Your application is using the 'HealthKitUI' framework - xamarin

I recently updated Xamarin. Ever since that time, I have been unable to build my iOS application due to this error:
Your application is using the 'HealthKitUI' framework, which isn't
included in the iOS SDK you're using to build your app (this framework
was introduced in iOS 9.3, while you're building with the iOS 9.2
SDK.) This configuration is only supported with the legacy registrar
(pass --registrar:legacy as an additional mtouch argument in your
project's iOS Build option to select). Alternatively select a newer
SDK in your app's iOS Build options.
Has anyone else seen this? I haven't changed anything in my code.

Looks like you need to upgrade to Xcode 7.3. Could you perform that update and let us know?
iOS 9.3 requires Xcode 7.3 support, these were added in Xamarin.iOS
Also, check out the following for information on iOS SDK releases against Xcode releases.


Setting the SDK for ios build

I uploaded my first Nativescript app to the apple app store and got a message that my build used SDK 11 and was ok, but future releases will be required to use SDK 12. I have been unable to find where you set the SDK the compiler uses. I have used a combination of command line to build at times, but usually the Sidekick app. Can someone help me know how to get my project to use SDK 12?

Creating a LiveCode IOS standalone application

I just started to use LiveCode and tried to create a standalone IOS app and get the following error:
"There was an error while saving the standalone application performing
iOS device builds requires the iOS 5.0 SDK platform to be installed"
We are using Xcode version 4.5.1 which includes the IOS 6 SDK along with LiveCode version 5.5.1 and thought that all needed SDK's would be installed when we installed Xcode.
We also don't know where to get the IOS 5.0 SDK and how to get it installed in Xcode so LiveCode can use it.
You only need iOS 5 SDK if you are deploying an armv6 or universal app. If you are deploying armv7 only then you won't get this error if you have iOS 6 or 6.1 SDKs. If you do that though your app won't support older armv6 devices from iPhone 3G back. When the standalone is built LiveCode needs the SDK that the engine was built against. This is why when a new SDK comes out LiveCode won't support it until its next release. If your using LiveCode it's worthwhile getting into the habit of retaining each version of Xcode.
Try upgrading to Xcode 4.5.2 and then take a look at this link:

Program run on iOS 5.1 device can't find SDK with Xcode 4.5

When i run my project at iOS 5.1 simulator , it shows
yld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _objc_setProperty_nonatomic_copy
Referenced from: /Users/apple/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications/3A003E5F-2C66-494F-BCC1-C3EE82F01464/
Expected in: /Applications/
And I don't have 5.1 SDK. But why library search path is 5.1 not 6.0?
All my project and be run at iOS 6.0 device, but when I install then at iOS 5.0 or 5.1 device, it crash and show like the following message.
Please give me some help, is it necessary for iOS 5.1 SDK to run iPhone 5.1 simulator?
I had the same problem and found that I had simply forgotten to change the target platform in an included project. Xcode automatically switches target to the latest iOS when upgrading. Just changing the target for the included project fixed this.
I have met similar issue, and solved by set the deployment target to 4.3 (the same as my app's minimum version) for each static library depended on.
I found that the static library depended on was 6.0 as default, and that must cause some library missing when the compatibility was needed for lower version.
For libraries, such as pods, its in the build settings at iOS Deployment Target.

How to develop iOS 3.1.3 app in Lion?

I want to develop application for iOS 3.1.3 in Lion OS (10.7.3). Can I develop it? What Xcode I must use to develop iOS 3.1.3 app? Now I use Xcode 4.2.1 and I can create iOS 3.1.3 project cause iOS 5.0 have a different type with 3.1.3.
Thanks before. Regards. :)
You can download additional SDKS from the XCode->Preferences->Downloads. Install older iOS SDK's and simulators, as well as debugging tools from here. After downloading the iOS 3.x and 4.x SDKS, you can build apps that will run on older iOS versions. You then need to set the build versions in the project settings to whatever SDK you want to build. However, you must know that while developing for older versions is a great practice, it may end up being a lot of extra work because different features are not supported (I.e. ARC memory management). Lastly, building for iOS 3.x may be less-useful at this point, because iOS 3 is going to be deprecated in the upcoming months. Just a few things to consider.
To Change your IOS SDK setting . Simply create your new project and click on your project tab(LEFT PANE).
After that select PROJECT in next LEFT PANE .
After this new tabbar appeared there is 2 tabs INFO/BUILD SETTING .
In Base SDK menu you can select your required SDk to develop your application.
Hope this will help you.

How to add a "Base SDK" in XCode 4?

I currently use XCode 4.0 with Base SDK 4.3.
I would like to compile my app with an older SDK, for example 4.2, but I don't have this possibility as I have no other choice than SDK 4.3.
Do you know how to add older SDKs than the default Base SDK 4.3 proposed ?
Thanks a lot !
You cannot do that. Xcode versions are released along with iOS SDK's. They are linked together i.e particular Xcode version can compile the code on the specific iOS SDK only (which it come with by default).
To compile your code in lower version of SDK, you need to download the lower version of Xcode
by changing the iosdeployment target you can run this.
for this,
go to the targets in the xcode and get the info .There you can find the second tab that you have search field.type the ios deployment target.change that to 4.2.So that it can run on 4.2 also
In build settings, under Architechtures, you have something called as Base SDK .. you can change you base SDK there and set it to the latest ios version you have installed.
