How to import settings into CLion afterwards? - settings

CLion had upgraded itself automatically and asked me to import settiogs from old version which I refused.
Can I import these settings now?
If I am doing File -> Import Settings and choosing any of
and so on, it says it can't find
If I compress /home/MYNAME/.CLion2019.1 and try to feed CLion with it, it says
Is it possible to import, or train is gone now?


Couldn't import package when I download it using pip download <name_of_package> ? It went to Lib and I am unable to import it

I am just learning coding
I wanted to download a package from using the pip function . but after I downloaded it , I wasn't able to import the openpyxl package . I checked where the openpyxl file was that I had downloaded and found the it was in lib\site-packages directory instead of being in a sit-packages which is a different directory.
*In the picture if have taken pictures of all the visible information that I could find out about this problem and put it one picture, I hope you can understand what my question is by the image .
*Also should i be worried about the red color text that is showing in my terminal .
please if you can help , that would be great , I use windows 10 with python 3.10.
I have taken multiple pictures of messages that I could see then put them all in one picture using photoshop , that is why the picture might look inaccurate , I just wanted all the information to be in one picture , hope you can understand my question, and i would be great full if you could help .
You have installed openpyxl to your global python, but your project in python is using a virtual environment that has its own set of packages. To install into the environment used by your project go (in Pycharm) to File -> Settings -> Project -> Python Interpreter, then hit the small plus button, search for openpyxl and hit Install Package

Error in Design studio while importing t24 versions

I am trying to import Temenos T24 versions from DataBase to Design Studio. I can easily import all kinds of data using import option in DS, except T24 Versions which are not importing. And while importing I got error message like "Unable to import, Unordered add not supported". Any idea regarding the import versions in data.eson format?
You need to import T24 Versions using option "Import T24 Screens", and you need to import the versions, i.e. screens under "xxxxx-models" project. Best to create a separate folder, like "L3" under your "-models" project.
Same goes for Enquiries, Menus, Composite Screens and Tabbed Screens.

GoLand package index breaks when using multiple versions of the same module

I need to use both a v1 and alpha version of the api in a project I'm working on. The need to use the alpha version came up after already using the v1 version for quite a bit of code, and I need to use both versions at once.
When I import the alpha version, GoLand indexing breaks and I lose auto completion and get a bunch of red text/lines in my packages that import alpha. Though, go will still build/run the code just fine.
I've tried clearing my GoLand cache and re-indexing, but am still having the same issue. I've also cleaned my go cache with go clean -modcache and go mod tidy to download and checksum everything again.
Is there something I'm missing that would make this an issue in GoLand, but my go code still builds and runs fine?
You can navigate to the package sources by pressing Command/CTRL+Click on the import statement and find compute-gen.go file and size limit warning. The IDE behaves as expected.
As a workaround, you can invoke Help | Edit Custome Properties... and add the following line idea.max.intellisense.filesize=8500000, restart GoLand. But please keep in mind that the IDE can be slow when dealing with large files even if they're not open in the editor.
You can read more about the file here.

How to add frameworks in Xcode 8.3.3

I'm having trouble adding a Framework I have in my local computer to my Xcode project. My intention is to import it as follows in my code:
import IOBubbles
This is a private framework, and it is not on the internet, CocoaPods, etc. I have tried this, so far:
Attempt 1:
File > Add files to "test-bubbles-project"
Selected directory for the IOBubbles.framework
That did not work.
Attempt 2:
I also tried:
Targets > Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries > '+'
Add Other
Selected directory for the IOBubbles.framework
Attempt 3:
Then, I tried to go to /Applications/ and copy my framework to in there. I then imported from the Developer Frameworks folder. That did not work either.
For all attempts:
However, whenever I used
import IOBubbles
I got an error,
No such module 'IOBubbles'
I've looked at past questions attempting to address the same problem, however, I only found solutions for Xcode 4. I tried similar solutions above, but none of them worked. Please can you suggest how I should go about adding my framework by import IOBubbles, or any alternative which will allow me to use the classes/functions in the framework?

Go Wants to Import Package From Comment [duplicate]

New Go programmer here -- apologies if this is well worn territory, but my google searching hasn't turned up the answer I'm looking for.
Short Version: Can I, as a programmer external to the core Go project, force my packages to be imported with a specific name. If so, how?
Long Version: I recently tried to install the bcrypt package from the following GitHub repository, with the following go get
go get
The package downloaded correctly into my workspace, but when I tried to import it, I got the following error
$ go run main.go main.go:10:2: code in directory /path/to/go/src/ expects import ""
i.e. something told Go this package was supposed to be imported with This tipped me off that what I actually wanted was
go get
I'd like to do something similar in my own packages — is this functionality built into Go packaging? Or are the authors of crypto/bcrypt doing something at runtime to detect and reject invalid package import names?
Yes it's built in, I can't seem to find the implementation document (it's a relatively new feature in 1.5 or 1.6) however the syntax is:
package name // import "your-custom-path"
// edit
The design document for this feature is
// edit
#JimB pointed out to, and in the go1.4 release notes:
