Error in Design studio while importing t24 versions - jbase

I am trying to import Temenos T24 versions from DataBase to Design Studio. I can easily import all kinds of data using import option in DS, except T24 Versions which are not importing. And while importing I got error message like "Unable to import, Unordered add not supported". Any idea regarding the import versions in data.eson format?

You need to import T24 Versions using option "Import T24 Screens", and you need to import the versions, i.e. screens under "xxxxx-models" project. Best to create a separate folder, like "L3" under your "-models" project.
Same goes for Enquiries, Menus, Composite Screens and Tabbed Screens.


How to import settings into CLion afterwards?

CLion had upgraded itself automatically and asked me to import settiogs from old version which I refused.
Can I import these settings now?
If I am doing File -> Import Settings and choosing any of
and so on, it says it can't find
If I compress /home/MYNAME/.CLion2019.1 and try to feed CLion with it, it says
Is it possible to import, or train is gone now?

How to "Import in flutterTest Widget"

I'm a beginner in the developers world and i'm getting myself ready with Udemy Assit Video tutorial by Paul Dichone so i'm having a little problem which i need help on.
this is what am supposed to import
'import: ./ui/home.dart'; in containers and layouts so i'm using visual studio code and what it gives me is
'import 'package:intro_layout_containers/ui/home.dart';
How am i going to get it right?
These two are equivalent.
It is just a different syntax:
import './ui/home.dart'; is a relative import
import 'package:intro_layout_containers/ui/home.dart'; is an absolute import.
But the imported file is the same

Import mobile specific nativescript plugin in NathaWalker angular-seed-advanced

I recently started working on Nativescript. I found NathanWalker's angular-seed-advanced quite interesting. I am facing one issue in that. How do I import mobile specific nativescript's plugin in my components as that component is being used for web app too.
If I import directly nativescript plugins in src/client/app/components then Web app will not work as expected. I need to know how to import plugin safely so that both web app and mobile app work as expected
You can import mobile specific items in Root module file which is - native.module.ts.
Code organization section in the same seed project read me file gives good picture of what file is for what, including the above one.
Hope this helps :)

Is there a way to import an ArgoUML model into Modelio?

I'm trying to migrate an ArgoUML file to Modelio. According to my understanding, both support XMI, but somehow this still doesn't work. When I export my ArgoUML data to XMI, Modelio won't import it, I get the following error:
Failed: file content is not recognized as a valid model.
So.. is there a way to get around this? ArgoUML is version 0.34, Modelio is version 3.1
In fact the formats supported by both tools are different.
ArgoUML exports in UML1.4/XMI 1.1 format and Modelio imports in UML2.x/XMI2.x format (adopted in 2005...), that's why your ArgoUML exports are not recoginized by Modelio import.
Obviously one workaround would be to transform UML1.4/XMI1.1 in, at least, UML2.1.1/XMI2.1... I just google "transform UML 1.4 2.1" and I found the following site but I did not test it!!!

Downgrade / import XPO from 2009 to 4.0

Is there any tool / automatism to import an XPO, exported from AX 2009 to AX 4.0?
The straight way does not work, since properties listed in XPO differ, e.g. I get the exception that import has been cancelled because of "...PROPERTY found, DATASOURCE expected..."
Only information I found is the one linked
Any tipps are appreciated!
After testing and trying - import partitially works.
What I'm missing are:
indices on tables
fieldGroups on tables
deleteActions on tables
relations on tables
You can't out of the box "downgrade" projects. You can migrate code to the next version but you can't go backwards.
With that said, if you can import some kinds of objects is by accident, but it is not a supported feature. But you can export objects one by one (or type by type) and then try to import the ones that don't fail and replicate manually the ones that throw errors.
Another "solution" is try to modify the XPO manually based on the received errors during the previous step, but this is totally undocumented and will be doomed to try-and-error.
