Phonegap Build with Android target 28 - phonegap-build

I am developing a simple app that sends a POST message to a server. I'm using phonegap build online service.
When I set Android target 28:
<preference name="android-targetSdkVersion" value="28" />
the app works fine in a tablet with Android 7, but does not work in my phone with Android 9 (it behaves as it does not have internet permission, POST message stays pending in the debugger)..
If I set lower targets (I tried all from 24-27) the app works fine in both devices.
I have
<access origin="*" />
so this is not the issue.
Debugger console does not complain about anything. Also I don't see anything strange in the build log, apart from the ugly message:
WARNING: Overriding compileSdkVersion from android-25 (default) to android-28
WARNING: This is unsupported, please consider updating your phonegap version instead
Any ideas? I'd like to stick with the online builder if possible.

I think it is simply not supported by PhoneGap Build at this time.
The latest version of the PhoneGap CLI that you can build with is 8.1.1, which uses Cordova Android version 7.1.2. Android SDK 28 support was added in Cordova Android 8.0.0 and is currently not supported by PhoneGap Build.
PhoneGap Build added support for Cordova Android 8.0.0 with PhoneGap CLI 9.0.0, which you can use by adding <preference name="phonegap-version" value="cli-9.0.0" /> to your config.xml.


Unable to find Android SDK API 28 [Appcelerator Titanium]

I am trying to run my code on Android emulator in Appcelerator Titanium but error comes during compilation time.
Unable to find Android SDK API 28
I am running this code on latest Titanium SDK version 8.0.0.GA
I have downloaded Android SDK 28 API and created new Android emulator.
Still not fixed. Help.
If you use appc ti setup android in a terminal is the PATH to your Android SDK correct?
I've also found in the past that there can sometimes be updated agreements that must be accepted in either XCode or Android Studio in order to proceed.
If you downgrade your Titanium SDK version to 7.X will it still build fine?
I faced this issue and nothing helped. Install Android 9.0 (API 28) and things will work like a charm.

Your application is using the 'HealthKitUI' framework

I recently updated Xamarin. Ever since that time, I have been unable to build my iOS application due to this error:
Your application is using the 'HealthKitUI' framework, which isn't
included in the iOS SDK you're using to build your app (this framework
was introduced in iOS 9.3, while you're building with the iOS 9.2
SDK.) This configuration is only supported with the legacy registrar
(pass --registrar:legacy as an additional mtouch argument in your
project's iOS Build option to select). Alternatively select a newer
SDK in your app's iOS Build options.
Has anyone else seen this? I haven't changed anything in my code.
Looks like you need to upgrade to Xcode 7.3. Could you perform that update and let us know?
iOS 9.3 requires Xcode 7.3 support, these were added in Xamarin.iOS
Also, check out the following for information on iOS SDK releases against Xcode releases.

VST for Cordova only support API Level 19?

The requirements for the Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova specify that SDK for the API Level 19 must be installed. Do that means that apps created with it will only run on android KitKat devices? Any way to target older devices?
Please review the following article for reference:
Cordova targets a single SDK (currently 19 though a upcoming release will move this to 21). However this is just the SDK used to build - by default Cordova apps can be deployed on devices running API level 10 or higher (2.3.3). Unless you're creating a custom plugin that will use an API only available on Android 5.0, you won't be affected by the SDK used.
The Android tab on the config.xml designer allows you to set alternate values for what goes in "AndroidManifest.xml" file, but the build itself will always use SDK 19.
Android 4.4.x (API level 19) is required by Visual Studio to build app or create app package targeting Android platform not for running the app. You can create Cordova app targeting device running Android released before KitKat.

PhoneGap Build doesn't update the app

PhoneGap Build shows successful build and log for Android, shows updated version on the PhoneGap Build web page, but when I install Android shows old version and the APK file is also old. I know for sure because I just put 2Mb of dummy images and the sise of the APK hasn't changed, so the problem is with build
Edit: it was a 1-day glitch, it works OK now
we see this problem every now and then. Our solution to it is to remove and ad back in the affected platform. Assuming you are also using the latest cordova tools do the following:
cordova platform remove android
cordova platform add android

Debugging phonegap app in netbeans

I want to make phonegap app in netbeans 8.0
I have my tablet connected with USB and I can run my app on tablet from netbeans.
Problem is that I can't debug. All console.log massages are ignored in netbeans.
How can I have debug infos in netbeans?
You left some details. What OS (Android, iOS...)? Which OS version? What Cordova version do you have?
For Android, you must have Android 4.4+ and then you will be able to debug Cordova application (NetBeans does not support Phonegap). Now important is also version of Cordova. With Cordova 3.3, nothing else is needed. However with Cordova 3.4, the android manifest file has changed and it was too late to handle this change in NetBeans 8.0. Have a look at this issue 242320 how to enable debugging with Cordova 3.4+ in NetBeans 8.0
Now if you have iOS, you need to be on Mac and have proper iOS developer certificate.
