using 'reference folders' but the code in them doesn't seem to get compiled. It seems insane to build an IDE that forces everyone to modify a single shared file whenever adding or removing files to a project.
Other answers notwithstanding, this is absolutely a departure from other IDEs, and a major nuisance. There's no good solution I know of.
The one trick I use a lot to make it a little more bearable — especially with resource directories with lots of files in them — is:
select a directory in the project tree,
hit the delete key,
choose "Remove References Only", then
drag the directory into the project to re-add it.
This clobbers any manual reordering of files, but it does at least make syncing an O(1) operation, instead of being O(n) in the number of files changed.
I'm intrigued which IDEs you're using that automatically compile everything in a directory, as no IDE I've ever used does that (at least for C++). I think it's pretty standard to have a project file containing a list of all the files. Often you may want to only include certain files for different targets, have per-file compiler settings, etc.
Anyway, given that that's how it does work, you really shouldn't have too many problems from merge conflicts. The best advice would be commit early and often so that you don't get out of step with other people's changes. Merely adding files to the project shouldn't result in a conflict unless they happen to be added at exactly the same point in the project tree. We've been using Xcode in our team for years and we very rarely get conflicts: only if someone has restructured the project.
Fortunately, because the Xcode file format is text, it's generally quite easy to resolve conflicts when they occur, unlike the Bad Old Days of Codewarrior with it's binary format.

Xcode Project Resource Organization and Structure

I am relatively new to Xcode and one thing that has bothered me is that when I add a resource it gets added to the top level directory of my project directory. So for example, at the moment, all of my images are at the top level directory and it makes things look messy. I rather would've liked, for example, to have an images/ folder and then sub-folders within that to store images for certain things, like tab-bar/ icons. Is this possible? Or is it convention to just keep everything in the top level directory?
Someone in the #iphonedev channel at freenode told me something about the build process rule or something, it just seemed too complicated I figured I shouldn't bother, and that most people just kept things at their root directory considering the complexity of the solution. Perhaps it isn't all that complicated though, I just felt it should be easier.
For example I would also like to have a sub-folder for my views, like views/ that stores all of my nib files; currently they are all in the top level directory. And the same goes for my property lists.
I would appreciate it if you could tell me what the convention is, I doubt it is to just store everything in the top level directory. And I'm referring to the actual file system, not simply creating 'virtual folders' in Xcode to organize things, because the top level directory of my project will still be a mess. And if it is possible to organize things better, I would appreciate any detailed help on how to accomplish it.
I think I have heard that in the final build, the entire file structure gets squashed to the root directory. I don't mind so much about that, I just want things to be organized while I am working on my project. I think this is where that 'build rule' thing comes in, but I'm not sure how or what to do.
Here's a little more explanation of Graham's suggestion:
Create an images directory
Create an images Group in Xcode
Right-click the group and Get Info
"Choose..." to set the group's directory to be your images directory
Now, anything you put in the images group will automatically go into the images directory. That's true if you drag/drop from within Xcode, from other other projects or from Finder, or if you Add New... by right-clicking on the images directory. (This assumes you leave the default setting of "relative to group" in the info pane.)
This will work for anything you put in that group (NIBs, etc).
For imageNamed:, you just give the base name.
My recommendation is to keep a small number of filesystem directories, and mostly organize with groups in Xcode. But I agree, a small number of filesystem directories are very helpful. I put all my source code in a Classes directory (just because Apple used that name; I would have picked "Sources" or something). I also have a Resources directory at the top level and generally create images and audio directories under that. But I don't generally create a lots of real directories beyond that. This keeps things a bit tidier, but makes it easier to grep and wildcard things with the shell.
Beyond shell tools, the big advantage of organizing by groups rather than directories is the impact on version control systems like subversion. When you suddenly realize that your "Views" group is way too big, you can reorganize it without taking the huge impact of moving files around.
The accepted answer didn't work for me in Xcode 4.3.2. Looks like they removed the "Get info" menu option. Instead I did this:
Created the directory on disk where I wanted it.
Went to the file menu
Right clicked on the group I wanted to add to
Selected "Add Files to PROJECTNAME"
Added the files from the directory I created in (1)
Life is hard for IDEs. They have to mediate between a filesystem world, where the compiler, with its source files live, and the UI world, where programmers work.
In the old times that formed the contemporary coding culture, everybody, compilers and people, used to live all togheter in the filesystem. So today we still have a tendency to think we want to control where sources and resources reside on the disk. That is good, because we may need to know exactly what compilers eat.
Anyway if you think your IDE just as a the frontend of a funny database system of source code and if you really have full confidence about its capabilities and features (which is seldom the case), you may get to the conclusion that if you just don't care about the filesystem you may have a better life, as a programmer (and as a human being).
You're right wondering, because Xcode is not very good nor friendly about filesystem code organization and people that is (correctly) picky on that will learn how to move files on their right folder on disk, and on their right Xcode group. That, if you use the "Create folder references for any added folders", have a 1:1 relation.
But you will see many people, and many project examples from Apple itsef, that use a simple flat filesystem tree with everything in the same folder.
My advice is that you at least group public headers and resources in different folders, something à la Java/Maven, but there is no universal convention.
It's actually really easy to get from where you are to where you want to be. Create the images/ folder and put all the images in it. Now in the project window in Xcode, the image files have gone red because they aren't in place any more. Get Info on them, and "Choose..." the new location.
Note that just because you've moved the file in the source file system (known as $SRCROOT), there's no change to the way the file is used in the product. If it got copied into Contents/Resources/ before you moved the file, that's where it gets copied to afterwards. No subfolder will be added at the destination.
